80 meter 4 sq

NF8R at delphi.com NF8R at delphi.com
Thu Sep 28 13:51:01 EDT 1995

To N3RS from NO8D

From: Paul D. Sergi

Dear Sig,

Erect one antenna, make the swr good and erect 3 more identical ones. At the
 end, check the amount of power dumped into the dummy load at each frequency
 that you want to operate. The amount should be about 5% at the lowest point.
 If this point is not where you want it, trim all antennas equally to 
accomplish the movement of the nadir up or down the band.

The RG59 may not stand the power of a contest station.

Good Luck on your antennas!

Paul, NO8D

Dave NF8R


>From Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke at freenet.columbus.oh.us>  Thu Sep 28 18:02:51 1995
From: Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke at freenet.columbus.oh.us> (Jeffrey Clarke)
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 13:02:51 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: K2TW:Contest Activity
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9509281350.A9046-c100000 at acme>

On Tue, 26 Sep 1995, Bill Straw wrote:

>     Tom, K2TW, wonders why there is so little contest
> activity (rtty or otherwise) from the center of North
> America (ND SD MT NE WY UT VE4 VE5).
>     So everyone will know, let me explain it. In these
> days of no sunspots, contesting is not much fun. In
> spite of the "is everyone having fun" threads we see
> on this reflector, most people enter contests to win,
> or to be in some top ten box in the writeup. Those are
> my goals.
>     It's just a fact of life that these last few years
> one has to live on the East Coast to win DX tests, or
> live in Texas and the Southwest to win domestic tests.
> You can spend $75,000 on a mega station and be on the
> cover of QST, but if you live in the center of N.A.
> you're gonna be in the fine print in the write-ups.
>     The reason I avoided the WW RTTY contest this year
> is:  1) They got my call wrong in last years write-up
>      2) In last years write up they listed all the US
>         scores in one lump column, without regard to
>         category. I had the highest W0 single op LP
>         score, but there I was, competing with an East
>         Coast Multi-Multi for top spot in the US list.
>     There is no solution to my concerns, except an early
> return of the sunspots.My point is simple: I'm a hard
> core contester but have been pretty bored the last few
> years by my permanent residence in the fine print. Why
> would you expect a casual entrant (from my part of the
> country) to ever come back for a second try at any
> particular contest?

       I totally agree with what Bill says..... you will never see a 
a mega-contest station at KU8E as long as I live in Ohio ( and I bet 
condx are 10 times worse in ND !!) My reason for contesting is to have 
fun and if I do manage to win something every once in awhile that's 

         BTW I think the ARRL listing the top 5 in each region of the 
country in the results is a great idea. Guys who have good efforts 
in an area the the progagation is not that great get a little bit of
recognition that they wouldn't get in the past.

                                        Jeff  KU8E

 *      Jeffrey D. Clarke   jdclarke at freenet.columbus.oh.us       *

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