Scott Ginsburg
ginsburg at BayNetworks.com
Tue Oct 31 08:28:56 EST 1995
Call: WA2CJT Country: United States
Mode: SSB Category: Single Unlimited
160 0 0 0.00 0 0
80 8 16 2.00 3 4
40 12 33 2.75 5 11
20 180 518 2.88 17 67
15 238 672 2.82 23 76
10 34 91 2.68 8 13
Totals 472 1330 2.82 56 171 => 301,910
Total time: 14 hrs
Equipment Description: FT-990, 100W, Tennadyne 10 el LP @ 50', 150' ladder
line fed long wire inv vee @ 50'
Club Affiliation: none, but I think I should probably join YCCC one of these
All I can say is wow! This was my first serious effort from home,
first time with CT (v9.23), first just about everything. I spent the
entire 14 hours just hunting and pouncing, never called CQ once. Best
band for me was 15M. I could spend hours working up one end and down
the other, each time filling the log with new EUs. A couple more hours
and I think I could have easily broken .5 meg, but keeping peace with
the family took precedence :)
The big disappointment was not having better antennas for 80/40. My wire
just doesn't cut it, at least not on SSB. Also wish I could have logged
more mults.
The scary part of this is that I think I'm hooked. This stuff is fun!
Scott Ginsburg Voice: 508-436-3836
Bay Networks - Wellfleet Internet: ginsburg at baynetworks.com
2 Federal St. Amateur Radio: WA2CJT
Billerica, MA 01821
>From Richard Wilder - K3DI <wilder at clark.net> Tue Oct 31 13:58:27 1995
From: Richard Wilder - K3DI <wilder at clark.net> (Richard Wilder - K3DI)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 08:58:27 -0500 (EST)
Subject: USA SSB in 40m CW band
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.951031081258.23458F-100000 at clark.net>
I found myself transmitting in the 40m CW band with SSB. But, I did not
VFO there. My radio, eager to work another DL, jumbed their by itself.
The radio was in control without regard to my (skillful?) operating.
I only think I know what happened -- I have not checked this out.
I was using "point and shoot" capability of CT-9.23 with a TS-940.
(It was a borrowed radio -- first I have operated a Kenwood with CT.)
Great! Hit Ctrl-RtArrow, it stuffs frequencies into VFO A and VFO B,
I key the rig, and another one is in the log. But, when I hit a
spot without, for example, "QSX 7178", the radio ends up simplex on
the DX. I am on a roll and too slow to see the "SPLIT" light popped
off. I call and work the DL using simplex on his frequency.
Then I see a nasty-gram on the bottom of my screen, "40m wrong VFO."
The DL doesn't tell me I am out-of-band becasue he has two receivers and
stereo earphones. I am gone before he realizes I was speaking into the
wrong ear.
Post contest, I assume the above is what happened. (I didn't get any
flames via Internet and I read that FCC is down-sizing. Maybe I
snuck out of this without any injuries.)
Ain't this high-tech stuff great!
73, Dick Wilder, K3DI wilder at clark.net NE-cluster >W3LPL
>From Richard Wilder - K3DI <wilder at clark.net> Tue Oct 31 14:07:49 1995
From: Richard Wilder - K3DI <wilder at clark.net> (Richard Wilder - K3DI)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 09:07:49 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Last two letters?
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.951031090210.23458H-100000 at clark.net>
It seems that in USA, the FCC requires a full call at the start of
a communication. When a DX station calls for the last two I sign:
I doubt that the FCC is sufficiently staffed to tune the Ham bands
to find folks just using the last two without a full call.
However, the above procedure sort of makes both semi-happy.
73, Dick Wilder, K3DI wilder at clark.net NEcluster>W3LPL
>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu Tue Oct 31 14:23:37 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 06:23:37 -0800 (PST)
Subject: cq ww test request
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9510310636.C12521-8100000 at bach.seattleu.edu>
the contest reflector is at:
cq-contest at tgv.com
to subscribe, use the address:
cq-contest-request at tgv.com
with the message text "SUBSCRIBE"
73, Ward N0AX
>From Chad Kurszewski" <kurscj at OAMPC12.csg.mot.com Tue Oct 31 15:22:01 1995
From: Chad Kurszewski" <kurscj at OAMPC12.csg.mot.com (Chad Kurszewski)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 09:22:01 -0600
Subject: KS9K CQWW SSB M/S Score
Message-ID: <951031092205.ZM8199 at WE9V>
Here it is, the KS9K M/S black hole claimed score:
Call: KS9K Country: United States
Mode: SSB Category: Multi Single
160 36 66 1.83 11 25
80 139 314 2.26 23 68
40 218 590 2.71 32 92
20 1204 3269 2.72 39 151
15 1008 2933 2.91 31 141
10 59 158 2.68 14 23
Totals 2664 7330 2.75 150 500 => 4,764,500
Operator List: KS9K + WE9V, KA9FOX, WB9TIY, NB9C, K9PW, W9RN
Equipment Description:
Two Icom 765s, Two FT-1000s, Six Homebrew 8877 Monoband Amplifiers
160 Two "Tilted Inverted Vees" Two 600' 2-wire beverages
80 2 el rotatable beam @ 165'
40 Fullsize 3/3 at 84/168', 402CD at 110' (new)
20 5/5/5/5 at 42/84/126/168' Top antenna on a TIC ring (new)
15 5/5/5/5 at 33/66/99/132' Top antenna on a TIC ring (new)
10 5/5/5 at 33/66/99' plus 5 el at 50'
Club Affiliation: Society of Midwest Contesters
A few comments:
Unbelievable Q totals on 15 and 20!! QUITE a change from last year!!
I fully expected 20 to shut down at nite, but it was like the
Energizer bunny!!
We missed z22 on 20. Where did the VU's go?
At Sunday noon, KS9K and I were commenting on how well the equipment was
holding together. We took off to Radio Shack to get a couple parts
we need for automatic bandswitching the new FT-1000MPs for SS next
weekend. We came back to "you missed all the excitement!" Turns
out the 10M amp and seperate power supply had a few explosions and
that KA9FOX was cleaning out his shorts!
No EU on 160 :( It's hard to keep up with the East Coast on 75/160M
EU country totals.
We left the two FT-1000MPs on the shelf for this contest. Band mapping
and instant QSY are way too important to give up. (No software
currently supports computer controlling the MPs.....YET.) We will
wring them out when N0BSH guest ops for SS CW and me for SS SSB.
Report will follow :)
Chad Kurszewski, WE9V e-mail: Chad_Kurszewski at csg.mot.com
Sultans of Shwing Loud is Cool....yeah, heh, heh, heh, LOUD IS COOL!!!
The Official Sultans Web Site: http://www.infoanalytic.com/ka9fox/sos
>From Danley, Tad" <Tad.Danley at dialcall.com Tue Oct 31 15:29:00 1995
From: Danley, Tad" <Tad.Danley at dialcall.com (Danley, Tad)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 95 10:29:00 EST
Subject: NZ3I CQWW Phone SOAB, LP
Message-ID: <30965056 at alcnwgw1>
Single Operator, All Band, Unassisted, Low Power
Band QSOs Points Zones Countries
75 21 44 8 13
40 39 93 13 27
20 115 288 18 49
15 181 496 21 60
10 26 73 8 13
Totals 382 994 68 162
SCORE: 228,620
Equipment: IC-765
Windom at 25 feet
NA 9.12
Operated about 28 of the 48 hours due to a sore throat. Had a great time,
but in order to beat last year's score by 2% I had to work about 50 more Qs
to make up for the weaker conditions on 15 and 10. Thank goodness I was
able to work a few JAs on 20 and 15 in the last 2 hours. I bet this contest
would REALLY be fun if I had some aluminum in the air!
Tad, NZ3I
>From Bob Patten <z002816b at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> Tue Oct 31 12:50:01 1995
From: Bob Patten <z002816b at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> (Bob Patten)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 07:50:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: CQWW SSB SO/SB Unassisted, N4BP
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9510310710.A3815-0100000 at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>
Band QSOs Points Zones Countries
==== ==== ====== ===== =========
15 843 2387 29 101
SCORE: 310,310
Initial test of station following addition of 10 foot section to tower
(raised to a whopping 45 feet!) and new Ameritron AL-1500 amp.
TS-430S, AL-1500, TH7-DXX, NA software
Good condx on 15M. Was disappointed to have to leave for work Sunday
afternoon with six hours of daylight left.. Made goal of 100 countries..
Bob Patten
bobpatt at bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us
>From Keith Morehouse-WB9TIY <blckhole at ripco.com> Tue Oct 31 16:04:12 1995
From: Keith Morehouse-WB9TIY <blckhole at ripco.com> (Keith Morehouse-WB9TIY)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 10:04:12 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Last two letters...
Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.91.951031095127.17534A-100000 at foley.ripco.com>
On Mon, 30 Oct 1995, Randy Thompson wrote:
> People seem to be insistent on using just the last two letters when they
> call. This is now part of the culture. (It's actually not bad at times,
> although never as good as giving the whole call.)
This was the first year I noticed the EU's getting serious with this
"2-letters-only" junk.
Through several hot 15M runs both Sat and Sun morning (from KS9K), there
were times when the whole pileup was "2 lettering" away like crazy. I
did notice that the location in EU made SOME diff in WHICH two letters
were used. Most northern EU types seemed to use the USA version and
dumped in the LAST TWO. I noted a lot of CT stations just saying
"Charrrrrrrrlie Tango....", while many EA's used the FIRST TWO letters of
their suffix. Hmmmmmmm.
I thought about telling them that they were all loud enough for full
callsigns (some DL station told me I was 50 dB over 9 on Sunday morning)
but decided that would just confuse them and lived with it. Never quite
got the "last 10" counter over 300 with all the callsign fills.
Of course, the JA's still gave their calls once only and in full but showed
that they could be over-polite by refusing to come back if I made a mistake
on ONE letter.
All in all, I'm happy conditions were so good. I expected a boring 15M
weekend but ended up having a blast with BIG runs mixed up with frantic
multiplier hunting. Truly a well rounded contest.
PROBE ELECTRONICS 100 Higgins Road, Park Ridge IL 60068 USA
Keith J. Morehouse / WB9TIY / Society of Midwest Contesters
708-696-2828 FAX: 708-698-2045 e-mail: blckhole at ripco.com
>From Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW" <gswanson at arrl.org Tue Oct 31 16:05:00 1995
From: Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW" <gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 95 11:05:00 EST
Subject: People who hate contests
Message-ID: <3096496A at arrl.org>
Passed on from a non-contester (No, not me!):
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. The arguments the message miss these points:
a. The reason contests are held on weekends are because
that is the only time most folks are able to get on the air for
more than a few minutes.
b. Yes, 30m and 17m are good alternatives (who uses 12 anyway?)
except for those poor folk who only have 10m equipment (as I did
during the last sunspot peak) or 80m equipment (Novice/Tech+).
c. Contest "peak season" coincides with Winter when more hams
are on the air.
d. Although I haven't been on 10 in recent years, back in the Winter
of '90, approximately 85% of the weekends featured Phone contests
run by someone or other that kept me off the air.
My proposal for a "solution"? Simple - limit contesting on Novice/Tech Plus
bands to one day per weekend during the Winter.
ME (Unsigned)
(Admitted Contest Hater, except Field Day, which isn't a "real" contest
>From Keith Morehouse-WB9TIY <blckhole at ripco.com> Tue Oct 31 16:11:38 1995
From: Keith Morehouse-WB9TIY <blckhole at ripco.com> (Keith Morehouse-WB9TIY)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 10:11:38 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Reports on FT1000mp and IC-775dsp??
Message-ID: <Pine.SV4.3.91.951031100806.17534C-100000 at foley.ripco.com>
Sorry - CT no support FT1000MP yet !!
They all had to lay in the corner.
PROBE ELECTRONICS 100 Higgins Road, Park Ridge IL 60068 USA
Keith J. Morehouse / WB9TIY / Society of Midwest Contesters
708-696-2828 FAX: 708-698-2045 e-mail: blckhole at ripco.com
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