"Pirate" QRM

Sean E. Kutzko tigger at prairienet.org
Mon Apr 1 15:32:47 EST 1996

Chad, WE9V, wrote:

>I was QRM'd Sunday on 20M by a person with a DVP who would go around
>and record other contester's CQs and replay them on my frequency.

Yep... he got me, too. He started off by playing my own CQ back to me, 
and  I just blew him off. Then I heard KM1H's CQ, and managed to maintain 
my jocularity over the situation. He didn't actually "get me" until he 
played just a callsign to me, and then I took the bait.

So, somebody was having fun at our expense... what else is new?

BTW, thanks for the QSO's, everybody. Congrats to WE9V for taking the M/S 
US call are 9 title from us by DOUBLING our score. Sheesh. :)


Sean Kutzko						 Amateur Radio: KF9PL
Urbana, IL       WWW=http://hobbes.ncsa.uiuc.edu/sean/   DXCC:306 wkd/302 cfmd
		"Maybe you'll find your way someday...
      	 but while you're at it, you'll have some fun." -Little Feat

>From Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at smtp.svl.trw.com  Mon Apr  1 21:45:47 1996
From: Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at smtp.svl.trw.com (Tim Coad)
Date: 1 Apr 1996 13:45:47 -0800
Message-ID: <n1383755833.82907 at smtp.svl.trw.com>

        Reply to:   RE>BEWARE: WR6R/KH7 NOT ON KURE

>>Well if you got in line during the WPX contest to work this bozo 
>>because you thought he was really on Kure Island / KH7 you wasted 
>>your time.

Yes, well thats the price one pays for being ignorant.

(Ignorant of two things: KH7 is OK for Hawaii; WR6R is no bozo.)

Tim - NU6S

>From Jim Hollenback" <jholly at hposl62.cup.hp.com  Mon Apr  1 22:15:58 1996
From: Jim Hollenback" <jholly at hposl62.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1996 14:15:58 -0800
References: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960401143515.5281B-100000 at morpheus>
Message-ID: <9604011415.ZM7511 at hpwsmjh1.cup.hp.com>

On Apr 1,  2:38pm, Joseph M. O'Brien wrote:
> WR6R/KH7 did not jump the gun.
> >From the FCC website (www.fcc.gov), effective as of November 1995:
> 13.  Hawaii and Pacific Insular areas.  The numeral 1 indicates Baker or
>      Howland Island; 2 indicates Guam; 3 indicates Johnston Island;
>      4 indicates Midway Island; 5 indicates Palmyra or Jarvis Island;
>      5 followed by suffix letter K indicates Kingman Reef; 6 or 7
>      indicates Hawaii except Kure Island; 7 followed by the letter K
>      indicates Kure Island; 8 indicates American Samoa; 9 indicates Wake,
>      Wilkes, or Peale Island; and  indicates the Commonwealth of Northern
> This just seems to be a case where there is some confusion surrounding a
> recent change. KH7 is a legitimate Hawaii prefix and I'm sure it's just
> taking time for everyone to realize they have to distinguish between a
> KH7 and a KH7K.
> 						73,
> 						Joe, WI2E
> 						jobrien at minerva.cis.yale.edu
> On Mon, 1 Apr 1996, Edward W. Sleight wrote:
> > Well, technically, he has jumped the gun, and I agree with you
> > entirely.
> >
> > WHEN the FCC starts the Vanity program, part of it will make KH7 a
> > legal KH6 call. Same with KL7s.
> >
> > Always some jerk....let him live in his own misery. I think I can
> > guarantee if he submits his log, it's going to be tossed.
> >
> > 73, Ed
> >

Thanks, Joe. I knew KH7 was Hawaii and didn't have time to get the
info off the net. Al has been operating from Hawaii for a number of
years, and if memory serves me right, he also operated as WR6R/KH7
last year. Of course, any one that is somewhat warm and has contested
for more than a year would know this. Guess a couple newbies got their
undies in a bunch when they found out they didn't get a new one after
all and made a couple comments that were best left unsaid.

73, Jim, WA6SDM
jholly at cup.hp.com

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