loos tension gauge

bill.lumnitzer at paonline.com bill.lumnitzer at paonline.com
Mon Apr 1 12:29:27 EST 1996

 K7> The way that you typically measure the tension is with in
 K7> conjunction with a cable grip and comealong.  Put the cable grip up on
 K7> the guywire, attach the gauge, then the comealong to the guy anchor. 

 K7> 73 and good luck,  Steve   K7LXC

This devices apparently have a cable grip built in since they are specified
to work on 3/16 - 9/32 cable. They will not fit the larger size of Phillystran
or fiber rod or my 5/16 EHS. Maybe someone can let us know if the gauge can
be adapted for use with a separate cable grip.

73 Bill N6CQ/3

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