QST all contesters and CW fans

Jerry Fray jefray at comsys.net
Wed Dec 4 12:56:31 EST 1996

Hi George -
	What!!!!!!!!! An ARRL official FORBIDDING the use of CW in an
officially sanctioned event?!?!?!?!?!? Ack! I'll be doing my best to wrk
u on CW in this special event situation and will also try and op the SSB
to request the CW QSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	Now, how abt we start an email blizzard to the powers that be at the
ARRL? I can't beleive they are aware of this flagrant misuse of an ARRL
Official's power! Want to start at the top and wrk down here they are:
	Pres. Rodney Stafford - kb6zv at arrl.org
	1st V.P. - Stephen Mendelsohn wa2dhf at arrl.org
	V.P. -  Joel Henderson wb5igf at arrl.org
	V.P. 	Hugh Turnbull w3abc at arrl.org
What would Hiram Percy Maxim say?????????????????????????
Jerry KB9NMU
"No Code - No HF....Know Code KNOW HF!"

>From foggie at dtx.net (foggie)  Wed Dec  4 18:09:51 1996
From: foggie at dtx.net (foggie) (foggie)
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 1996 12:09:51 -0600 (CST)
Subject: QST all contesters and CW fans
Message-ID: <XFMail.961204121100.foggie at dtx.net>

>>Lets show these fellows that we who struggled so hard 
>>to learn this mode will never allow it to be FORBIDDEN 
>>for any reason.  Lets let them know that what happened 
>>to the MARS frequencys will not happen on the amateur 
>>Please don't let this turn into a huge battle over code/
>>No code requirments now it seems we are fighting for our 
>>very survival.
>>Please help.
>>If you hear WX3MAS on SSB ask for a CW qso, and please 
>>work this station on 7.047 12/15/96 00:00 to 02:00z
>Will post this message in the shack and will do my best 
>to find you for a CW-only QSO.
I will also post this so I can try to get that CW QSO. Besides I don't even own
a mic for my kenwood. :)

Al - kk5zx

E-Mail: foggie <foggie at dtx.net>
Date: 12/04/96
Time: 12:09:54
Geek Code: GAT d H-- s:+ g+ p2 au+ a w+ v+ C++++ UL++++ P+
           L++++ 3- E--- N++ K W--- M-- po Y+ t+ 5++ j R-
           G' tv b++ D+ B--- e+ u+ h--- f r+++ n- z+++
This message was sent by XF-Mail, and is totally M$ Free

>From tree at lady.axian.com (Larry Tyree)  Wed Dec  4 18:18:20 1996
From: tree at lady.axian.com (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 10:18:20 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Internet Sprint
Message-ID: <199612041818.KAA23646 at lady.axian.com>

                     12th INTERNET CW SPRINT CONTEST

Contest period: 02:00:00Z to 04:00:00Z on Sunday December 22nd UTC.  This
       is Saturday evening in the USA.

Bands: 40 and 80 meters only (this is a real radio contest, no internet).
       Suggested frequencies are 7030-7050 and 3530-3550. 

Max power output: 150 watts at transmitter output connector.

Exchange: Consecutive QSO number (starting with one), name and state
          or province or DXCC country (if outside W/VE).  The name for
          the first QSO is your name.  For every QSO afterwards, the name
          you send is the name you received in the previous QSO.

Call: CQ INT

The standard sprint QSY rule must be followed.  This means that if you
solict a QSO (ie: with CQ or QRZ), after completing the QSO, you must
QSY at least 1 kHz before calling another station, or 5 kHz before
solicting another QSO.

Both callsigns must be sent during the exchange.  Only one signal at a
time please and all QSOs are to take place on CW.  All information
submitted must have been decoded during the contest.  The use of post
contest detection or verification techniques or systems is not allowed.
Also, do not make round robin type QSOs.  It will be very easy to spot
these with the names floating around.  A round robin QSO is one where
you should QSY, but instead hang around to work the station who is
QSOing the station you gave the frequency to.

You may work the same station multiple times provided they are separated
by at least 3 other QSOs in both logs (regardless of band).  For example,
if WN4KKN works N6TR, KKN must work at least 3 other stations before he
can work TR again.  TR must also work 3 stations before working KKN 
again.  Changing bands does not eliminate the three QSO requirement.  
The three QSOs must not be dupes themselves.

You must not work the same station or stations using any kind of schedule
or system.  It is the intent of the dupe rule to make sure we don't run out
of stations to work.  It is NOT the intent of this rule for you to change how
you would operate the contest if dupes were not allowed.  If, in the log
checkers opinion, you have not lived up to the intent of this rule, your
log will be disqualified!!

Total score is the number of contacts you make.  Any QSO found to be
defective in anyway will be removed from both logs (yes, if someone
miscopies your exchange, you won't get credit for the QSO, so QRS a

Please refrain from using vulgar or inappropriate names.  If you receive
one of these names, feel free to either edit it or replace it with your
starting name.  Make sure to make a note in your log so we know what you did.
Injecting the contest with an inappropriate name (in the log checker's
opinion) will result in a 1000 point penalty per occurrence.  Examples of
inappropriate names may be found on MTV and generally start with the
letter "B".

Additional penalties will be assessed to people who work a significant number
of QSOs, but don't turn a log in.  They will be given minus one point
for each QSO that we can verify actually occurred.

Logs must be sent in ASCII format via internet to n6tr at contesting.com within
72 hours of the end of the contest.  Figuring out how to send in your
log on the internet is PART OF THE CONTEST.  If you need help, we will
try to assist the best we can.  

Logs must show the band, time, station worked, number sent, number received,
name received and QTH received for each QSO.  Also, please tell me the
name you start the contest with.  We will assume the name you send is the
name received on your previous QSO, so you don't have to show that.

Results will be publised on CQ-CONTEST within 2 weeks of the contest.  Logs
are checked using the K2MM LogZap software system.  All checked logs will 
be made available by FTP except for those requested by the submitter to
be kept private.  Decisions of the judging committe are final and arbitrary.  

Good luck, tell a friend and HAVE FUN!!

Tree N6TR
tree at contesting.com

>From jon at vii.com (Jon)  Wed Dec  4 18:15:02 1996
From: jon at vii.com (Jon) (Jon)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 11:15:02 -0700
Subject: ARRL 160 CW Test
Message-ID: <199612041815.LAA29698 at lonepeak.vii.com>

Hello all,

I am fairly new to CW Contesting, well I should tell the truth, I am a
Novice CW contester. So if you hear a weak k7 station from Utah this
weekend on 160, it's me, Jon, K7CO, nice to meet you.

I will be running a 137 foot Windom with the APEX only at 30-35 feet, I
will be tuning it with the new Kenwood TS-570D built in tuner. The radio
itself is nice, DSP is great.  Earlier this week I ordered a MFJ 989C 3kw
tuner and an Ameritron ALS-600 Amplifier, if it arrives before the contest
I will be running 500 watts instead of 100 wattts. So feel free to email
any tips along to this novice cw contester. Been phony contesting for some
time and it is time to hit the cw contests.



>From n4vhk at sumnet.summit.winston-salem.nc.us (HENRY HEIDTMANN)  Wed Dec  4 14:40:06 1996
From: n4vhk at sumnet.summit.winston-salem.nc.us (HENRY HEIDTMANN) (HENRY HEIDTMANN)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 09:40:06 -0500
Subject: No CW????????
Message-ID: <199612041440.JAA10960 at sumnet.summit.winston-salem.nc.us>

George...Count on W4NC, W4WS, and N4VHK for cw contacts.I'll also spread
the word at our next meeting(Forsyth Amateur Radio Club ) and the
Alligator Net.
A "No CW" rule for a special event station is ABSURD. And Tell ur
President to buy a code tape and UPGRADE!!!!!
vy 73 de Henry Heidtmann, N4VHK
Contest Team Captain, W4NC
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Trustee, W4WS, Winston-Salem Courteous Operator's Club

>From brad4 at roanoke.infi.net (Melvin G. Brafford)  Wed Dec  4 18:33:47 1996
From: brad4 at roanoke.infi.net (Melvin G. Brafford) (Melvin G. Brafford)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 13:33:47 -0500
Subject: paper logging vs computer logging
Message-ID: <199612041834.NAA07919 at mh004.infi.net>

                                        True Story
After winning the CQWW SSB contest for 10m sohp for 4 land in 1969 using my
old call K4KJN, I was feeling like a real contest pro. Of course in the
late 60's and early 70, a computer for contest logging was still buried in
someone's gray matter. Anyway, I came up with the bright idea for a "fool
proof" dupe checking system..ha ha. After eyeing some new summary forms
that we had gotten in for work, that were loaded with oodles of columns and
little blocks, I decided to tape several of them together and make one 7
foot long by 3 foot super dupe sheet. I made a heading with the most used
prefixes such as DL, DJ, JA, etc using the long columns and prefixes like
MP4, VS9, FB8. etc using very short columns. Of course everything was in
alphabetical order, sort of. Now, armed with my Drake TR4, Henry 2K amp and
Electrovoice mike, by the way the mike was hanging around my neck by a
peice of #10 aluminum wire. Kinda early Heil'ish one might say. Anyway to
make a long story longer, in the heat of battle the log sheets, dupe
sheets, scratch pads etc etc ended up in one massive pile of paper on my
desk. The band was wall to wall signals, can you imagine trying to log
about 900q's, search and fill in a long unwieldy dupe sheet, and run
stations at the same time? 
After the contest I would usually take about one week of evenings checking
my logs for errors, dupes etc; but not that year. I had faith in my super
dupe sheet, so in the logs went to CQ; unduped. 
The unhappy end to the story can be found in the 1971 issue of CQ that
reflects the 1970 ssb scores. K4KJN disqualified for excessive (3%)
dupes.It took me till 1994 to build up enough guts to try contesting again.
POINT: I've contested both ways, unless you are a glutten for punishment
you don't want paper logs.
73, MICK....W4YV

>From ct1boh at mail.telepac.pt (CT1BOH - Jose Carlos Cardoso Nunes)  Wed Dec  4 17:55:24 1996
From: ct1boh at mail.telepac.pt (CT1BOH - Jose Carlos Cardoso Nunes) (CT1BOH - Jose Carlos Cardoso Nunes)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 18:55:24 +0100
Subject: 9Y4H OP CT1BOH CQ WW CW 96
Message-ID: <199612041854.SAA01011 at mail.telepac.pt>


This was the most memorable yet the most frustrating CW contest I have ev=
entered. The most memorable because it was my best ever score effort, my
best ever qso performance and my best ever hour performance. The most
frustrating because I could not copy levels of weak stations through
constant S6 line noise from 45 =BA (Europe beam heading) and I could neve=
catch up on Multipliers. Never in my contesting career was I so happy and
frustrated throughout 48 hours at the same time. Very strange indeed.
I was very happy to have had a chance to operate from Trinidad. Glen K6NA
the man behind 9Y4H had to go to KH6 on his wife 50th anniversary. When I
learned in late September I had no station to operate the CQWW CW, my goo=
friend N6TJ pulled this one for me.
When I arrived at 9Y4H I was impressed with the QTH. Top of the hill
location and beautiful views 360=BA around.
The house is located in the middle of the city. There is just one tower
with a 2el 40 on top and two KT34XAs below. Below the top Tribander sits
the boom that supports a 2el inverted V for 80 fixed on Europe and the
tower itself is shunt fed for 160. There is no room for Beverages but a
reception loop is used as a compromise receiving antenna. There is Ocean
water to the West and North and a big Refinery and Chemical Plant to the
Northeast. This is the most probable cause for a constant S6 noise. It is
very bad. A constant BRRRRR. Most of the times I had to beam to Africa to
reduce the noise. Terrible. I have never seen anything like this before.
The week before was spent doing.... Nothing. There was nothing to do. Gle=
did a fantastic quality job on this station, and the fact he was there fo=
SSB was great for me. I just had to connect my FT1000MP to the coax, set
the computer and start operating..
Running some pile-ups, checking long path propagation into Asia, working
all the DX around, watching the pile-up proficiency of the Dxpeditioners,
reading Carl Sagan "The demon haunted World", walking through San Fernand=
and sleeping a lot were my daily activities.
Friday I woke up at 11z. Had breakfast, checked everything again and by 1=
hit the sack again. Slept all afternoon long. Amazing how easy it is to
sleep if you are able to control your anxiety and remove from your head
mixed thoughts. One hour before midnight got out of bed had a quick bath
and ate something. By 2345 sat down and turned everything on. 20 meters w=
almost dead. Just a couple of LUs were coming through. This was looking
bad. Turned the lower antenna towards the South Pacific but somehow the
antenna wouldn't turn more than 270=BA. Run outside quickly and noticed t=
the side mount of the KT34XA was at the end  even though the Rotor Contro=
Box was indicating 270=BA. Well a quick yellow post-it was placed on the
rotor box. D=3DD+40=BA. That antenna almost didn't move throughout the co=
it stayed pointed towards the USA. Didn't hurt much because US stations
were always stronger on this antenna.This problem was quickly solved. The=
are the problems I like. The ones I can solve before the contest starts. =
2355 I sit again in front of the radio. Move to 40. The band doesn't seem
very lively either. 7013 is clear. There I go.
CQ 9Y4H.
Funny no one gets back to me.
I keep calling CQ and still no one gets back to me. This is not looking
good. Finally S59AA calls me and I chat with him until the test begins. M=
first minute is very poor. Only two QSOS. 15 minutes later I have 52 QSOs
30 minutes later 123 QSOs, 45 minutes later 189 QSOs and at the end of th=
first hour 247 QSOs. I just couldn't believe. My best ever hour and on 40.
At 0113Z QRate shows what is probably the best ever CW hour - 254 QSOs in
60 minutes and 49 QSOs in 10 minutes.
My first 9 hours were truly amazing:

1   247 40
2   236 40
3   223 40
4   219 40
5   208 40=20
6   178 40/80
7   187 80
8   172 80/160
9   99   40/80/160

So at 0859z CT shows 1769 QSOs. What a JAZZ.
But now I have two big problems to deal with:
When I move to 160 and put the FT1000MP on RX for the Loop-Nothing. I run
outside check the coax to the loop but all seems OK. Only after the Conte=
I discover the problem. The problem was the loop had a preamp connected t=
a power supply. Apparently Harry 9Y4H had disconnect everything in the
shack the night before and I never knew that power supply was needed for
the preamp. This really hurt my multiplier on 160 and a bit on 80.  I cou=
only work the really loud stations from Europe on 160. I heard P40W sever=
times running Europeans I could not copy at all.
The second problem is my multiplier number. I keep a record of the EA8EA
world record  and my best ever performance from PY0FF hour by hour as far
as Qsos, zones and countries are concerned. I was always well ahead in
terms of QSOs but always behind on Multipliers. In the beginning I don't
worry too much because this was the first time I didn't start on 20 meter=
so at least 50 Multipliers less would be to expect until I got back to 20
at my sunrise. But I never catch up. During the second day my rates go do=
a little bit because I make an effort to devote five to ten minutes every
hour to S&P. Not very successfully though. I don't seem to move people
around like I use to do at PY0FF. Either they were calling me and I don't
hear them through the noise or I just don't know what. Browsing through t=
continent countries sheet on CT I notice I am not doing very well on Afri=
Multipliers. The second day I keep almost all the time my top antenna on
Africa. Still nothing significant comes from that. On 10 meters I felt
miserable. There was a short opening to Europe. I could tell a lot of EU
stations were calling me but very few came through the noise. I could hea=
8P9Z working EU. I couldn't get them trough the noise. Only the really lo=
ones. When I came back to Portugal, N6AA told me he called for about 3
minutes from CT8T, but nothing. I loose CT1 on 10 meters....
But at the same time my rates were fantastic. Even now I think why my
Multipliers aren't better. Was it just because of the noise? Was it I was
so alienated with the QSO rates? I guess a mixture of the two  is the
correct answer.
At 1159z I had 2184 QSOs
at 2359z I had 4110 QSOs
at 1159Z I have 5476 QSOs
and at the end of the test CT shows 7119 raw QSOs
Removing the dupes that gives 6857.

I had spend 48 hours in front of the radio. No sleep never felt sleepy. B=
when the contest was over somehow I knew this was not the year I win the
Next year...

My final numbers are


      160      222      653     2.94     12      36
       80      827     2462     2.98     22      71
       40     1992     5939     2.98     32      99
       20     1298     3835     2.95     29      84
       15     1994     5885     2.95     31      96
       10      524     1533     2.93     17      39

     Totals   6857    20307     2.96    143     425  =3D>  11,534,376

Some final notes:

After three years operating from PY0FF I now realize how far away it is
from USA and EU. Signals in 9Y are much much louder than the ones you hea=
at PY0F. The pile-ups at PY0FF are very very hard. In 9Y pile-ups were
sooooo easy. There was no need to operate Split and a full call could be
picked all the time.
PY0FF is a FANTASTIC station but just too far away when you compare it wi=

Congratulations to the new champion P40W. He did a fantastic job. Fantast=
QSO with Multipliers. He deserved  a world record at the very bottom of t=
sunspot cycle.

Every night I go to bed I knock my head against the wall for having helpe=
him put up that station.....

Best 73
CU in the next Contest

>From 71111.260 at CompuServe.COM (Hans Brakob)  Wed Dec  4 18:58:14 1996
From: 71111.260 at CompuServe.COM (Hans Brakob) (Hans Brakob)
Date: 04 Dec 96 13:58:14 EST
Subject: WX3MAS CW
Message-ID: <961204185814_71111.260_EHM59-1 at CompuServe.COM>

George at epix.net said:

>...the local voice of the ARRL would speak those words.


I'll be QRV for a CW contact with WX3MAS..... 

....but your insinuation that this local club decision is linked to
the ARRL is *really* stretching for an excuse to league-bash.

73, de Hans, K0HB

>From w5hvv at aeneas.net (Rod Fitz-Randolph)  Wed Dec  4 19:04:08 1996
From: w5hvv at aeneas.net (Rod Fitz-Randolph) (Rod Fitz-Randolph)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 13:04:08 -0600
Subject: K5ZD CQWW CW Story (Long)
Message-ID: <v01541103aecb23b6df97@[]>

>One vote on the side of N3RR (even though it will still be a landslide).
>While my ISP handled it just fine and I experienced no errors, I was
>"forced" to sit for considerable time (I'm not a speed reader) out of
>fear that I might miss a jewel essential for my own self-improvement.
>The jewels were there, of course, but many of my valuable minutes were
>used up in the process.  This kind of post needs to be condensed to just
>display the jewels so that we "reading impaired" can concentrate on more
>important things - like memorizing all the new vanity calls!

Bob, I cordially disagree.  I did not read it all the way through because
I had 117 messages queued and I felt the need to get on with it.  I simply
saved the file for later reading...at my leisure!...maybe even after an
attitudinal adjustment libation.  It does contain a lot of good information
and there are those that don't mind reading every dit and dah all the way
through the message.  For those, (and me) I believe the prose was well
worth it.  For those of you that feel antagonized by such a long epistle,
please just delete it or save it for a more opportune moment to read.
Please don't make the rest of us conform to your particular standards of
what is correct or not-quite-so-correct.

73, es best Contesting!  Rod

Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph
w5hvv at aeneas.net
79 Highland Hills Cove,
Jackson, TN  38305
(901) 661-9278 (Phone - after 10 AM and prior to 9 PM)
(901) 664-7539 (FAX - any time of day or night)

>From tree at lady.axian.com (Larry Tyree)  Wed Dec  4 19:26:51 1996
From: tree at lady.axian.com (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 11:26:51 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Using old call as name in SprINT
Message-ID: <199612041926.LAA24348 at lady.axian.com>

Paul - K9PG (the ham formerly known as WX9E) writes:

>      Would it be wrong to use the old call for the beginning name?
>      I don't see in the rules where it says you HAVE to use your own name, 
>      and people have used odd names before....    just curious.

Well, you could use your old call as a starting name, but I would rather
not see this happen.  I think it would be better if you came up with a 
clever name that is based on your old call (like "ninedit").  

Imagine trying to make sense out of this:


Tree N6TR
tree at contesting.com

>From w5hvv at aeneas.net (Rod Fitz-Randolph)  Wed Dec  4 19:26:57 1996
From: w5hvv at aeneas.net (Rod Fitz-Randolph) (Rod Fitz-Randolph)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 13:26:57 -0600
Subject: No CW????????
Message-ID: <v01541100aecb2939d521@[]>

>George...Count on W4NC, W4WS, and N4VHK for cw contacts.I'll also spread
>the word at our next meeting(Forsyth Amateur Radio Club ) and the
>Alligator Net.
>A "No CW" rule for a special event station is ABSURD. And Tell ur
>President to buy a code tape and UPGRADE!!!!!

Henry, save your breath!  No-Code Techs are the Welfare Parasites of Ham
Radio.  They are lazy to the core of the marrow of their bones.  This is
a classic example of what we can all expect in the future as they become
the vocal majority of Ham Radio operators.  Chalk it up to those assinine
individuals (and organizations) that petitioned for no-code status because
of their laziness (individuals) or the profit motive (organizations that
sell magazines, tapes, etc.).  It is the beginning of the end for Ham
Radio as we know it.  In the future, it will be monopolized by the same
"No-Coders" that are engaging the the age-old practice of dominating a
situation and therefore displaying their power and authority.  They bow
down to their local repeater God 5 times a day on their prayer rugs and
don't want to know about the real world of Ham Radio beyond the repeater

I apologize for being this upset over something and expressing it over
the Internet but few things cause my bile to boil as much as the general
attitude I've run across in the "No-Coders" I've run across.  It is a
display of arrogence that they DON'T HAVE TO and WON'T learn code and
I absolutely and irrevocably detest it.

George can count on me and as many friend as I can rally to the cause.
73, Rod

Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph
w5hvv at aeneas.net
79 Highland Hills Cove,
Jackson, TN  38305
(901) 661-9278 (Phone - after 10 AM and prior to 9 PM)
(901) 664-7539 (FAX - any time of day or night)

>From joe at execusoft.com (Joe Wade)  Wed Dec  4 19:57:50 1996
From: joe at execusoft.com (Joe Wade) (Joe Wade)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 11:57:50 -0800 (PST)
Subject: No Special Event CW
Message-ID: <199612041957.LAA15200 at norway.it.earthlink.net>

Regarding KB9NMU's response to AA3JU's posting,


I don't think George was referring to our League officials in his posting.
I think he was just indicating that the president of an ARRL affiliated club
had the lack of intelligence to make such a pronoucement.

There was a lot of flaming a few months back of some of the ARRL officials
regarding their "supposed" views on CW.  I was personally very upset with
the thought that the League president and officials would go around the
country indicating that CW was dead and it was no longer a necessary mode
either for communication or for licensing.  But, I must tell you that in
response to a number of letters I sent to my director, the QCWA and League
officials I received a letter from Rodney Stafford the President.  He has
been quoted in numerous places as being anti-cw.  The fact is he is not
anti-cw, and did not support the no-code tech license that we now have.  He
flatly denies making the many anti-cw comments at Dayton and elsewhere. 

My point to all this is please don't repeat something that you didn't hear
yourself on this matter.  Rodney has been beaten up for viewpoints that he
doesn't hold or support and that is not fair.  I do think that ARRL members
deserve to know the position of ALL League officials on this matter.  The
number of no-coders is huge and I greatly fear their negative impact on our
hobby.  After all, they did not have to demonstrate a skill (CW) to get
their license.  All they had to do was pass an exam for which ALL of the
questions and answers are published for them to review in advance.  What a joke.

Viva la CW - let's all get on and work WX3MAS on the 15th.

73, Joe W6YR   

Jerry KB9NMU Wrote:

	What!!!!!!!!! An ARRL official FORBIDDING the use of CW in an
officially sanctioned event?!?!?!?!?!? Ack! I'll be doing my best to wrk
u on CW in this special event situation and will also try and op the SSB
to request the CW QSO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	Now, how abt we start an email blizzard to the powers that be at the
ARRL? I can't beleive they are aware of this flagrant misuse of an ARRL
Official's power! Want to start at the top and wrk down here they are:
	Pres. Rodney Stafford - kb6zv at arrl.org
	1st V.P. - Stephen Mendelsohn wa2dhf at arrl.org
	V.P. -  Joel Henderson wb5igf at arrl.org
	V.P. 	Hugh Turnbull w3abc at arrl.org
What would Hiram Percy Maxim say?????????????????????????

>From n4bp at shadow.net (Bob Patten)  Wed Dec  4 20:13:53 1996
From: n4bp at shadow.net (Bob Patten) (Bob Patten)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 15:13:53 -0500 (EST)
Subject: K5ZD CQWW CW Story (Long)
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.961204150945.24601B-100000 at hyper>

On Wed, 4 Dec 1996, Rod Fitz-Randolph wrote:

> >One vote on the side of N3RR (even though it will still be a landslide).
> >While my ISP handled it just fine and I experienced no errors, I was
> >"forced" to sit for considerable time (I'm not a speed reader) out of
> >fear that I might miss a jewel essential for my own self-improvement.
> >The jewels were there, of course, but many of my valuable minutes were
> >used up in the process.  This kind of post needs to be condensed to just
> >display the jewels so that we "reading impaired" can concentrate on more
> >important things - like memorizing all the new vanity calls!
> Bob, I cordially disagree.  I did not read it all the way through because
> Please don't make the rest of us conform to your particular standards of
> what is correct or not-quite-so-correct.
The trouble with e-mail - it's difficult to show your frame of mind while 
composing.  But you failed to quote my :) :) :) - I thought that would 
make it clear.  I enjoyed reading Randy's loooong post.  But I think I 
completed the reading in about three different sessions on my ISP...  I 
DO NOT have a problem with this kind of post.  Clear enough??

Bob Patten, N4BP

>From Fatchett.Mike at tci.com (Fatchett, Mike)  Wed Dec  4 19:54:11 1996
From: Fatchett.Mike at tci.com (Fatchett, Mike) (Fatchett, Mike)
Date: 04 Dec 1996 12:54:11 -0700
Subject: No CW????????
Message-ID: <0601E32A5D6E3028*/c=us/admd=attmail/prmd=tci/o=mailhub/ou=msmaildos/s=Fatchett/g=Mike/@MHS>

I agree.  It was a sad day when the no code license was created.


>From jmarchand at ecrm.com (MarchandJohn)  Wed Dec  4 20:21:30 1996
From: jmarchand at ecrm.com (MarchandJohn) (MarchandJohn)
Date: 4 Dec 1996 15:21:30 -0500
Subject: NO CW? I shudder to think it!!
Message-ID: <n1362409592.95225 at macgtwy.ecrm.com>

Hi George,

I think your young club prez needs to be taken aside and shown the err of =
ways..!!!  That may have to turn into a Group Therepy session depending =
on how
many of those "DITLESS Wonders" in the club agree with him. (NOT =
referring to ALL codeless technician ops, only those in the club who =
agree with the prez!!!). 

I'm all for that type of ticket as long as its used constructively (a =
stepping stone to better things), but this situation looks like its being =
used in a negative way. 

Here's a couple of suggestions: (grin)

1. Delegate the prez to be the sole operator of the 11 meter position.

2. I have a bucket of tar, who can get some feathers?..... I wonder how =
    would look in a chicken suit?

3. Does he have an Internet address? Maybe he's starving for some E-Mail?

   (Flame me if you will, but thats my $.015 worth.)

Count me, and as many ops as I can line up for contacts!!!!

John K1RC

>From snace at tdrss.wsc.nasa.gov (Steven Nace)  Wed Dec  4 20:48:35 1996
From: snace at tdrss.wsc.nasa.gov (Steven Nace) (Steven Nace)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 13:48:35 -0700
Subject: K5ZD CQWW CW Story (Long)
Message-ID: <v02120d00aecb91c09447@[]>

>Atta boy Randy!  Best reading I've seen on since B.V. (Before Vanity).
>Where are the rest of you guys at, we need more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Jerry KB9NMU

Well Jerry, you can find these stories at www.contesting.com/_3830/

Didnt K3MM just get chastised for posting his contest story and breakdown
to CQ-CONTEST? Now 'ZD is eligible for a Pulitzer?

Maybe Dr Bafoonik shed some more light on this ever-evolving social issue.

de KN5H

>From eparish at netcom.com (Ed Parish)  Wed Dec  4 20:52:59 1996
From: eparish at netcom.com (Ed Parish) (Ed Parish)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 12:52:59 -0800
Subject: NO CW? I shudder to think it!!
Message-ID: <199612042052.MAA13988 at netcom18.netcom.com>

   Sender: owner-cq-contest at tgv.com
   Date: 4 Dec 1996 15:21:30 -0500
   From: jmarchand at ecrm.com (MarchandJohn)
   Reply-To: jmarchand at ecrm.com (MarchandJohn)

   Hi George,

   I think your young club prez needs to be taken aside and shown the err of =
   ways..!!!  That may have to turn into a Group Therepy session depending =
   on how
   many of those "DITLESS Wonders" in the club agree with him. (NOT =
   referring to ALL codeless technician ops, only those in the club who =
   agree with the prez!!!). 

   I'm all for that type of ticket as long as its used constructively (a =
   stepping stone to better things), but this situation looks like its being =
   used in a negative way. 

Since the trustee is an Extra, then any operator can operate to the limit
of his or her ticket, unless of course a control op is present and then he
or she can operate to the limit of the control op's ticket.  So, there
should not be a problem operating on HF or on CW, other than the
narrowmindedness of the president.  

CLUB      RR 4 GREYSTONE BLDG                 LIC EXP 26-NOV-2006
          NAZARETH             PA  18064-9211 LST UPD 26-NOV-1996
NU3L      HORNAMAN, E CHRIS                   IS RESPONSIBLE

I suggest that you get him voted out next election.  I will try to break
the pileup Sunday.


>From trey at cisco.com (Trey Garlough)  Wed Dec  4 20:59:14 1996
From: trey at cisco.com (Trey Garlough) (Trey Garlough)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 12:59:14 -0800
Subject: K5ZD CQWW CW Story (Long)
Message-ID: <199612042059.MAA08461 at scv-cse-4.cisco.com>

> Didnt K3MM just get chastised for posting his contest story and breakdown
> to CQ-CONTEST? Now 'ZD is eligible for a Pulitzer?

Nope.  K3MM posted a summary sheet, but no story.  3830 at contesting.com is
the place for that.

K5ZD wrote an in-depth article about his experiences in the contest.  These
types are articles are welcome on CQ-Contest.  

--Trey, N5KO

>From jdowning at intelenet.net (John Downing)  Wed Dec  4 20:52:31 1996
From: jdowning at intelenet.net (John Downing) (John Downing)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 12:52:31 -0800
Subject: No CW????????
Message-ID: <01BBE1E4.1EB51E80 at downing-1.intelenet.net>

Well Rod,

Your thoughtful message about no-code techs especially the 
" No-Code Techs are the Welfare Parasites of Ham
Radio.  They are lazy to the core of the marrow of their bones.."
comment was interesting.  You know, my wife, who has no
technical interests, is studying hard for her no-code tech
license so that she can share some of my hobby and so that
she can use the repeater system in our rural north central
New Mexico QTH to reach me in an emergency. (Cell phone
coverage is sparse out here.)

I'm sure she will find your thoughts both supportive and
provocative.  Thanks for your insights.  Perhaps you should
read this month's CQ magazine editorial.  

'Nuff said.


W2NA / V31DX / 8P9IX
The Cuba Libre Contest Club


>From bscott at thor.pla-net.net (Bob Scott)  Wed Dec  4 21:03:48 1996
From: bscott at thor.pla-net.net (Bob Scott) (Bob Scott)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 15:03:48 -0600
Subject: No CW????????
Message-ID: <9612042109.AA22856 at thor.pla-net.net>

> From: Rod Fitz-Randolph <w5hvv at aeneas.net>
> To: HENRY HEIDTMANN <n4vhk at sumnet.summit.winston-salem.nc.us>
> Cc: cq-contest at tgv.com
> Subject: Re: No CW????????
> Date: Wednesday, December 04, 1996 1:26 PM
> >George...Count on W4NC, W4WS, and N4VHK for cw contacts.I'll also spread
> >the word at our next meeting(Forsyth Amateur Radio Club ) and the
> >Alligator Net.
> >A "No CW" rule for a special event station is ABSURD. And Tell ur
> >President to buy a code tape and UPGRADE!!!!!
> Henry, save your breath!  No-Code Techs are the Welfare Parasites of Ham
> Radio.  They are lazy to the core of the marrow of their bones.  This is
> a classic example of what we can all expect in the future as they become
> the vocal majority of Ham Radio operators.  Chalk it up to those assinine
> individuals (and organizations) that petitioned for no-code status
> of their laziness (individuals) or the profit motive (organizations that
> sell magazines, tapes, etc.).  It is the beginning of the end for Ham
> Radio as we know it.  In the future, it will be monopolized by the same
> "No-Coders" that are engaging the the age-old practice of dominating a
> situation and therefore displaying their power and authority.  They bow
> down to their local repeater God 5 times a day on their prayer rugs and
> don't want to know about the real world of Ham Radio beyond the repeater
> horizon.
> I apologize for being this upset over something and expressing it over
> the Internet but few things cause my bile to boil as much as the general
> attitude I've run across in the "No-Coders" I've run across.  It is a
> display of arrogence that they DON'T HAVE TO and WON'T learn code and
> I absolutely and irrevocably detest it.
> George can count on me and as many friend as I can rally to the cause.
> 73, Rod
> Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph
> w5hvv at aeneas.net
> 79 Highland Hills Cove,
> Jackson, TN  38305
> (901) 661-9278 (Phone - after 10 AM and prior to 9 PM)
> (901) 664-7539 (FAX - any time of day or night)
Sorry, Rod, but it's this kind of attitude that keeps a lot of people out
of ham radio to begin with.
I entered amateur radio as a no-code tech in 1993. This was a way to get my
feet wet and see if I had sparked an interest in a new hobby. I thoroughly
enjoyed it, and proceeded to upgrade, at which point I am an Advanced class
license holder. I began contesting almost 2 years ago, due to a great field
day experience. I now participate in most of the contests on HF.
My point here is that there needs to be an entry level arena, and in this
day and age, the no-code class fulfills that need.
As far as "Praying to the repeater Gods", I wish I heard as polite and
thoughtful operators on 20 and 75 meters as I do on our local repeater
The group that won't learn code because "They Don't Have To" are just
content with the privledges 
that they have. Would you detest someone who fishes with a cane pole and
worms in a farm pond, when 
you think they should be in a $28,000 Ranger boat on Lake Erie?
Sorry, but I don't agree.....Bob

>From k5na at bga.com (Richard L. King)  Wed Dec  4 21:40:26 1996
From: k5na at bga.com (Richard L. King) (Richard L. King)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 15:40:26 -0600
Subject: K5ZD CQWW CW Story (Long)
Message-ID: <199612042140.PAA20336 at zoom.bga.com>

>> Didnt K3MM just get chastised for posting his contest story and breakdown
>> to CQ-CONTEST? Now 'ZD is eligible for a Pulitzer?
>Nope.  K3MM posted a summary sheet, but no story.  3830 at contesting.com is
>the place for that.
>K5ZD wrote an in-depth article about his experiences in the contest.  These
>types are articles are welcome on CQ-Contest.  
>--Trey, N5KO

Hummmm. I'm glad that has cleared up what goes where. I didn't even know
that Randy had sent his story to CQ-CONTEST until I looked back in my trash
bin (I subscribe to way too much stuff). Sure enough, it was from CQ-CONTEST.

In the past I have always sent my contest stories to 3830 by mistake. I
thought that was where they were supposed to go after the big "contest
scoring vs contest discussion" debate on this reflector. I now see the error
of my ways and regret that no one had set me straight before. Probably
because my stories weren't that good.

Randy, it was a good story and I enjoyed reading it. It made me miss
operating from the east coast.

73, Richard

>From cooper at gmpvt.com (Tom Cooper)  Wed Dec  4 21:55:08 1996
From: cooper at gmpvt.com (Tom Cooper) (Tom Cooper)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 16:55:08 -0500
Subject: money and contesting
Message-ID: <199612042155.QAA11001 at web.gmpvt.com>

With the ARRL 160 contest this weekend, I thought, "what the heck, run up a 
big score, spend some money", so I'm greatly increasing my contest 
related hardware expenses.

First, I bought a new processor and more memory and duck-taped it onto 
my old laptop, since it wouldn't fit inside.  That ought to be worth 
100 Q's anyway.

Next, my antenna has been upgraded.  My great aunt's engagement ring 
just came back from the appraisers so I soldered it onto the "hot" side 
of the feeder of my inverted L, right at the insulator.  The jeweler 
said it's worth $1500, but it is kind of small for 160M, so I may only get 
$1000 worth of score improvement out of it.

And last, I bought a case of Dr. Pepper, in platinum/irridium cans.  I 
can't tell you how much this cost because I didn't get the bill yet.  I'm 
so crazed with winning fever that all caution has been thrown to the wind.


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