low temperature is good for gin

rkaufman at magic.mb.ca rkaufman at magic.mb.ca
Fri Sep 15 20:44:00 EDT 1995

If low temps are so good for antennas and receivers, why is it 
that we VEs ( especially the 4,5,6 and 8s haven's hear a damn 
thing on 10 m since 1992 (Feb.). Believe me, radios may work 
better, but operators do not work well in cryo-suspension. Is 
it just me or are the seasons getting shorter ?


>From steve.steltzer at paonline.com (WF3T)  Sat Sep 16 00:41:47 1995
From: steve.steltzer at paonline.com (WF3T) (WF3T)
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 1995 00:41:47 +0100
Subject: Rufz anomalies reply summary

	Well guys, as they say "It sure was fun while it lasted". I'm off for
macreme lessons! (I'm forgetting golf already, see below) Just kidding, gee
I feel guilty enough about missing the Sprint again, I couldn't become a
part of the declining cw contest participation problem. But, I can see I
need the practice Rufz is giving me! 
	THE top gun, Barry, W2UP, is running DOS on a 386 -16 with headphones wired
in. Torgny, SM0TXT, is also running out of DOS, as is Bruce,WW1M. One guy(my
appologies, I deleted the msg by mistake and don't remember who it was)
found he scored lower when he tried it under OS2, maybe Big Blue's claim of
a better DOS than DOS has something to it :). After more experimentation, I
have found there are slight differences even under DOS between machines, but
it seems to be limited to 2 or 3 k points on the machines I tested. 
	The bottom line is, though, for the score list to be meaningful, the score
must be made running Rufz under DOS. 

ps: Hey Tack, how about asking MM to put Soundblaster support in the program?
I'd hate having to redo everything connected to the computer to wire in the

pps: I got such a great laugh out of this, I'm passing it along. Thanks, Rod.

>Wrong, don't take up Golf.......  I'm thinking of switching from Golf to
>You know why it's called GOLF, cuz all the other 4 letter words were already
	Rod, w7zrc at micron.net


*\*  steve.steltzer at paonline.com (WF3T)  *\*
*\*  "NO FEAR" really means "NO BRAINS"  *\*

>From km9p at is.net (Bill Fisher)  Sat Sep 16 02:40:04 1995
From: km9p at is.net (Bill Fisher) (Bill Fisher)
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 21:40:04 -0400
Subject: Attaching HyGain To Ring
Message-ID: <199509160140.VAA02922 at mail1.is.net>

Anyone have good suggestions?  I was going to put up 2 205's, but with the
element so close to the boom to mast clamp, that is almost certainly out.

I modelled some 4 element designs on the same boom, but the computer still
wants to put that 1st director at or near the boom to mast clamp.  Can I
attach my boom into that Ring anywhere on the boom and leave the boom to
mast clamp where it is?

I don't have the Ring yet, so forgive my probably stupid question.



>From n3rr at cais.cais.com (Bill Hider)  Sat Sep 16 03:34:42 1995
From: n3rr at cais.cais.com (Bill Hider) (Bill Hider)
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 22:34:42 -0400
Subject: beverage preamp
Message-ID: <199509160234.WAA08763 at cais.cais.com>

Bob, I know other hams with the same problem.  I'd suggest an external relay
box to switch the antenna off the ZJ box and go directly to the xcvr during

There might be more ideas out there, so I'm copying this to the contest
reflector too.

Bill, N3RR

At 10:08 PM 9/14/95 -0400, Robert L. Carroll wrote:
>I just bought one of the K2ZJ boxes.  Seems to work fine, but he highlights
>not to use it with a manual anyenna switch beacuse you will eventaully
>tansmit power down the RX antenna.  I have a TS850 with only a single
>anteanna port, and modification of the radio for a seocnd anteena is
>strongly discouraged by Kenowwd.  Do you have any suggestions on a way to
>use the preamp safely?
>Bob AA2UV
>>At 10:54 AM 9/14/95 -0400, Bob Souza Septic Engineering wrote:
>>>Can anyone point me to a design (or manufacturer) for a 1.8/3.5 MHz
>>>beverage preamp?
>>>bob at may18.tay.dec.com
>>K2ZJ in Syracuse NY makes an Amateur Radio model.  I use them and they work
>>ZJ Electronics
>>6893 Peck ROAD
>>Syracuse, NY 13209
>>Bill, N3RR at CAIS.COM

>From n3rr at cais.cais.com (Bill Hider)  Sat Sep 16 04:20:05 1995
From: n3rr at cais.cais.com (Bill Hider) (Bill Hider)
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 23:20:05 -0400
Subject: Attaching HyGain To Ring
Message-ID: <199509160320.XAA12446 at cais.cais.com>

At 09:40 PM 9/15/95 -0400, Bill Fisher wrote:
>Anyone have good suggestions?  I was going to put up 2 205's, but with the
>element so close to the boom to mast clamp, that is almost certainly out.
>I modelled some 4 element designs on the same boom, but the computer still
>wants to put that 1st director at or near the boom to mast clamp.  Can I
>attach my boom into that Ring anywhere on the boom and leave the boom to
>mast clamp where it is?
>I don't have the Ring yet, so forgive my probably stupid question.

Bill, I assume you want to attach a 205CA (or equivalent) to a ring rotor.
I did just that 2 weeks ago! (at 100ft onto a 1032 ring).

The ring rotor is capable of offcenter (and offbalance) boom installations,
up to a point.  The 1032, according to TIC, was tested at several hundred
pounds off balance.

I positioned my 205CA off center, moving the driven element away from the
cradle, by an amount such that the two bolts which previously were used to
hold the boom-to-mast clamp in place were just outside the area used by one
of the clamps which holds the boom to the cradle. [I did not use any of the
boom-to-mast bracket parts.  I just put the two original bolts into the
holes through the boom added lock washers and tightned the nuts, bolt heads

The bottom line is:  There is enough flexibility in the Ring rotor
capability that 
off-center and off-balance installation of booms can be considered. Check
the TIC ring specs for the off-center specifications.

One other point:  When you move the boom to an off-center position relative
to the tower be sure that you consider what this does to the turning radius
and any potential mechanical interference with the guy wires.  You should
have already considered this since you are contemplating a
outside-of-tower-mount configuration, but when you off-center the boom, the
turning radius changes!!

GL es 73...

Bill, n3rr at cais.com

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