more power

bill.lumnitzer at bill.lumnitzer at
Mon Apr 1 12:29:27 EST 1996

 Be> Let's get a bit of perspective on this "5kW is shocking" strand. It's
 Be> easy to forget that the differency between 1.5kW and 5kW is less than
 Be> an S-point.

I beg to differ. I believe that S-meter circuits are calibrated in terms
of VOLTAGE rather than power. That would make the difference between 1.5KW
and 5KW equal to 10.45dB(V) or 1.74 S-units.

 Those contest stations which some people find so offensive,
 Be> booming in at S9+40dB with their 5kW, would only drop to S9+20 if they
 Be> switched the PA off and ran a barefoot 50W.

Again, I believe that this would equal 40dB(V) on your S-meter!

I's also my opinion that all of this is irrelevant to the question of illegal

73' Bill
N6CQ at

>From Luis_Delgadillo at (Delgadillo,Luis)  Mon Apr  1 16:41:42 1996
From: Luis_Delgadillo at (Delgadillo,Luis) (Delgadillo,Luis)
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 08:41:42 PST
Subject: CY7A...what country?
Message-ID: <"<552160318144667C>552160318144667C at XMEX-0035-MS1.xmex"@-SMF->

Hello Gentlemen,
Last weekend I Iogged CY7A,
but didn't notice that CT 9.27 doesn't have the
country identified until the end of the WPX contest.
Could u please confirm if it is Canada or Chile?
Pse respond private.
Tnx and 73, CU on WPX CW

Luis XE2AC
Grid DL81uv
E-mail  Luis_Delgadillo at

>From k4sb at (Edward W. Sleight )  Mon Apr  1 18:35:16 1996
From: k4sb at (Edward W. Sleight ) (Edward W. Sleight )
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 10:35:16 -0800
Message-ID: <199604011835.KAA05409 at>

Well, technically, he has jumped the gun, and I agree with you 

WHEN the FCC starts the Vanity program, part of it will make KH7 a
legal KH6 call. Same with KL7s.

Always some jerk....let him live in his own misery. I think I can
guarantee if he submits his log, it's going to be tossed.

73, Ed

>From neader at (Scott Neader)  Mon Apr  1 18:21:23 1996
From: neader at (Scott Neader) (Scott Neader)
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 13:21:23 -0500
Subject: Mac logging software
Message-ID: <v02140b02ad85cecf1209@[]>

KB7WW wrote:
>I just got a older Mac laptop. Could someone please tell me
>whats out there for contest software.

K1VR just researched this topic and put out a nice summary.  You can grab a
copy off my web site:

73 - Scott KA9FOX

INTERNET SOLUTIONS - your source for low cost web page design and storage!
Scott Neader - (608)788-1234 / FAX (608)787-0100   neader at
Ham Radio web:     La Crosse web:

>From Gary Nieborsky <k7fr at>  Mon Apr  1 20:02:17 1996
From: Gary Nieborsky <k7fr at> (Gary Nieborsky)
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 12:02:17 -0800
Subject: miultiple personalities
Message-ID: <199604012002.MAA11381 at>

Bad news:

I didn't participate in the WPX but did listen around Saturday afternoon and
a little Sunday morning.  Here is what I heard:

KC1XX cq-ing on 40, 20, 15M simultaneously. (Sunday around 1800Z)
KI7WX on 14.303 and 14.186 (Sunday about 1730Z)
F6FGZ on 7.225 (Sunday at 1700Z)
KS9K on 14.230 and 14.325 (Saturday at 2330Z)

What caught my attention was that KS9K was calling "CQ 80 meters" while on
14.325 and "CQ WPX" on 14.230.  I tuned across 40M Sunday AM and heard F6FGZ
booming in with my beam pointed towards ZL-land.  First I thought it was
some wierd propagation because all I was hearing was some Cal stations then
it dawned on me that EU doesn't have an allocation up there.

KI7WX was on a continuous cq loop on 14.303.

KC1XX was the same as 'WX on 40 and 15M.

All seemed to be coming out of Cal area based on beam
heading/propagation/time of day.

Based on Chads post on the QRM-ing it seems that the recent inclusion of
voice recorders on rigs has now made its presence known to the less
desirable elements of ham-dom.  This raises a real ugly rules problem: If
it's not you with multiple signals and you get DQ'd because of these
pirates, what venue is there to plead your case? Even worse, what about the
guys who may have worked your alter-ego?  Do they get DQ'd?  This could
become a cross checking nightmare.

Fortunately the ones I heard weren't responding to the stations calling them
(not many of those) so this may not be an issue....yet.

My first thought for a way around this is to require computer logging.  This
would at least make the cross checking a little more managable. The downside
to that would be less participation.

Any thoughts?

Gary K7FR

>From Jeff Steinman <Jeff.Steinman.0247501 at>  Mon Apr  1 18:51:20 1996
From: Jeff Steinman <Jeff.Steinman.0247501 at> (Jeff Steinman)
Date: 1 Apr 1996 12:51:20 -0600
Subject: Multi-Feedline Force 12 Ant
Message-ID: <n1383759303.76974 at>

                      Subject:                              Time:  12:45 =
  OFFICE MEMO         Multi-Feedline Force 12 Antennas      Date:  4/1/96

Well it's that time of year again; I look up at my antennas and 
think of what I can do to improve them in time for this Fall.
I have a KT34XA in the garage, waiting to be re-fitted w/ the
new plastic caps. A labor intensive job for perfomance gains 
that are (I think) limited. 

For maximum 2 radio flexibility (and automated station design)
I'd like to have separate feelines/band. My latest idea is to take 
down my 402CD and KT34A, replaced with: 
1. Monobanders for 10 and 15 (prob 5el HyGain)
2. A Force 12 4el20/2el 40 interlaced antenna. 

Which leads me to my question(s):
1. Is anyone out there using such this F12 antenna (or other Force 12 =
antenna with multiple feedlines). 
2. Have you tried using the antenna(s) at the same time on different
bands, and if so been successful? 

Wondering how bad the interference is between two antennas
on a common boom, 20 and 40 in this case. Also will have to
deal with relatively close spacing between the 3 antennas
with current 15' mast (6' between antennas) unless go to
a longer (heavier) mast.

Please send me responses directly, I can summarize at a later date.
Jeff KR0Y
jeff.steinman at

>From Joseph M. O'Brien" <jobrien at MINERVA.CIS.YALE.EDU  Mon Apr  1 19:38:41 1996
From: Joseph M. O'Brien" <jobrien at MINERVA.CIS.YALE.EDU (Joseph M. O'Brien)
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:38:41 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960401143515.5281B-100000 at morpheus>

WR6R/KH7 did not jump the gun. 

>From the FCC website (, effective as of November 1995:

13.  Hawaii and Pacific Insular areas.  The numeral 1 indicates Baker or
     Howland Island; 2 indicates Guam; 3 indicates Johnston Island;
     4 indicates Midway Island; 5 indicates Palmyra or Jarvis Island;
     5 followed by suffix letter K indicates Kingman Reef; 6 or 7
     indicates Hawaii except Kure Island; 7 followed by the letter K
     indicates Kure Island; 8 indicates American Samoa; 9 indicates Wake,
     Wilkes, or Peale Island; and  indicates the Commonwealth of Northern 

This just seems to be a case where there is some confusion surrounding a 
recent change. KH7 is a legitimate Hawaii prefix and I'm sure it's just 
taking time for everyone to realize they have to distinguish between a 
KH7 and a KH7K.

						Joe, WI2E
						jobrien at

On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, Edward W. Sleight wrote:

> Well, technically, he has jumped the gun, and I agree with you 
> entirely.
> WHEN the FCC starts the Vanity program, part of it will make KH7 a
> legal KH6 call. Same with KL7s.
> Always some jerk....let him live in his own misery. I think I can
> guarantee if he submits his log, it's going to be tossed.
> 73, Ed

>From Jimmy R. Floyd" <floydjr at  Mon Apr  1 19:41:55 1996
From: Jimmy R. Floyd" <floydjr at (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 15:41:55 -0400
Subject: CQ WPX Contest 96 Scores
Message-ID: <199604012050.PAA15992 at>


Complied by
Email: floydjr at

Date Posted: 04/01/96

CALL               HRS           SCORE      QSO'S      PTS     PREFIXES


VE7CQK                          75,504       200       528       143


F6FGZ                        3,764,922      1794      5273       714

VD3EJ                        9,640,000      3151                 912
KC1XX  (AA1ND)               5,180,000      2301                 820
KM9P                         5,020,000      2402                 837
K3ZO                         4,980,000      2173                 796
K5ZD                21       3,340,620      1592      4986       670
KW8N                         3,200,000      1736                 738
KI4HN  (@AA4NC)              3,000,000      1673                 732
K4VVD               26       1,779,657      1452      2981       597    


DL0IU  (DL2OBF)                949,160       981      1945       488 

K1HTU                        1,300,000       985                 544
WS1A                         1,046,657       782                 479
WA4ZXA              36         671,841       669      1503       447
NZ5O                           477,500       655                 382
AE6Y                           341,376       675                 381
AL7PT/NK8                       20,374       140       167       122


OT6T  (RA3AUU)               7,347,655      2800      8155       901

KQ2M  (@KY3N)                5,400,000      2202                 818
K3SW/4              18         642,470       617                 410


VE2JTX                          84,480       227                 132

W3GH                           775,390       765      2014       385
KW4T                           108,000       191                 164
WA5JWU              12           8,320        42       208        40

N6MU  (@N6NB)                  266,760       554                 342


KI1G  (@K1NG)                5,800,000      2316                 890
WE9V  (@KS9K)                5,400,000      2429                 923
CY2A  (@VE2ZP)               5,100,000      2124                 763
W5KFT                        3,660,000      2500                 795
K1KP                         3,175,000      1695                 735
KC7V                         2,629,989      1900      3699       711
KF9PL                        2,100,000      1510                 680
KQ4HC                        2,049,495      1400                 655
KI7WX                        1,536,842      1380                 614
K5XI                         1,500,000      1308                 609
WA3WJD                         660,744       656      1596       414
7J7ABC                         543,312       685                 343


WZ1R  (@KY1H)               11,200,000      3911                1062
WT1S  (@K1MNS)              10,680,000      3640                1033  


KG8PE               28         312,600       415                 300


KG6LF               23       1,002,600      1338      1671       600 
N1CC                14         624,400       645      1561       400
KF9YH               16         190,575       308       825       231




7J7ABC     7J7ABC (AB7IT), 7J7ABV (NB9T)

WT1S       WT1S,NX1H,K1FWE

Before everyone starts flaming me about where here scores are, I would 
like to explain. I received a list off 3830 from WZ1R. It only gave me 
classes for people as SO. I know some should be unlimited. If you would
just drop me a note I will be glad to move them.

73's Jim
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address: **NEW**  >> floydjr at << *

>From sawyers" <sawyers at  Mon Apr  1 20:53:30 1996
From: sawyers" <sawyers at (sawyers)
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 96 14:53:30 cst
Subject: QRO...the REAL story
Message-ID: <9603018283.AA828392103 at>

Gee - as a newbee at contesting  - I guess I had better dust off the stack 
of 4cx10000's over in the corner. Then go out to the shed and dig out the 
7,000 volt plate transformer. I wonder if I have one big enough to run the 
tubes in a push pull configuration? Also get the local power company to run 
3 phase power to the house. (Contest secret - 3 phase power is easier to 
filter for a power supply.) Then take out a small loan to pay the power 
company before each contest....

The opportunities are endless.

de n0yvy steve

part of the we0f contest effort - poor condx, worse score, but great 
seafood gumbo.

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