Early Years at W3WJD (N3RS)
R. Sigismonti
sig at newtech.net
Thu Apr 18 03:58:21 EDT 1996
I actually sent this message to Richard, K5NA as response to his
posting about his early days. He said it was worth giving wider
distribution since it might stir other old farts out there into
sharing their stories as well.
My story actually starts in the 1953 Field Day competition. I had
not yet received my license, but I stayed glued to the CW op's on 40
and 80M and observed how they did this thing called a contest. From
that moment on, I was hooked. I didn't have the resources at first,
but I slowly became one of the most dedicated contesters in our club
(the DELCO Radio Club - Joined FRC the year of my first SS).
WN3WJD in June 53 - not quite 16 yet.
First on air experiences:
Started out on VHF using homebrew tx and rx. Very few QSO's,
although I could hear stations as far away as Pittsburgh with my single
955 acorn tube super-regen rx and a vertical folded diploe in the
In August I built a single tube (807) xtal osc. that ran as much as
50W. That rig was mounted on an "Erector Set" chassis and was xtal
controlled on 80M. First QSO was on 9/23/53 with W3VXE (a local) on 80M CW.
W3WJD in October 53:
My first QSO out of the states was with VE1RF on 11/26/53. Oh yes, I
neglected to mention that I was using an old Philco radio that
included shortwave bands for a rx. An outboard signal generator (EICO?)
was used to beat with the IF to generate an audible, albeit unstable, CW note.
In November I got my first "real" rx - an NC-46. I also began using
40M at this point, now running xtal controlled with a home brew 829B
rig driven by a 6AQ5 xtal osc. and 6AQ5 buffer/multiplier.
In December I worked my first west coast station - W6QIV.
First DX station ever worked was CN8BJ on 2/11/54 on 40M. He was
followed by CO5CX, ON4AP, KZ5GH, G2QT, F7SHP, VP9BK, PY7HN, DL1SX,
KP4BU, TI2PZ, LU0ABL, GM3IAZ, I1CZE, and YU2ADE - all on 40M by 9/54.
KV4AA and HK1TH round out the country totals for 1954, but these are on
20M, using the same random wire I used on 40M. In September of 54, I
also made my first AM QSO.
As far as I can tell, the first contest I entered at home was the WAE in 55.
It was held in September, I believe, and I made a grand total of 23
QSO's. No QTC's were evedent in the log. Prior to that, I think I
helped W3CGS at his station in the ARRL DX Contest and possibly SS. Harry lived just
3 blocks from me and was my Elmer.
Also in 55 I entered my first CQWW contest, using 180W to a homebrew
pair of 6146's. This rig had "Push-button" band switching. Not bad
for an 18 year old kid. Highlight of the 25 QSO's was a QSO with
VQ6LQ! Later in 55 I entered my first SS contest and managed 96
QSO's. Don't laugh. Remember I was still rock-bound on 40M and the
2nd harmonic was used on 20M.
1956 brought me a VFO! It was in an experimental rig built at B&W,
using a single 807 and four 6AQ5's in a multiplier string. It only ran
50W, but I used this for several years and worked 169 countries with
My first try at the W-VE contest resulted in only 39 QSO's, but that
wasn't that bad for those days.
I added a 2 element Gotham beam to the station in October of 56. Up
to this time everything was done with wires. No rotor on the beam at
this point - too expensive! In the 56 CQWW I made 68 QSO's and in
the 56 SS I managed 280 QSO's. In November of 56 I began to use
"SIG" as my name. Till then, I was using my real first name - Ron.
I also used 15M for the first time. The antenna was a 40M folded dipole
about 15 ft high.
I upgraded to a used NC-183 in December of 56. My log shows a
contest that looks like the WAE that was held in January of 57. I
scratched out 224 QSO's with my 50W and the VFO. Even managed to
send 219 QTC's.
My first 10M QSO was in March of 57. I strung a 1/2 wave vertical
dipole hanging from the peak of our roof. Worked pretty well.
My first CD Party was in July of 57. I held an OO appointment by
then. Made 185 QSO's my first attempt.
Again, a homebrew piece of gear. Used a pair of 250TH's with plug-in
coils. This was added in February of 59 in time for the ARRL DX
>From this point on, I entered just about every ARRL DX contest, most
CQWW CW contests, and many SS/WAE/AA contests.
Sorry for taking up so much bandwidth, but I spent 2 hours today
looking up all the data for my message to Richard & I thought it
might be good for a laugh or two - or at least a smile!
73 de Sig, N3RS
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