Claimed score WAE SSB Contest VP5C

Rob Snieder PA3ERC norf at
Thu Sep 28 23:54:48 EDT 1995

                 DARC WORKED ALL EUROPE CONTEST -- 1995

      Call: VP5C                     Country:  Turks & Caicos
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Single

     BAND     QSO   QTC    Cty   Mult

      160       0     0      0      0
       80     106   102     22     88
       40     434   407     32     96
       20     731   463     42     84
       15     188   188     25     50
       10       0     0      0      0

    Totals   1459  1160    121    318 = 832,206


Power Output: 500 watts

Equipment: ICOM IC-751A
                 ICOM IC-738
                 ICOM IC-2KL liniair 500 watts

Antennas : Cushcraft A4S 10/15/20
                Mosley PRO 67B 10/15/20/40
                Force 12 Rotary dipole 80

Logging  : CT 9.23

Comments : It was great to run the contest from VP5, lotts of 
                   activity from Europe. Unfortunately the rigs didn't have any filters so
                   it was very hard to tune in all the calling stations.

QSO Info:  via PA3ERC

Rob Snieder PA3ERC 

member of Contestgroup Oude Maas PI4COM/PA6WPX

Internet e-mail : norf at
Packet Radio    : PA3ERC at PI8MBQ
PacketCluster   : PA3ERC > PI8DXC

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