N9YXA at aol.com
N9YXA at aol.com
Tue Aug 6 12:50:48 EDT 1996
I am on the edge of purchasing a Butternut mini-quad, and I would like to
know how they perform in contests and "everyday" DX work.
Also, is the TS-850s/at at good rig?
73 es vy gud DX
Cedrick Johnson, N9YXA
>From needhame at 3lefties.com (Earl Needham) Tue Aug 6 20:12:34 1996
From: needhame at 3lefties.com (Earl Needham) (Earl Needham)
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1996 12:12:34 -0700
Subject: FCC Exposure rule
Message-ID: <BMSMTP8393585210needhame at server.3lefties.com>
Thank you , Dr. Overbeck (N6NB). Please continue to protect us from
> From: 71111.260 at CompuServe.COM (Hans Brakob), on 8/6/96 10:30 AM:
> Here are some excerpts from the FCC comments relative to amateur
> exemption.
> "83. Several parties address continuation of the
> categorical exclusion for the amateur radio service. The ARRL
> and the ARRL-Bioeffects Committee support prudent avoidance
> and state that most of the amateur radio users do not possess
> the requisite equipment, technical skills, and/or financial
> resources to conduct an environmental analysis. Both the ARRL
> and the ARRL Bio-Effects Committee submit that we could raise
> an amateur radio applicant's awareness concerning RF energy by
> placing relevant questions on the amateur license examination.
> On the other hand, Dr. Wayne Overbeck and the Amateur Radio Health
> Group comment that it would be inappropriate for this Commission
> to exempt the amateur service automatically from all requirements
> for compliance with radiation safety guidelines. Overbeck and
> the Amateur Radio Health Group state that education is not
> enough and suggest that we create a version of OST Bulletin No.
> 65 for radio amateur operations. They state this bulletin
> could supplement Part 97 rules and be used by amateurs to
> certify compliance with the RF exposure safety guidelines."
>From 71111.260 at compuserve.com (Hans Brakob) Tue Aug 6 19:17:59 1996
From: 71111.260 at compuserve.com (Hans Brakob) (Hans Brakob)
Date: 06 Aug 96 14:17:59 EDT
Subject: RF safety at CONTEST stations
Message-ID: <960806181759_71111.260_EHM61-1 at CompuServe.COM>
Here is some information from ARRL HQ on the matter of RF
safety at CONTEST stations:
If you want the facts regarding the RF safety proceeding,
see the following URL:
There you will find listed two places to go for additional information:
1) Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of
Radio Frequency Radiation (This is the R&O released on
August 1st)
2) Measurements of Electromagnetic Fields at Amateur Radio Stations
(This is a report of a field study done by FCC and EPA at several
amateur stations in California.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* People should read both documents before jumping to any conclusions. *
Here is some additional information:
-- These guidelines don't take effect until January 1, 1997.
(There is no reason for the Amateur community to panic.)
-- The ARRL is currently reviewing the (100-page-plus) document.
-- The ARRL will be reviewing the entire matter, to see * if * we
(ARRL) should seek reconsideration of any aspect of the FCC
-- If you have any "substantive" input to provide, please send it to
ARRL Laboratory Supervisor, and staff liaison to the ARRL RF Safety
Committee, Ed Hare, KA1CV, at his e-mail address: ehare at arrl.org
or, via US Mail, to:
ARRL, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111 Attn: Ed Hare.
(Ed will no doubt be a bit busy over the coming days, so please be
patient when waiting for a reply. :-)
- - - - - - - - -
If you're interested in general information on RF safety: Refer to the
safety sections of the 1996 ARRL Handbook and the 15th Edition of the
ARRL Antenna Book. This material offers guidelines on how to comply
with the ANSI standard referred to in the (recent) FCC Report and
The ARRL Technical Information Service offers an information package
on RF safety. It includes a reprint of the ARRL handbook material, an
April 1994 QST article (by Wayne Overbeck, N6NB) and a bibliography
of articles on the subject. This package is available for $2 for ARRL
Members, $4 for non-members, post-paid. (Prepayment in required for
non-members.) Contact the ARRL Technical Department Secretary,
Bridget DiCosimo via e-mail at: bdicosimo at arrl.org or via mail at the
address above.
73, Glenn Swanson, KB1GW
Educational Programs Coordinator,
ARRL Educational Activities Department
E-mail: kb1gw at arrl.org
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