Grid Square Unknown

Waldemar Krzok waldemar at
Thu Aug 22 17:32:03 EDT 1996

> I doubt most casual ops can determine their position on earth within the 
> 2 degree by 1 degree squares, unless they happen to know it already.

IMHO it is not a problam if you really will to determine it. You can ask the 
local gouverment for topografic city map, don't you. I do not think 
that USA is worse that former USSR and other satellite countries. I actually 
got my locator (or lat/lon in deg/min/sec) in Poland (in 1988) despite some 
minor problems (military etc). Try the same for other countries. Try using 
standard maps, 1*2 deg resolution is not a big problem. If you miss your 
locator by one, is this REALLY a problem???? Is this a problem when the 
border line goes straight through your tranceiver? You choose one of them, 

> The solution is simple. Have an "Unknown" grid square. It would count for 
> a fixed number of miles (km), or would be a separate grid multiplier.
 NO NO NO NO. Do not use such prothetic. Take a few minutes, try to estimate 
your lat/lon and get your locator. It is really simple. And what about map 
There is also a grid map of the world published in Germany by DARC-Verlag.

73, de DL7ANQ (JO62OK) // DL7ANQ/p (JO62RJ)
    && SO6ANQ (JO90CQ) // SO6ANQ/p (JO80RG)........

>From k6ll at (David O. Hachadorian)  Fri Aug 23 00:29:21 1996
From: k6ll at (David O. Hachadorian) (David O. Hachadorian)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 15:29:21 PST
Subject: CT9 & TS950SDX Control
References: < at>
Message-ID: <19960822.152923.4951.0.k6ll at>

On Wed, 21 Aug 1996 20:42:43 -0500 ve6sv at (Gordon R. Kosmenko)
>General technical inquiry......has anybody interfaced CT9 to a 
>TS-950SDX ?
>I am interested in the hardware connections. Wiring up the ACC1 jack
>directly to the computer's COM port. Without using the IF-232C option.
>Are the RS-232C voltages from the computer COM a risk to the rig ?
>I am very much like to "talk" with the folks you have done some work
>in this area.
>Thanks & 73  ....Gord
>*  Gordon R. Kosmenko       Internet Email ve6sv at *
>*  277 - 52306 Rge Rd 212   Telephone (403) 922-4331       *
>*  Sherwood Park, AB        Packet Radio ve6sv at ve6mc       *
>*  T8G 1A9                  Amateur Station VE6SV          *
>*                                                          *
>*               RADIO OF AMATEURS OF CANADA                *
>*                 Alberta Section Manager                  *

I have hooked a serial port (RS-232) directly to my
TS-850 (TTL), and use it with TRLog. You have to protect
the TTL radio from the higher RS-232 voltage. That's the
purpose of the zener diode clipper. I'm pretty sure the
TS-950 pinouts are the same as the 850. Here's the hookup.
I have trouble drawing pictures with my e-mail editor. I
hope this comes out ok. If not, maybe you or somebody 
else can figure can figure it out and redraw it:

DB-25                           TS-850 ACC 1
-----                           ------------

pin 3 (RxD)--------------------- pin 2 (TxD)

pin 2 (TxD)----/\/\/\----------- pin 3 (RxD)
               470 ohms  |
                        /  \  5 volt zener
pin 7 (Gnd)--------------------- pin 1 (Gnd)

                          ------ pin 4 (CTS)
                          ------ pin 5 (RTS)

I almost hesitate to publish this, because if it's wired
wrong, there is a risk of damage to the rig. Check
it carefully before plugging it in! It has worked for
me for about the past two years with no problems.

Dave, K6LL (on vacation in Utah)
k6ll at

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