Free Near-Field Analysis Software

JimW9WU at JimW9WU at
Sat Aug 10 16:15:18 EDT 1996

In a message dated 96-08-09 18:15:09 EDT, Brian, K6STI wrote::

 As a result of the recent FCC ruling that mandates RF-exposure limits for
 amateur stations beginning January 1, 1997, I'm making available at no cost
 a special version of AO Antenna Optimizer software that calculates electric
 and magnetic near fields.  NF.EXE requires a 386 or better, math
 coprocessor, VGA, and DOS 3.0 or later.
 You can download the 245K NF.ZIP file from  You may
 copy this free software for others as long as no charge is involved and the
 software is used for amateur purposes only.

Brian is to be congratulated for taking the time to help us all.
Unfortunately, I'm
unable to access the site to download the software. I
visions of the Navy's west coast underwater submarine detection system being
ground to a halt because of the demand for this software.  Visions of YI/EP
subs sneeking up on California aren't pleasant!!  

73, Jim W9WU  (ARRL Volunteer Counsel--and I'm keeping track of all those
defaming us attorney's for when you need our help to keep it up.)

>From aa1jm at SNET.Net (David John Twiggs)  Sun Aug 11 02:19:37 1996
From: aa1jm at SNET.Net (David John Twiggs) (David John Twiggs)
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 1996 20:19:37 -0500
Subject: | X |  Pse QSL ???
Message-ID: <9608102346.AA70888 at CT1.SNET.Net>

Brian -- I couldn't agree with you more!  I am a small gun, (pea shooter),
but enjoy chasing the various awards.  In the 9 years of hamming I have seen
what was about an 90% return to my postcard QSLs sent to USA stations drop
to about 30%.  I went to sending an SASE for all cards I need for awards.
Can you believe I am only running about 75%!  I guess it's too hard to fill
out qsl info on the back of napkin or something for some folks.  I guess the
next step is to start sending "reply cards" like the county hunters do.  BTW
I get my qsls printed by a local printer for about $40 per 1000.  I get an
unsolicated QSL for about every 100 QSOs.  Finally, I always return as quick
as possible.  My thanks to those of you who do too!
73 de Dave AA1JM

At 02:17 PM 8/9/96 +-100, you wrote:
>I would prefer this not become a fray, but I do have a
>serious question. 
>I am a very small player in the contest world, but even
>so I seem to get quite a number of QSLs following each
>event I participate in (Podunk QSO Party etc...).  It has
>become an issue of STATE, PREFIX, GRID, COUNTY, etc.
>Most QSL cards arrive "post card style."  Now I don't mind
>springing for the lousy 20 cents, but I must admit that the
>cards with SASE's do get sent first (expediency).
>Occasionally, due to participation in other events or illness
>or whatever, unfortunately I get behind on the post cards and
>my filing (by necessity) gets ahead of my mailing.  This is not
>a conspiracy as some beleive...
>With the advent of "label-printing" logging programs and callbook
>databases it is quite easy to mass mail a large number of QSL's.
>I did this just this (postcard style) one SS season for both SSB
>and CW (both clean sweeps BTW).  My return rate was quite low.
>I am not talking about DX.
>Finally, the question: How do you big players handle what must be
>a monumental task?  What is the protocol these days?
>I know I just received a QSL card for a state I needed on 160m
>over a year and a half after sending a QSL with SASE (thanks BTW
>I still needed it, hadn't been on the band since).
>Some folks have taken it poorly, but observation wrt QSL'ing is:
>1) "postcards" are worst
>2) a simple return address label is as good as an SASE (to me)
>3) an SASE is as good as it gets and is easier than sending two
>   cards, the second complaining about the first, followed by a
>   huffy letter and 2 dimes taped inside when the card is received
>   with a short message saying those with SASEs get returned quickest
>I know I have to use an SASE to get returns on those I need and I
>really DO enjoy collecting/sending QSL cards.
>Some have emphatically told me "ham radio didn't use to be this way."
>I sincerely appreciate every QSO and QSL, de Brian ke7gh at

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