Vanity Calls?

k4sb at k4sb at
Sun Aug 25 01:43:11 EDT 1996

A few years back, 6E5EBE almost drove me you're gonna push me over the



Name: ed sleight
E-mail: k4sb at
Date: 8/25/96
Time: 12:43:11 AM

This message was sent by Chameleon 

>From kleong at (Kim Leong)  Sat Aug 24 06:45:52 1996
From: kleong at (Kim Leong) (Kim Leong)
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 05:45:52 GMT
Subject: Help[
Message-ID: <96082421390415032 at>


>From jbearss at NIIA.Net (Jim Bearss)  Sun Aug 25 13:30:46 1996
From: jbearss at NIIA.Net (Jim Bearss) (Jim Bearss)
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 07:30:46 -0500
Subject: Vanity Calls
Message-ID: <01BB9257.888BE460 at>

I am not up to speed on the rules for Gate 2.  Can some one clear up a =
question I have:

Can a person request a vanity call for any call area, or must he confine =
his choices to the call area in which he lives?

At one time I thought any call was acceptable.  Now the rules seem to =
read that only calls from your own call area can be submitted.  I am =
confused!  I live in 9 land and I really, really, really wanted to =
request N7NN.  I think that is a really cool call, especially on CW.  =
Plus, "November" is rarely misunderstood on SSB.

Actually, the best CW call for contesting is still available.  It is =
N5EE.  Run that three times in a row on an iambic keyer and you feel =
like dancing!  It absolutely swings!  Dah-dit ditty-ditty-dit dit dit.  =
Oh well, if I have to use a boring old 9 call, I may just keep N9DHN.  =
I've had it since 1982.


>From caconway at (Casey Conway)  Sun Aug 25 21:18:13 1996
From: caconway at (Casey Conway) (Casey Conway)
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 13:18:13 -0700
Subject: Contest Radio
Message-ID: <3220B505.4984 at>

I have the opportunity to get a new HF radio and would like some opinions 
on which ones are best for contesting.  My modus operandi is low power 
primarily cw operations.  Any suggestions ?

Casey KD7EY
Evansville, IN

>From drussell at (Donald Russell)  Sun Aug 25 15:53:59 1996
From: drussell at (Donald Russell) (Donald Russell)
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 10:53:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Vertical Phased Array: update
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960825101122.32347A-100000 at>


Thanks to all those that responded to  my initial inquiry about phasing 
two or three vertical antennaes for multiband operation.  Got a lot of 
neat ideas and help on how to do this.  I am also going to get the tech 
notes from butternut and HyGain that many of you suggested.  I figure I 
owed everyone an update so here is my thinking (someone can correct me if 
I am to far off base).

I am really leaning toward the 3 element triangle system.  Reasons for 
this are easy fed methods, no out of phase harnesses, and plenty of 
options on antenna pattern if I get a stack match.  Many hours of Elnec 
use has shown that if I use 1/2 wave spacing on 40 meters and run 1/2 
wavelength coax from each vertical (to make the unfed vertical invisable 
to the 2 fed elements, I can get 4db gain over my single element antenna 
in six directions.  The vertical pattern remains much the same.  When 
switched to 80 meters, this same spacing works out pretty good too.  
If you feed only one element, then the other two act as reflectors and 
you get a good pattern of about 5db gain in the direction of your driven 
element.  I can set this up to favor the directions I want most 
(population centers) for domestic contests. the FB ratio when doing this 
is about 10db.  If I do the same for 160 meters (okay, I'm throwing this 
in) I presume I would get some gain just the same as on 80 mtrs.  Haven't 
checked this out yet.  Never had much success on 160 with this antenna.

The two element phased array looks like it would work too.  If set up for 
40 meters  with one  direction in phase and the other direction 180 degrees 
out of phase and 1/2 wavelenth spacing between elements.  You get your 
standard figure eight pattern in the two directions.  4db gain broad 
side, and 3 db gain end-fire.  So far so good.  When you switch to 80 
mtrs., the phase line becomes 1/4 wavelength as does the element 
spacing.  I checked the calculations on 7.1mhz 1/2 wavelength phasing 
line and 3.6 mhz 1/4 wavelenth phasing line and they are really close. 
Under an inch difference. You get about a 1 db gain broadside and a 3db 
gain in the direction of the lag.  I can choose the direction, or with a 
little work, I can have both directions  ( my option is both).

My plans currently are to set up the two element first, making sure it is 
positioned so that I will maintain my choice directions if I decide to 
add a third element.  This I hope to have ready by the sweeps.  Next 
summer I will work on the third element.  I think 3 elements is the best 
choice.  Anyone who does this before I get to it, Please let me know the 

Again, thanks to all those who helped me think this through.  I'm in the 
market for at least one butternut HF2V if anyone knows where a good used 
one may be, let me know (please respond to this only directly, not through 
the list!).

73, Don  WA8YRS     drussell at

>From ronklein at (Ron Klein )  Sun Aug 25 16:38:30 1996
From: ronklein at (Ron Klein ) (Ron Klein )
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 1996 08:38:30 -0700
Subject: Contesters E-Mail list - who controls?
Message-ID: <199608251538.IAA01422 at>

Can someone refresh my memory as to who controls the e-mail address
list of contesters? And, what that person's e-mail address is?

It appears my entry may be out of date. It should be: 
2104829 at

73, Ron - W0OSK

Ron Klein
ronklein at

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