Stacking yagis

pp5jr at pp5jr at
Tue Aug 20 21:57:51 EDT 1996

Hi everybody,
i would like a help about two things: first, whitch is the ideal lenght of
the RG 213, between stacks on 10m 7 over 7 (yagis).
Secound, witch is the ideal distance between the same antenas?
If possible i'd like the same answers for 15m, but 6 over 6 yagis.
Thank you very much for the informations, best 73

>From grantola at (Mari & Warren Stankiewicz)  Wed Aug 21 02:36:15 1996
From: grantola at (Mari & Warren Stankiewicz) (Mari & Warren Stankiewicz)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 18:36:15 -0700
Subject: SS rules interpretation
Message-ID: <199608210136.SAA20814 at>

Gee, this is so simple--if you were once professionally paid to know the

The two of you multioperate with your call.

Normal control operator/band limit privilegdges apply, of course.

If your daughter hears a new one, she works it with her call. If she doesn't
send in a log, they can't penalize you.

And what you're doing isn't in violation of the spirit or intent of the
rules. I doubt it's in violation of the written rules, either, but I don't
trust certain people not to contradict me.

Get on, and have a good time--that's the real bottom line.


Warren, NF1J (who is one of the few people paid to interpret contest rules,
but one of the many to have worked for Billy Lunt.)

>From thompson at (David L. Thompson)  Wed Aug 21 02:36:01 1996
From: thompson at (David L. Thompson) (David L. Thompson)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 21:36:01 -0400
Subject: T99W Help
Message-ID: <199608210224.WAA05203 at>

I sent T99W's 1995 certificate and it was returned saying no mail allowed to

I then went thru several Dx Manager lists and found one that said since
early 1995 DL1QQ was the QSL manager for T99W.   He is not in my recent
callbook and does not show up on the DL callbook or buckmaster.

Is DL1QQ correct and does anyone have the correct address to send T44W his
CQ 160 certificate?

Dave K4JRB

And yes..I have both previous questions answered. DLT

>From thompson at (David L. Thompson)  Wed Aug 21 02:43:06 1996
From: thompson at (David L. Thompson) (David L. Thompson)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 21:43:06 -0400
Subject: YOU TOO CAN VOTE on CW!!
Message-ID: <199608210231.WAA06071 at>

In the September 1996 QST (pages 49 and 50) there is a WRC-99 Survey where
you can make your opinions known on the Cw requirement.  Please cast your
vote and let the ARRL/IARU know how you feel about CW.  You can bet the no
code techs will!   

Dave K4JRB
Assistant Director, SE Division

>From neader at (Scott Neader)  Wed Aug 21 04:20:50 1996
From: neader at (Scott Neader) (Scott Neader)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 22:20:50 -0500
Subject: Denver contesters?/FOX having baby?
Message-ID: <v02140b04ae402c74355e@[]>

Me and the XYL will be taking a vacation next week, heading west, with a
likely stop in Denver.  Not sure if we'll have time to do some ham
site-seeing, but would love to have some names & numbers of fellow
contesters in the Denver area to call, just in case!

Also, please note that it is official:  Laurie is pregnant!  (hey, who did
that!?!?)  So, if you don't hear me on the air for, say, the next decade or
two, you'll know why!  ETA of the little fox is March 17, 1997.

73 - Scott KA9FOX

INTERNET SOLUTIONS - Affordable web page design and storage
Scott Neader (608)788-1234 / FAX (608)787-0100 / neader at
Internet Solutions web:   Ham web:

>From mraz at (Kris Mraz, N5KM)  Wed Aug 21 04:48:33 1996
From: mraz at (Kris Mraz, N5KM) (Kris Mraz, N5KM)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 1996 22:48:33 -0500
Subject: YOU TOO CAN VOTE on CW!!
References: <199608210231.WAA06071 at>
Message-ID: <321A8711.794BDF32 at>

David L. Thompson wrote:
> In the September 1996 QST (pages 49 and 50) there is a WRC-99 Survey where
> you can make your opinions known on the Cw requirement.  Please cast your
> vote and let the ARRL/IARU know how you feel about CW.  You can bet the no
> code techs will!
> Dave K4JRB
> Assistant Director, SE Division

It may be just me, but the questions seem to be biased in such as way so
as to influence the reader toward a "drop the code" opinion. I believe this is
the answer the league is trying to force. There is an art to structuring
these kinds of surveys so that the questions are unbiased and the reader's
true opinion is obtained. I wonder if this survey could pass a neutrality test?
Anyone experienced in this area?

Kris N5KM 
mraz at

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