Rob Snieder PA3ERC
norf at euronet.nl
Mon Oct 30 18:49:00 EST 1995
160 515 524 1.02 10 55
80 928 1058 1.14 16 67
40 1520 2322 1.53 30 115
20 1961 4826 2.46 40 140
15 1077 2725 2.53 35 126
10 274 432 1.58 18 59
Totals 6275 11887 1.89 149 562 => 8,451,657
Operator list:
10: 7 elem monobander 24 meter tower
YAESU FT102 400 watts
15: 5 elem monobander 24 meter tower
4 elem monobander 18 meter tower
KENWOOD TS850s 400 watts
20: 4 elem monobander 24 meter tower
YAESU FT990 400 watts
40: 2 elem monobander 28 meter tower
KENWOOD TS940s 400 watts
80: 1/4 wave vertical
3 beverages JA/USA/VK-ZL
YAESU FT990 400 watts
160: dipole
3 beverages JA/USA/VK-ZL
YAESU FT990 400 watts
Logging: CT9.26 in network
We had a very succesful contest, lots of activity on all bands. Unfortunately the 40 meter beam rotor did not work any more
sunday afternoon, but most of them where worked. The 80 meter vertical did not work as good as we hoped but the new 40 meter beam
did a beautiful job. Anyway we have lots of things we can improve before the CQWW CW starts. We like to thank everybody who worked
Note about split on 40/80 meter:
Because everybody is always listening on a whole frequency it would be a nice idea to call on a
middle frequency, in that way more stations can use the frequencies
and you have less change somebody else is calling cq on your listening frequency. For example, we call on 7045.5 listening 7224
and the USA is transmitting on 7225.5 and listening 7047. Think about
it, it might help if we stick to such a scheme.
73 de Rob
see you in the -.-. .-- contest.
>From David & Barbara Leeson <0005543629 at mcimail.com> Mon Oct 30 19:58:00 1995
From: David & Barbara Leeson <0005543629 at mcimail.com> (David & Barbara Leeson)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 95 14:58 EST
Subject: 2-Radio Audio Switching
Message-ID: <94951030195849/0005543629NA3EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
I use a 1K pot to adjust feedthrough from one ear to the other, which is
helpful although it doesn't create a true stereo effect. It depends on the
headphone impedance, but the typical value is between 60-100 ohms.
There is a standard DPDT switch called ON-ON-ON which does the whole job
of A-Both-B headphone switching. Look on the package or the switch
itself. In the center position, A is connected to one ear and B to the
other. The standard audio cable color-coding is red for right, white fo
r left.
If you want to use a DSP filter, you can just connect both stereo outputs
from a typical JA radio to one cable for filter input, connect the output
to both inputs to the switch box. Some filters have a low-value resistor
at their input (simulating a speaker) which you'll want to remove for
headphone use, and some have an awkward floating ground setup at their
Hope this helps. Dave, W6QHS
>From villi at teleste.fi (Ville Lintervo) Mon Oct 30 21:03:53 1995
From: villi at teleste.fi (Ville Lintervo) (Ville Lintervo)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 23:03:53 +0200
Subject: oh1jd part-time, cqww
Message-ID: <95Oct30.230401+0200eet_dst.32810+26 at linux.teleste.fi>
Hello fellows,
Raw score for OH1JD at 20 m single
1536 31 88 ==> 484,092
Operation time 18 hours
I wasn't lucky enough to attend full-time at this competition, but sure enjoyed
every single QSO I had. US pile-ups were greater than ever within these two
seasons I've been using this setup. Rates were getting up to 240 Q/H working US.
Low multiplier numbers were due to my short time of operation and will to just
work pile-up this time.
Bands were crowded, but I survived (at least the first day was enjoyable).
Thanks for anyone who contacted my modest station (according to finnish
standars, and apologies to fellows that didn't get throug the QRM of 59+.
OH1JD is
Rigs: ICOM IC765, YAESU FT102
Amp: Homebrewed 2 * 3-500z
Ant: 5 el at 140 ft , 5 el at 73 ft , fixed stack
(will use additional 3 el in CW)
73 's Ville OH1JD villi at teleste.fi
>From Gary Nieborsky <k7fr at ncw.net> Mon Oct 30 20:07:49 1995
From: Gary Nieborsky <k7fr at ncw.net> (Gary Nieborsky)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 13:07:49 -0700
Subject: cqww ssb results
Message-ID: <199510302112.NAA15687 at bing.ncw.net>
Well here it is.
Call: K7FR Country: United States
Mode: SSB Category: Multi Multi
160 0 0 0.00 0
80 18 31 1.72 5
40 62 158 2.55 16 32
20 348 943 2.71 29 81
15 422 1165 2.76 27 66
10 35 105 3.00 4
Totals 885 2402 2.71 81 189
=> 648,540 pts. 23 hrs op.
Ops - K7FR, K7PK, W7WMO, N7AUV
1. I need a better antenna on 80M. Frustrating to call a +20 station and
get no response.
2. I took the 'get fresh blood into contesting' concept to heart. The other
3 ops hard never done a HF contest
seriously. Had a steep learning curve on don't listen to 'em, work 'em.
3. COMTSR3 insisted on coming up as IRQ 9. Worked until 2AM friday
figuring that out.
4. Great opening on 20 Sunday. Another day like that would be nice.
Antennas etc.:
Tower 1
160 - maybe by CW
80 - Vee at 100'. Any body got any idea on how to improve?
40 - 401.75CD at 102'. Cap hat fell off on one element hence the 1.75.
10/15/20 - KT34XA at 111'
Tower 2
TH6DXX at 60'
DXCC in one weekend.
Having Gene, W7WMO, agree to come back for a return engagement for CW.
Not breaking 1000Q's
See #1
Gary K7FR +++> CU in SS!!
>From Steven Affens <k3sa at access.digex.net> Mon Oct 30 21:11:06 1995
From: Steven Affens <k3sa at access.digex.net> (Steven Affens)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 16:11:06 -0500 (EST)
Subject: K3SA CQ WW SSB Score
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951030160657.20572A at access1.digex.net>
160 2 2 2
80 4 4 4
40 16 6 15
20 197 30 91
15 104 20 68
10 37 9 21
360 71 201
Score 271,184
Steven C. Affens
>From Randy Thompson <k5zd at iconics.com> Mon Oct 30 21:07:23 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at iconics.com> (Randy Thompson)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 16:07:23 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Sweepstakes Stories
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.951030160239.633K-100000 at genesis.iconics.com>
Greetings fellow SS'ers!
I will be doing the Sweepstakes write-up again for QST. I will be
interested in all of your stories and experiences following the contest.
We especially need some pictures. The choice is always very limited.
You don't have to take a great shot to make the magazine.
Someone else can collect the scores after the contest.
Send your logs and photos to ARRL.
Send me your notes, joys, sadness, special competitions, etc.
Good luck -- and have fun!
Randy Thompson, K5ZD
k5zd at iconics.com
PS - I will be in San Jose, CA next week Nov 7-10. Anyone want to meet
for dinner Thu night? I will listen to you talk about running
guys on 15m in SS if you will let me talk about running Europe in WW!
>From jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid) Mon Oct 30 22:14:23 1995
From: jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 12:14:23 -1000
Subject: Ref: I don't believe it! 950 Died.
Message-ID: <199510302214.MAA18961 at hookomo.aloha.net>
Sent the rig off to the Kenwood service center in Long Beach
on Thursday, who knows when it will return.
Great guy, John, KH6FMT offored his extra TS-430S for the contest
weekend, and the duration of the Kenweed repair. Unfortunately, the
users manual could not be found; the problem was that for SSB the
430 seems to be either on or off, depending upon the setting of the
mike gain; above 20% or so clockwise, it was full on, below, off.
So the thing would drive the 800CXS's is the 67A to over 105mA.
Not really good, I decided. So only worked 60 or so Q's in the
CQWW. A;bout 25 or 30 of those to SA on 10 meters. Heard no other
areas of the world on 10 here in KH6 land.
Heard much neat DX on 20, inc. 2 or 3 EA8 stations; but could not break
thru the mainland QRM. One EA8 stood by for calls from any where else
except tne NA continent; after two callers, a W2 called him, and all you
know what broke loose again from the mainland! So much for standing by
for other DX besides NA in a contest!
Decided after a couple of hours, that the high grid current (which drove the
87A to 1.5kW even in the so called Low Power switch setting! and off the
red LED scale on High Power) would soon damage the tubes, so packed
it in, and just listened for awhile.
In general, it seems everyone had their beams pointed anywhere else in
the world except to the Pacific region during the opening hours of the
That makes it pretty tough for us to compete! I called and called many
that never responded, even with all the 87A red LED's on! Did hear a few
at last calling for the Pacific, we were out here as there were several KH6
stations on:
WH6R was having a great time!
Heard soom neat stuff on 80 meters early Saturday morning(5:30AM and on,
or 1545 UTC) but my dipole signal didn't raise a single response. Even had
gotten an e-mail the day before from a Ukraine station advising that they would
be listening for my signal at 3777 about 1545 UTC both mornings, but I
didn't hear
them, nor, evidently did they hear Hawaii.
Of course my rotor motor is at CATS for repair, so kept running outside to
hand turn the beam, which kept wanting to turn the reflector against the
trade winds.
A frustrating weedend, hope the 950SDX and rotor motor are back sooner than
I fear; perhaps by Christmas?
73 and Aloha,
Jim Reid, AH6NB (Happily retired on the Island of Kauai)
Hawaii, USA Email: jreid at aloha.net
>From Randy Thompson <k5zd at iconics.com> Mon Oct 30 21:12:50 1995
From: Randy Thompson <k5zd at iconics.com> (Randy Thompson)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 16:12:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Last two letters...
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.951030160810.633L-100000 at genesis.iconics.com>
People seem to be insistent on using just the last two letters when they
call. This is now part of the culture. (It's actually not bad at times,
although never as good as giving the whole call.)
But, we need to have a convention as to which two letters they are
giving. It should always be the last two letters of the call.
I hate those guys who give the middle letters, since I have to do so many
keyboard gymnastics. Type two letters. Press home key. Type first part
of call. Arrow right twice. Then type last letter. Ugh! Not to
mention how much more work it is to build the call using super check
partial this way.
When I say last two letters, I mean it!
Randy Thompson, K5ZD
k5zd at iconics.com
>From Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at almaden.ibm.com Mon Oct 30 21:55:15 1995
From: Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at almaden.ibm.com (Dick Dievendorff)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 13:55:15 -0800
Subject: Contest packet spots
Message-ID: <9510301355.ZM22042 at penguin.almaden.ibm.com>
I enjoy Single Op Assisted in CQWW SSB.
The recent addition of the "Band Map" feature in a couple of popular contesting
programs presents a very useful display of what's been spotted on the band.
I suspect that the "rules of thumb" regarding what is a good thing to spot
might have changed.
It's clear that we should report rarish new mults when we encounter them (maybe
after we work them).
It's less clear that I should report PJ9B's new run frequency if he's moved
from one end of the band to another.
But what should I spot as I tune across the band?
What do you other SOA guys say? Do you want EVERYTHING reported? Should the
"rules of thumb" for spotting change given the Band Map feature? What are
those "rules of thumb"?
Please respond to me directly, and I'll summarize the results.
73 de Dick, AA6MC
dieven at almaden.ibm.com
>From Linda Luther <Lbylll at LBY.pcmail.levels.unisa.edu.au> Tue Oct 31 14:01:00 1995
From: Linda Luther <Lbylll at LBY.pcmail.levels.unisa.edu.au> (Linda Luther)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 08:01:00 -0600 (CST)
Subject: CQWW phone 1995
Message-ID: <3096540B at itu-pcmailgate.levels.unisa.edu.au>
TO:- Contest Reflector
FROM:- Martin VK5GN
Claimed score using CT running under windows95
Well some Jeremiah said there was no way THEY would
risk it. I guess I'm a risk taker!!!
Single Operator All band
160 2 2 1
80 44 13 14
40 312 20 63
20 240 28 77
15 1261 24 69
10 162 17 34
2021 110 258
10 open to europe....wow ...not seen that for a long time
This was not just E's either
Nothing broke....yet!
CT worked okay in its new operating system.
For details see seperate message on CT reflector
Excitement second night about 1a.m. (local).I started hearing a
tic..tic..tic noise in both receivers. Static. it begins to build
until on the 80 quarter wave it is steady at 40 over nine (Icom 765).
No thunder storms and no forecast of such activity.
No rain etc. Some wind but not especially strong - 15knots.
I pull the coax to the vertical from the bulkhead and
the static discharges by arcing across the connector.
Good juicy blue flashes.
At this point I convince myself that it is time for 3hrs in
bed!! I put everything to safety and the static had gone when I
came back. However, this morning the main receiver sounded deaf
and removing the beverage switcher has solved that so I think
the static has done the relay contacts in there. HA! I left
the beverage connected didn't I?
Any weather experts out there know what this was? There was no
normal thunder activity and has been none for a few days.??
Score this year nearly the same as last year.
I thought I was doing better?
Still too slow in the night hours and still no African Mults
I must have wasted nealy a whole contest by now calling various
african stations especially a particular nice guy contester who
ascends from the tail end of the alphabet. I work them when we
get long path but short path I'm always behind them.
I think I need Tim the Toolman to assist with a bit of extra
I enjoyed myself as usual. Thanks for the contacts.
I'll be on the CW to hand out contacts
......remember you hairy chested ape men....
QRS means slow down to my speed.!!! NOT see if this clown
can get a QSY request at 35wpm (However, it is claimed I
can copy an offer of a free beer at any speed!!!!!)
Regards to all
Martin VK5GN
(LINDA.LUTHER at unisa.edu.au)
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