RF Exposure Limits

D. R. Evans devans at lynx.colorado.edu
Thu Aug 8 10:14:38 EDT 1996

> On  7 Aug 96 at 16:57, n2ic at drmail.dr.lucent.com <smlondon at lucent.com> 

> By now, I'm sure you are saying to yourself "That's just N2IC being a
> pessimist. The FCC would never allow that !"  .  Think again.  Look at
> the FCC inaction, in light of the major PRB-1 defeats against hams.

Perzactly. It is N2IC being a realist, at least as far as Boulder County 
is concerned. 

D.R. Evans NQ0I / G4AMJ : devans at lynx.colorado.edu
Active Member, SFWA       al019 at freenet.uchsc.edu

"Palindor Chronicles" information and extracts:

>From gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)  Thu Aug  8 17:54:00 1996
From: gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW) (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1996 12:54:00 -0400
Subject: 40 meter phased array
Message-ID: <m0uoXTc-000f4YC at mgate.arrl.org>

Sorry to talk about a contest antenna here, but here goes  ;-)

     Am planning to build a 2-element wire phased array
     for 40 meters. (It used 1/8-wave spacing, for my 'small'
     lot.) This would have raised radials. My question is,
     has anyone tried building a 2-element antenna
     like this using the "Christman" feed method?

     This appears in "Low Band DXing" (2nd ed.) on page
     11-25, Figure 11-28. Any 'hints or kinks' to offer? See
     any problem with using 75-ohn coax instead of the
     specified 50-ohm coax for the phasing lines? (Then
     using 50-ohm coax to the shack?) Any construction
     thoughts would be appreciated.

     (This antenna would be designed to send RF across
     a lake, out towards Europe, not towards my neighbors.)


               73, Glenn, KB1GW
               e-mail: kb1gw at arrl.org

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