A 15m observation WPX SSB

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Fri Apr 5 19:46:41 EST 1996

In a message dated 96-04-05 19:02:00 EST, you write:

>My point was that the jokers asking "what's your call?" did not 
>even wait more than 5-10 secs before asking.

Hello, Ramierz - Ken?

   MY point is that 5-10 seconds is ONE QSO -- if someone ID's after every
QSO, this is a non issue.  

>I was working at a pretty brisk pace. Why should someone believe that his
>time is more important than the contest time of the guy doing 
>the running?

   Is your time any more valuable than the guy S&P'ing?  Without him, you
would have no score.  Let me repeat that - NO SCORE.  Pretty boring, huh?

> When he asks that question he most likely has done 
>so RIGHT ON TOP of another station calling the running station.
> By trying to S&P at a quick rate using this philosophy you are 
>slowing down someone elses rate. One should at least wait until 
>a third QRZ is heard before slipping in the"what's your call?".

    You're nuts.  I'm S&P'ing and trying to maintain a rate just like you
are.  If you don't ID, you slow BOTH of us.  If  I work you and ask you what
your call is and you still don't give it,  I will gladly dupe you - several
times.  Don't waste my time and I won't waste yours.  If you think I'm going
to wait around for a third QRZ, you're still nuts.

73,   Steve   K7LXC

>From Steven Nace KN5H <steven at zianet.com>  Sat Apr  6 01:55:15 1996
From: Steven Nace KN5H <steven at zianet.com> (Steven Nace KN5H)
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 18:55:15 -0700
Subject: Contest exchanges, why we send them.
Message-ID: <01551537900144 at zianet.com>

The contest exchange tries to provide you the contester with what is needed
to operate the event. In most stateside events the exchange gives you the
data to determine if a new mult has just been worked (section, state).

The signal report is not necessary for point accumulation. In fact, the
signal report seems to be a bad habit we are all used to. Lets break the
habit and throw in something that the operator MUST copy to get credit for
the Q.

Make it a number, age, name or some data point that means something. Hey,
you could even use that extra data as another mult. Sure that would hose all
the existing contest formats as we know them but at least it would get rid
of the 59 Texas or whatever that means nothing. Wouldnt you Texans like to
be a mult again?

Regardless of the 'new mult' possibility, one thing seems certain. Folks are
wanting to add more skill to contesting and copying '59' for 48 hours aint
very difficult.

Is there an opinion out there from our friends at the ARRL and CQ contest

de Hose  KN5H

>From k3ww at fast.net (Charles Fulp)  Sat Apr  6 02:29:33 1996
From: k3ww at fast.net (Charles Fulp) (Charles Fulp)
Date: Sat, 06 Apr 1996 02:29:33 +0000
Subject: Contest Exchanges
Message-ID: <199604060229.VAA01274 at nn.fast.net>

In defense of 5905 or 59PA/power, as used in the CQWW DX Contest
and ARRL DX contest.  
I believe I have read that the CQWW does NOT attempt to measure
copying ability in the exchange portion, it is pretty much known
when you make the contact.  ARRL does require a variable piece
of information, which can be gleaned by listening to a station
for a while, if you don't copy it when sent to you.  There are
contests with more variables where the ability to copy through
QRM, or persist in getting repeats, is a more useful skill.  

Why do DXpeditions give us signal reports (usually 59/9)? Don't 
some awards, maybe even DXCC (I don't know) require a signal report?
Since the vast majority of participants in the CQWW do not submit
their logs, we can assume working DX is a big part of the event.
Perhaps meaningless signal reports have meaning, perhaps they
are obsolete as part of DXing as well as contesting.  

Complex exchanges give bigger advantages to stations that have 
better/quieter locations, better/quieter antennas, lower atmospheric
noise etc.  Computer simulation can test the ability to copy
anything you like under reproducable conditions, and might be the
ideal means to measure such skills.

73 Chas k3ww at fast.net http://www.users.fast.net/~k3ww

>From Bruce (AA8U)" <aa8u at voyager.net  Sat Apr  6 02:51:05 1996
From: Bruce (AA8U)" <aa8u at voyager.net (Bruce (AA8U))
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 21:51:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Contest exchanges, why we send them.
Message-ID: <199604060251.VAA04660 at vixa.voyager.net>

At 06:55 PM 4/5/96 -0700, you wrote:

>Is there an opinion out there from our friends at the ARRL and CQ contest
>de Hose  KN5H

Hi Hose,
When I raised the issue a day or so I wasn't sure anyone would really care.
I half expected to get ridiculed and flamed big time...given some of the
other "hot" topics lately,,,3rd party, dB, QRO, etc. To my surprise it seems
we are in general agreement. Your last point is particularly interesting.
How long will it take them to respond to the wishes of the masses?

I say make the changes that make sense. Don't let existing records stand in
the way of progress. It is hopeless to wish we would all revert to actual
signal reports which would make all this a moot point. (Brought that up a
couple of weeks ago and got nowhere) 

Maybe if this thread gets to Scott's web page it will gain momentum and then
the contest committee people will feel compelled to deal with it head on.


>From w6go at netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO)  Sat Apr  6 03:20:04 1996
From: w6go at netcom.com (Jay O'Brien - W6GO) (Jay O'Brien - W6GO)
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 19:20:04 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Guy wire tension guage - new
Message-ID: <199604060320.TAA27036 at netcom11.netcom.com>

Subject: Guy Wire tensioning guage

Thanks to W3LPL and K1KI who alerted me to the cable tensiometer 
available from Loos and Co. in Florida.  They now have a better one!

I purchased a model PT-2 "Professional tension guage" from Loos.  It 
cost $46.42 plus shipping.  It works on 3/16", 7/32" and 1/4" 
cables.  When you hook it on the cable, it stays there.  You can 
view the scale on the guage while you tighten the guy.  It is 
"designed to provide an accurate measurement of the tension in 
rigging wire and other types of cable used in recreational and 
industrial applications.  It is particularly useful for accurate and 
repeatable tuning of a sailboat's standing rigging".

It is a very simple unit, very easy to use, and based on what I 
learned about the model 90, this is worth the extra $13 or so. They 
also have a model PT-1 for 3/32",1/8", and 5/32" cable.  There are 
also two comparable guages for metric diameters.

The invoice has an 800 number, which I didn't have when I called.  
It is 800 321-5667.  The regular voice number is 941-643-5667.  They 
take credit card orders over the phone.  

If you have guys to keep tensioned, this is a great tool for that job.

73, Jay
    w6go at netcom.com

>From Bill Turner <wrt at eskimo.com>  Sat Apr  6 04:33:13 1996
From: Bill Turner <wrt at eskimo.com> (Bill Turner)
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 1996 20:33:13 -0800
Subject: Contest Exchange
Message-ID: <199604060433.UAA15830 at mail.eskimo.com>

How 'bout just requiring "real" signal reports.  In other words, any station
transmitting nothing but 59s or 599s would be DQ'd.  The receiving station's
log would have to match whatever was sent.  We'd all get and give some
useful information that way, especially over the course of a contest.  

73, Bill  W7LZP
wrt at eskimo.com

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