Tnx, K5ZD CQWW CW Story

Thu Dec 5 14:43:53 EST 1996

In a message dated 96-12-04 20:27:38 EST, you write:

<<  Now if I can just get the bugs out of the New England remote station...
 73,  Steve  K7LXC >>

Common Steve... think BIG..... US territorial waters extend 200 miles from
the coast... Now, a steel hulled ship anchored 199.99 miles to the NE of the
very NE most point of the USA, equipped with remote control, beams on
hydraulic masts, etc...  


>From k3knh at (Irwin Miller)  Thu Dec  5 19:51:16 1996
From: k3knh at (Irwin Miller) (Irwin Miller)
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 14:51:16 -0500
Subject: Henry 3K Ultra
Message-ID: < at>

Anybody have any knowledge or exigence with the 99 presets on the 3k ultra.
I tried to ordered the 99 presets box abt. 5 months ago. They told me there
was a glitch in the computer. Then they told me ther was a backlog in
production. I'm wondering if there is a problem.................Irv  K3KNH

>From n6mod at (Aleksandr Milewski)  Thu Dec  5 20:24:39 1996
From: n6mod at (Aleksandr Milewski) (Aleksandr Milewski)
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 12:24:39 -0800
Subject: Available callsign source?
Message-ID: < at>

At 12:43 PM 12/5/96 -0700, Steven Nace wrote:
>Hello All:
>Where can I find an UPDATED list of available 1X2, 2X1 and even 1X3 calls???
>I tried the KA9FOX web site and found an excellent list provided by AD8I.
>Unfortunately, it has not been updated since gate 2.
>Thanks in advance.
>de Hose  KN5H

QRZ ( is still updating the list of 1x2 and 2x1s, automagically
once a day.

 73 de N6MOD

>From ke5fi at (Chuck Dietz)  Thu Dec  5 20:48:59 1996
From: ke5fi at (Chuck Dietz) (Chuck Dietz)
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 12:48:59 -0800
Subject: 10 Meter Novice "Contest Free" Zone
References: <32A612FC.63A at>
Message-ID: <32A7353B.152E at>

> Bill Fisher KM9P wrote:
> >Chuck Dietz KE5FI wrote: 
> >       My other experience is that there are few LU stations who are
> > contesters in the 300-350 window.
> My log from CQWW SSB says something different entirely.
> 73
> Bill

I looked at my CQWW log and found that I worked 9 LUs on or below 28,350 
of a total of 101 LUs.  I knew that the LU novices were supposed to be 
there and I kept looking for them.  I wonder if THEY knew about this new 
allocation?  I also CQ'd down there a couple of times with no response.  
I guess the "Contest Free Zone" may be self enforcing!

Chuck, KE5FI

>From ke5fi at (Chuck Dietz)  Thu Dec  5 21:55:56 1996
From: ke5fi at (Chuck Dietz) (Chuck Dietz)
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 13:55:56 -0800
Subject: Nowy contest-log w SP
References: <01BBE28E.70CF7C60 at itnet> <19961205.103012.5311.0.n2uck at>
Message-ID: <32A744EC.65EC at>

How about a Pig Latin reflector for "pig farmers?"

Chuck, KE5FI

>From ke5fi at (Chuck Dietz)  Thu Dec  5 21:10:26 1996
From: ke5fi at (Chuck Dietz) (Chuck Dietz)
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 13:10:26 -0800
Subject: What Is This?
References: < at>
Message-ID: <32A73A42.7121 at>

Jimmy R. Floyd wrote:
> My only opinion as to what single band means is this:
> Single Op
> No Packet
> No Nets or Internet
> Noone passing anything to them or themselves soliciting calls on other
> bands.

I have always been curious if I were single band 10 meters and going got 
slow, if I could go to 15 and try to move mults or qsos up to 10.  My 
instinct was it would violate the spirit of being single band.

Ant ideas?

Chuck, KE5FI

>From cooper at (Tom Cooper)  Thu Dec  5 20:50:28 1996
From: cooper at (Tom Cooper) (Tom Cooper)
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 15:50:28 -0500
Subject: money and contesting, part 2
Message-ID: <199612052050.PAA05967 at>

Since I never had a chance of winning before because I wasn't spending
enough, I'm now a little nervous that I haven't really made an adequate 
investment and the fame, noteriety and lusty admiration of the fans will
escape me.  So, Christo's brother Mephisto is coming tomorrow to wrap the 
neighborhood in aluminum foil, including those tall hemlock trees just to 
the west of our yard that have cried out for conductive material for so long.

There are probably much better 160m antenna designs, but this will be fabulously
expensive.  It was a little hard to get the permit, but when I told them
that the foil was going to be recycled, no problem.  I figure I can ship it
up to
VE1ZZ who could use having some money spent on that homemade stuff of his.  Of
course, he's already loud enough to weld my s-meter in +40db position, but
cost money and every cent spent will contribute to the cause of victory.


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