contest welfare system
Sean E. Kutzko
tigger at
Thu Sep 28 13:54:14 EDT 1995
>> just what we need a 'feel good' democratic plan to redistribute contest
>> points. pretty soon we would end up with people sending in logs with no
>> qso's just to get their free certificates while the rest of use are hard
>> at work.
>Yes, but we could *all* have fun again and the egos could take a well
>deserved holiday....
I doubt it...Don't think those folks with the BIG BIG BIG stations would
enjoy themselves at all, with an affirmitave action policy in place. "I'm
sorry, K1xxxx, but you have to QRX until I meet my quota of W9's."
The idea of listing the regions seperately is probably the most
reasonable way of handling the situation. That way, you know who the
competition was in your specific geographic area.
Folks, contesting is NOT fair. There will always be somebody with a bigger
station than you, more talent than you, better propagation than you, blah
blah blah. If you don't like your current situation, move to the East
Coast, or find something else in the hobby that gets you off.
Talk of "entitlement programs" for contests is, however, ridiculous (Keep in
mind, I'm in the heart of the Black Hole, so I would probably benefit from
such fictional alterations). You have a right to EAT; you don't have a
right to win WW from ANYWHERE. Do your best from wherever you are, have
fun, and if you win, consider it gravy.
Sean Kutzko Amateur Radio: KF9PL
Urbana, IL DXCC:304 worked/300 cfmd
"All Good Things In All Good Time."
>From jreid at (Jim Reid) Thu Sep 28 19:17:34 1995
From: jreid at (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 08:17:34 -1000
Subject: RUFZ at Telegraphy World Championships
Message-ID: <199509281818.IAA19663 at>
Barry Kutner, W2UP points out and suggests:
>"all participants use the same computer, as questions have
>arisen regarding the programs {RUFZ's} "calibration" between machines."
The rules of the event are not clear on this point. The RUFZ portion of the
test will require" competitors to make two attempts at receiving 50 callsigns,
and typining them back onto the computer keyboard, and the best
attempt is taken for scoring." Whether the words, "the computer keyboard"
can be taken as the ONE and only test computer will only be learned
at Siofok, Lake Balaton, Hungary in October.
The rules state that for the other receiving tests,
"Letter and mixed text reception messages are sent at
progressively increased speeds starting at '100 marks/minute' for letters and
and '150 marks/minute' for figures, with competitors withdrawing as the speed
becomes to high for them. Messages may be recorded by hand (using any
symbols desired) or by typewriter. Messages copied on contestants's
own paper must be recopied on official forms after a test."
Also, it is not clear if the text messages are in any particular language
or will just be random groups of characters, but all letters.
If any one has contact to Tony Smith, G4FAI, much more info should be
available on who will be contestants next month and how many, I think.
Will be interesting to see how many compete, and how they do.
73, Jim, AH6NB
>From Mike Baker <ka6sar at> Thu Sep 28 19:52:07 1995
From: Mike Baker <ka6sar at> (Mike Baker)
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 14:52:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Lost CQWW cw log?
Message-ID: <Pine.BSD.3.91.950928144527.8902B-100000 at>
Just wonderd if anyone else had their CQWW cw logs lost in the mail?
W6EEN (KA6SAR) 1.75m. Also, I apologize to my teammates, I should have
sent a Return Receipt.
Mike, KA6SAR
Professional Baseball Club
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