K5ZD CQWW CW Story (Long)
David Robbins
k1ttt at berkshire.net
Wed Dec 4 21:59:48 EST 1996
Hank Kahrs wrote:
> At 04:35 AM 12/4/96 -0800, you wrote:
> >Randy Thompson wrote:
> >>
> >
I would rather see posts like that on the 3830 reflector where they
get grabbed to be referenced on the web page at contesting.com.
this seems like a more appropriate place and it provides for random
access by those who want to see info from specific stations instead
of shotgunning it to the world. after all the 3830 reflector was
created just for that purpose and it took quite a bit of the load
off this one after major contests, which even though i have a real
isp and my software can handle it i got pretty tired of seeing every
one post their scores to this reflector. so if now we make exceptions
for 'big guns' because there are a few vocal users who like them
where do we draw the line? let the top 5 in each catagory post scores
and breakdowns, the top 10, anyone that runs a kw? or has monobanders?
please lets keep scores and related stuff on the 3830 reflector
where they get collected, catagorized and summarized for those who
want to see them.
David Robbins K1TTT (ex KY1H)
k1ttt at berkshire.net or robbins at berkshire.net
>From blunt at arrl.org (Lunt, Billy, KR1R) Wed Dec 4 22:05:00 1996
From: blunt at arrl.org (Lunt, Billy, KR1R) (Lunt, Billy, KR1R)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 17:05:00 -0500
Subject: 10 Meter Contest Free Zone
Message-ID: <m0vVPUN-000f4IC at mgate.arrl.org>
There has been some discussion about the ARRL 10-Meter Contest rule change
concerning the "Contest Free Zone" because of a recent change in the rules
in Argentina to permit their Novices to operate in this segment, as well as
higher in the band. The ARRL contest rule change was made effective with the
1995 contest, before the change was made in Argentina. The contest rules
state "The frequencies from 28.3 through 28.35 MHz are designated as a
noncontest window. (This means that stations may not call CQ contest in this
If you're participating in the contest, you can't call "CQ Contest" between
28.3 and 28.35. That's quite clear, but there's no prohibition against
answering someone else's "CQ Contest" in the window. They shouldn't be
soliciting contacts on those frequencies either if they are planning to
enter the contest, but if they are just DXing and are not planning to send
in a log, there's nothing to penalize them for. You won't incur any penalty
or risk by answering them, any more than you would if you coaxed a ragchewer
into giving you a point. On the other hand, if you are competing don't try
to get around the rule by using "QRZed contest" or something similar instead
of "CQ"; this would be in clear violation of the intent of the rule and you
would be risking disqualification from the contest.
A rules change can always be considered for next year, based on whatever our
experience is this year.
Billy Lunt, KR1R
Contest Manager, ARRL
kr1r at arrl.org
blunt at arrl.org
>From 0006485696 at mcimail.com (KEN KOPP-K0PP) Wed Dec 4 22:15:00 1996
From: 0006485696 at mcimail.com (KEN KOPP-K0PP) (KEN KOPP-K0PP)
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 96 17:15 EST
Subject: Defacto no-coder's
Message-ID: <10961204221501/0006485696PK5EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
Guys and Gals, we've had a no-code license for many years before the
No Code License ... it's called the Technician Class. Why is it that
you don't hold them in equal "contempt"?
I was a member of the ARRL study group that put the CONCEPT of the
No Code License together. (What we submitted to the ARRL's BOD,
and eventually (via them) to the FCC wasn't what we had proposed.)
I consider my appointment to that committee one of the principal
"honors" in my 45 years as an amateur ... to be "trusted" with
such a "heady" matter. By the way, we were -ALL- CW men.
All-in-all, I've had few regrets ... yes, there are some awful twits
out there, but there also lots of folks who make fine contributions
to the hobby ... and some CONTESTERS! What we're really bitching about
is more related to the overall "dumbing down" of this nation ... in
amateur radio's case, it started with Dick Bash!
This week-end I'm off to a WRC-99 Committee meeting in San Diego.
At least it'll be warmer there than here in Montana.
Ken Kopp - K0PP
k0pp at mcimail.com
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