CW & HF Licensing
David Robbins
ky1h at
Fri Aug 23 18:32:47 EDT 1996
Brian K. Short wrote:
> >>Dear Asylum Keeper,
> <snip>
> >>3. All applicants should show technical expertise by soldering a PL-259 as
> >> part of their examination.
> This could put a crimp on someone's style.
> <snip>
> >>Sincerely,
> >>dr. Bafoofnik
Watch out! the next safety push will force the fcc to agree
that lead in solder is hazerdous and every ham using it will
have to file an environmental impact statement including
disposal plans for waste and sample procedures to make sure
they aren't contaminating the neighborhood.
ky1h at or robbins at
>From km9p at (Bill Fisher KM9P) Fri Aug 23 18:36:18 1996
From: km9p at (Bill Fisher KM9P) (Bill Fisher KM9P)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 13:36:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: K5NA on contest rules
Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.3.95.960823132636.6598B-100000 at>
On Fri, 23 Aug 1996, Richard L. King wrote:
> START/STOP TIME - Isn't the west coast sunrise a little after 15Z that time
> of year. Wouldn't it be better to start it at 16Z or later when the sunrise
> is over open water? It would be a shame to start and stop the contest with
> the sunrise occuring at a peak population area.
The idea was to start the contest where sunset was happening over the
least active part of the world for the contest. I believe, you can check
me on this, that 1500Z puts it somewhere in Asia. If 1600Z is not a
problem for the European contingent, then let me know.
> DURATION - On December 29, 1996 I have about 13 hours and 50 minutes of
> darkness. Since the sunset peak and sunrise peaks can last for 15 minutes
> before and after darkness (in some cases much longer), I need about 14 hours
> and 20 minutes to work the entire contest for the entire night. I personally
> would have liked to see the operating at least an hour longer. I ran a check
> on San Francisco and found they will have about 14 hours and 15 minutes of
> darkness and with the add-ons, they will have 14 hours and 45 minutes of
> good operating time.
14 hours seemed to be a good number. Surely people with more darkness
will be forced to make a decsion.
> TIME OFF - If it is daylight before and after the contest for me and if I
> take those times off, does that count as two off times? They probably don't
> count, but it would be better to make that point clear. Do you specifically
> mean one off period during the nighttime operating time?
Tree. Please answer.
> I find the computer log requirement and the exclusion of packet to be
> contradictory. To the best of my knowledge W1BB did not use computer logging.
Ahhh... Every contest has packet. Are we trying to do something
different or not? Let me know.
> >3. Exchange: RST and four digit grid square (ie: CN85). Participants
> >are encouraged to send real signal reports instead of the same report
> >for each contact. Those who send the same RST for each QSO will be suitably
> >embarrassed when they see the results.
> Since my software doesn't support sending variable RSTs, how embarrassed am
> I going to be for sending 5NN the entire contest. Many of us feel we don't
> have a choice. What if I sent 579? Would I be less embassased?
I dont believe NA or CT will support sent RSTs ever. I believe an effort
should be made to send accurate RST's though. I plan to send 599 unless
the station is noticably down. Then I will send the report by hand.
> How do you handle this situation. I am S&Ping and work LU1DEN. He doesn't
> give me a grid square. So I log him with only the RST. Later I tune across
> him and he is now giving his grid square. Someone obviously explained the
> exchange to him since I worked him. Do I go back and enter his grid square
> in my log or do I enter the fray to work him again?
You work him again or just write it in. Since he sent it and you copied
it, it's valid. I doubt this is an issue for very many QSO's.
> Since you wont be accepting paper logs, then many of the 160M DX stations
> worked will not be submitting a log because they don't use computers. This
> will diminish the effectivness of your fancy computer techniques to check
> the logs. Perhaps if enough volunteers were found to enter the paper logs,
> we could include them. I would be willing to enter one or two fair-sized DX
> logs into ASCII format.
Is this a volunteer in the making?
>From k3sa at (Steven Affens) Fri Aug 23 18:47:45 1996
From: k3sa at (Steven Affens) (Steven Affens)
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 13:47:45 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.94.960823134544.12565B-100000 at>
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please reset your links and bookmarks.
Thank you.
Steven C. Affens K3SA
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