3V8BB (DL2HBX op.) SOAB/LP Story (7kB)

ann at ifn.ing.tu-bs.de ann at ifn.ing.tu-bs.de
Thu Dec 5 16:11:19 EST 1996

Fellow Contesters,

I'm back home from a great trip to Tunisia. Thanks for all the interest 
and pile-ups! It sure makes me happy getting a QSL with a sticker on it 
saying that the west coast OM (and DXCC honor roller) has been trying to
get 3V for 10 years and that this QSO made the entire contest for him...

      Call: 3V8BB                Country:  Tunisia
      Mode: CW                   Category: Single Operator Low Power


      160      214      640     2.99      6      38
       80      630     1884     2.99     10      49
       40     1233     3689     2.99     22      68
       20     1419     4241     2.99     24      78
       15      808     2410     2.98     22      72
       10      144      420     2.92      9      24
     Totals   4448    13284     2.99     93     329  =>  5,605,848

All QSOs were made using an IC-735, a 3 element tribander at 15m above 
ground, a delta loop for 40m, a G5RV for 80m and a low dipole for the 
top band. From 00:00 UTC to 11:00 UTC on Saturday I also had a wonderful 
40m vertical at the beach but someone must have found it useful for 
fishing etc... The sea front QTH and the hill in the back helped all 
northern directions (EU, USA, JA).

                              Continent Statistics

                     160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   CW     1   44  248  296  159    0  748    16.8
South America   CW     0    0    2    5    9    1   17     0.4
Europe          CW   213  545  895 1037  595  134 3419    76.6
Asia            CW     0   39   82   76   37    3  237     5.3
Africa          CW     1    3    4    8    7    6   29     0.6
Oceania         CW     0    0    9    3    1    0   13     0.3

Preparations for this trip had been going on since March and in August
I knew that I would definately be going there to face my first real
pile-ups. I had my IC-735 with me, lots of wires, coaxial and other
cables, telescopic fiberglass towers and also a lot of paper that I
had prepared to help me during the contest.

The biggest help were plots of QSOs and Multis vs Time that I had
extracted from the log of the German group that was at 3V8BB one year
ago. I had plotted a second line into the graphics which was the 3V8BB
curve again, but scaled down to the meet the final result of 9X5EE - the 
existing Low Power World Record (1994). The target was to stay above the 
QSO line and the Multi lines that belonged to 9X5EE.

Some other preparations like detailed propagation information were not
of too much use in the heat of the contest.

My strategy was simple: 
Since I did not know what things would be like as DX station, I wanted to 
make as many QSOs as I could on the first day, calling CQ the whole day. 
There would only be few non-three-pointers, so from a QSO point of view I 
would not have to care for certain areas and directions.
Then, at midnight, I wanted to see whether there were enough multiplier 
in the log and if I could keep on CQing.

I got into the contest with four hours of sleep which was quite a lot for
me before such an event.

After the first day I had 2800 QSOs in the log which were almost many as
the German 1995 Multi-Single operation had after 24 hours. But... my
multiplier total was very poor (69 Zones, 235 countries). I had assumed
that I would be called by all the other DX being the only station from
that country but apparently the other stations thought the same way.

After taking a three hours sleep between 01:00 and 04:00 I went for day 2 
trying to find some more multipliers. Being the only station from 3V
helped a lot when arranging skeds but in the end I just reached the
number of multiplier that 9X5EE had two years ago (420). My QSO total is
1000 above the result of 9X5EE so, the final raw score is 30 percent
above 9X5EE's raw score in 1994 which was 4.3M. However you can do even
better from this station...

There was a nice 10m opening to northern Europe on saturday. Got called 
by HS0AC as well but turning the antenna to the east yielded no further 
response from that area.

Only one North American station on 160m (CG1ZZ). I heard some stations
on sunday but could not get through with 100 Watts and a dipole 7m
above the ground.

A highlight was the call from WH6R on 40m Saturday morning on the 
vertical (snif...) for the only zone 31 QSO in the whole contest.
Most satisfying contact was the last QSO at 2359 UTC - 3DA0NX on 40m
for a double mult.

Apologies to all who looked for me in vain around .033 kHz. I often
checked that area to find all frequencies occupied. I could have tried
to call CQ on .033 into the face of the station there, knowing that I
would have good chances to be called by many and to make the other 
station QRT. This has happened to me several time when operating from 
DL, and I hate it! So I often went to the upper band regions and 
sometimes to the very low ones.
I also apologize for my keying during some periods. I had borrowed a
keyer that I was not familiar with (ETM-8) from a friend just two days
before the start of my trip. I had found out that I was already 
surpassing the baggage limits and so, I left my heavy Bencher at home.
The new key in connection with cold fingers during most of the contest
(shack temp around 17 deg and slight problems with fatigue and my blood
circulation) caused some QSD -sri!

On sunday evening I had a sudden loss of concentration and could't get 
anything going for 32 minutes. Finally I got back for less than 90 QSOs
but 9 mults in the last two hours of the contest. I should have slept
more before the event but how can you sleep when you are at 3V8BB...?

On sunday night my left ear went deaf, a state that remained until the
end of my trip. I should have visited my doctor before the contest
because he removed lots of stuff when I was back home...

All in all I made 7500 QSOs with 5200 different stations. QSL is via 
DL2HBX. Please remember that I can only confirm my own QSOs, that is all 
CW QSOs between Nov 21 and Nov 26, 1996! When I came back on Wednesday 
after the contest I already found some direct QSLs in the mail. I hope 
to start QSLing in March at latest and all QSOs will be confirmed 100%.

My sincere thanks go to my family who let me go there, to all the people 
who helped me to prepare this trip, especially DL1BDF and DJ7IK, to
Murphy for not showing up and to the great folks at 3V8BB (Mohamed, 
Ahmed and Lotfi).

73! Uli, DL2HBX

 Ulrich Ann (DL2HBX)                   | Internet: ann at ifn.ing.tu-bs.de
 TU Braunschweig                       |           u.ann at tu-bs.de

    Check out the BCC homepage http://www.uni-erlangen.de./~unrz45/BCC

>From trey at cisco.com (Trey Garlough)  Thu Dec  5 15:44:00 1996
From: trey at cisco.com (Trey Garlough) (Trey Garlough)
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 96 7:44:00 PST
Subject: Nowy contest-log w SP
Message-ID: <CMM. at scv-cse-4.cisco.com>

> Sorry to all of you whom the following text will confuse.
> It's written in Polish and aimed in there.
> Hope, you don't mind if we sometimes use this way to communicate
> some happy news, as this reflector is probably the best way
> to reach most of our Polish friends around the world.


I would be happy to introduce you to someone who will help you start a
Polish language amateur radio email list.  In my view, making regular
Polish language broadcasts to our 2400+ non-Polish-speaking readers is
not an effective use of the CQ-Contest mailing list.

--Trey, N5KO

>From Edward.B.Luers at jpl.nasa.gov (Edward B Luers)  Thu Dec  5 15:59:31 1996
From: Edward.B.Luers at jpl.nasa.gov (Edward B Luers) (Edward B Luers)
Date: 05 Dec 1996 07:59:31 -0800
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <0130532A6F163153*/c=us/admd=telemail/prmd=nasa/o=jpl/ou=ccmail/s=Luers/g=Edward/i=B/@MHS>


>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Thu Dec  5 16:15:43 1996
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 12:15:43 -0400
Subject: Contest Free Zones
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>

Well here comes my 2 cents.

First of all I am dead against CFZs. First they cannot be enforced. It 
would come down to the word of one against another which would just brew a
lot of problems. Second it is not fair to tell me I cannot operate where
my license authorizes me to. Third if we are not going to have contest 
only zones then it is totally unfair.

Now to the this 10 meter rule. If I am not mistaken and have been before
but just cannot remember when, the ARRL says that US stations ONLY cannot
call CQ between 28300 and 28350. To me this is pure, plain and simple
discrimination. Why only the US cannot call CQ? I would think a contest 
free zone meant just that, NO CONTESTING of ANY TYPE!!!! Sounds like the
ARRL is talking out of both sides of their mouth. 

At a time when sunspots are almost not even there, why are we worrying 
about 10 Meters? Ten Meters has more room than any band on the earth to
operate. They just added 200khz to band. That is only 50khz short of the
entire 20 meter phone band and they ADDED that much to the band. 

I have these final questions and I will be quite.

1. If only US stations cannot call CQ, does that include HI and AK? Also 
   does that include US Possesions? The reason I ask is that HI and AK are
   also credited for DXCC.

2. Whos is going to enforce this rule? I mean if I hear WA4ZXA calling CQ
   in this portion what do I do? Who is going to play cop?

3. The other thing is how will I know I have been accused of being in this
   zone? Will I wait a year till scores come out and read about it? Be a
   good way to get someone who is beating you DQ'ed. Just go down and use
   their call in the CFZ. Also will I have any appeals to the charges?

I know it sounds like I take contesting too serious. Well I do have a lot 
of fun at it and will stop when it is not, but I like to head off problems
before they happen if I can. All I can see a CFZ doing is creating a LOT 
of problems for everyone and a totally useless thing. 

Two things I learned in firefighting: 

1. Keep it Simple
2. It is lot easier to prevent a fire than to put one out

Just my thoughts and thank you for allowing me the bandwidth to express 

73 Jim
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Thu Dec  5 16:15:41 1996
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 12:15:41 -0400
Subject: ARRL 160 Meter Contest
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>

Here is the format I will be using to do the scores for the ARRL 160 Meter
Contest this weekend. Please try to follow it as close as you can.

CALL/OP                    SCORE     QS0'S     PTS   SECTS   DX   HRS

REMEMBER ON ATTACHMENTS !!!!! They will not be posted !!!!!!

PLEASE !!!! Put your entire class of operation on the post. I still get so
many that just say Single OP. If I get them like that they go into High
Power. Then you have to send me a correction and I have to do it. Just
take the time to put it on the post first. 

The best thing I think you can do after you type your post is to reread it.
Then after you do that you say to yourself if I was doing the score could
I figure out where to put me. Remember assume nothing. Just a quick look
can save us both a lot of trouble.

NO SCORES POSTED TO THIS RELFECTOR !!!!!!! Either to 3830 Reflector or to
me direct. 

very small thing to you but to me who sometimes does three contests at one
time it is very important. Two reasons for this. One, I have folders for
each contest and it allows me to put you in a folder without reading the
post. Two, when I need to go back and check your score I only have to look
at subject lines to find yours. Yes I do keep scores for about a month after
the contest just in case anyone has a problem. People ask how I got scores
and people's email just for a few things. 

CORRECTIONS: If you send me a correction make sure you put on there your
class and call also. Sometimes I get something like this:

Hey Jim, My score should have been 123,444. Thanks Jim WA4ZXA

If I am to correct that person's score I have to go through the entire 
listing to find them. Remember folks, you are working with one score and
I am with hundreds. Also make sure you have the contest in the subject 
line or in the posting or I will not even attempt to go through three 
contests to correct it.

Good Luck this weekend and Have Fun !!!!!

73 Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

>From bcutter at teal.csn.net (Bob Cutter)  Thu Dec  5 16:42:54 1996
From: bcutter at teal.csn.net (Bob Cutter) (Bob Cutter)
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 09:42:54 -0700
Subject: Stu Perry Contest
Message-ID: <199612051642.JAA01181 at lynx.csn.net>

Please re-post the announcement or point me to it.

73, Bob KI0G

>From bigdon at eskimo.com (Big Don)  Thu Dec  5 16:54:00 1996
From: bigdon at eskimo.com (Big Don) (Big Don)
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 08:54:00 -0800 (PST)
Subject: No CW????????
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.95.961205084700.4475A-100000 at eskimo.com>

On Wed, 4 Dec 1996, Dan Keefe wrote:

> Dan Robbins wrote:
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The No Code license serves a purpose.  It sells a lot of memberships in
> the ARRL and it sells a bunch of 2 meter radios... once.
> It has also emptied the novice band on forty meters CW.  

Giving Novices 10 Meter fone priveleges is what emptied the 40 Meter
novice band, not no-code licenses.  Then the ARRL wonders "Gee how come
there's no activity anymore in the Novice Roundup (when ten is dead),
guess this contest has outlived its usefulness..."

Novice ten/fone was an equally big mistake, easily as bad as No-code Tech.

Big Don

>From floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)  Thu Dec  5 16:47:55 1996
From: floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd) (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 1996 12:47:55 -0400
Subject: CQWW CW 96 Scores V
Message-ID: < at interpath.com>

CQWW CW 1996

Compiled by
(floydjr at interpath.com)

Date Posted: 12/05/96

CALL                 HRS     SCORE     QSO'S    PTS   ZONES     DX


P40W (W2GD)          46  13,302,226    6559   19391    159     527
HC8N (N5KO)              11,784,785    6217   18385    158     483
8P9Z (K4BAI)              8,721,000    6222            133     431
4V2A (9A3A/HH2AW)         7,550,737    5657            135     406
A71CW                     6,047,636    4022   11158    134     408
3DA0NX (JM1CAX)           4,517,898    3305    9779    120     342
V26LN (K3TLX)        46   4,332,598    3991   10006    107     326
7Z5OO (K3UOC)             4,004,400    3356    9400    111     315
YB1AQS                    3,628,008    2515    7374    136     356
DJ6QT (DL1VJ)             3,208,821    2235    5269    143     466
A61AJ (K3LP)              2,813,072    2646             98     293
JY9QJ                     2,618,992    2435    6856     85     297
YL8MM (YL2KL)             2,482,800    2504    4138    144     456
VO1MP                40   2,092,480    1909    5030     96     320
VK1FF                44   1,865,958    1811    5286    108     245
J3/WJ2O              26   1,277,367    2155    4679     74     199
G3PJT                     1,173,315    1263             98     333
ZS6SA                21     950,988    1403    4171     66     162
OE2BZL                      915,010    1353    2473     79     291
OI6KZP               35     852,021    1164    2309     81     288
OH8BQT               28     635,797    1011    2071     69     238
DL4YAO                      272,640     540     960     75     209
HB9HFN                      209,300     301     700     82     217

K5ZD                 46   5,634,678    3150    9177    144     470
W1KM                 44   5,379,500    3189    9275    139     441
N2NT                      4,932,482    2839    8126    137     470
K4AAA (KM9P)         42   4,467,336    2789    8093    139     413
N2LT                      4,433,000    2721            132     430
K3ZO                      4,189,419    2521            141     446
KT3Y                      3,734,000    2482            120     404
K1AM                 38   3,350,226    2295    6621    123     383
K5GN                      3,263,402    2241    5966    145     402
W9RE                      3,074,760    2033    5694    130     410
N2IC/0                    2,990,000    2005            148     379
NJ2L                 43   2,659,398    1924    5506    123     360
N4AF                      2,544,373    1820    5161    122     371
N4CW (K4PB)               2,283,380    1654    4708    111     374
K5NA                 36   1,928,595    1457    3819    142     363
K5YA                      1,888,952    1548    4264    128     315
AA4S                      1,758,200    1333            123     349
K6LA                 44   1,743,600    1658    4359    128     272
W9LT/8               40   1,700,000    1314            115     348
K0EJ                 35   1,593,651    1184    3259    126     363
K9AN                      1,342,320    1014            120     356
N9GG (@W6XR)         28   1,321,240    1383             85     255
K9MA                 35   1,280,970    1065    2979    115     315
WZ6Z                      1,276,626    1340            115     223 
K9BG                 24   1,260,000    1056            119     313
N4TO                 22   1,253,362     893    2477    128     378
WB0O                      1,233,064     991            128     326
WU1ITU (KA1R)             1,217,415    1732    4155     70     223
K9BZ (K9WIE)         34   1,217,160    1061    2940    114     299 
KV1W (K1MBO)         40   1,156,237    1151    3313     85     264
K4RO                      1,030,316     886    2374    116     318
W3HVQ                       756,378     825             81     241
W3AZ                        646,536     625            100     272
K1HT                 16     515,596     559    1553     86     246
W4AU                 17     448,092     644    1844     61     182
N6RFM/1              19     414,508     446    1198     87     259
NO2T                 17     376,968     404    1112     88     251
N3ADL                17     314,352     350             90     243
NS0B                        275,520     359     960     83     204
W4ZYT                 9     239,787     338             68     181
W3GN                        210,938     320                    175
W4IF                        178,360     316             49     147
K4NA                 10     156,006     262     729     59     155
N9CO                        133,042     268     731     52     130
AJ2U                 10     115,434     234             58     140
K7JJ                         55,640     165     428     48      82
W8PT                 10      50,148     148     398     37      89
WA1CFS                       23,400     128     234     30      70
AF7O                  3      16,060      84             33      40


3V8BB                44   5,605,848    4448   13284     93     329
VP2EEB (AA3B)        42   5,039,580    4427   11076    102     353
S59AA                     2,294,776    1886    3906    134     452
G4KIV                     1,654,624    2302    3566    103     361
DL8OBC               40   1,093,092    1240    2366    101     361
VE1GN                     1,062,096    1237    3161     83     253
GD4UOL               35     954,448    1487    2552     74     300
5W0NW (ZS6NW)               450,468     820    2322     86     108
R3/W4ZW              24     445,442    1196    1574     78     205
SM7TUG                      385,825     958    1403     55     220
UK7F (UK8FF)                342,912     606             61     167
A35RK                       329,700     770    2198     64      86
DL0ER                22     313,491     651    1259     61     188
DL4VBP               16     172,002     329     654     69     194
OZ4OC                       164,649     503     773     46     167
ON6CR                        68,987     283     463     41     108

K2SG                      2,248,048    1617    4664    118     364
KN4T                      1,807,548    1270            123     393
WT1O                      1,086,970    1054    2978     83     282
NA2U                        925,056     861    2409     94     290
WO4O                 38     707,124     726    1948     98     265
N4YDU                       654,372
WA7BNM               24     627,579     740            110     199
W3UJ                        484,846     579             70     228
KJ9C                 34     399,921     466             87     240
W1EQ                        364,672     508             66     193
N2RD                        352,692     446    1212     74     217
N4MO                        263,952     642             32     112
K8GT                        235,040     351     904     69     191
N5ZX                        164,502     332             75     159
W3CP                 11     130,071     251             50     141
WD4AHZ               10     111,813     221     611     49     134 
WB0OLA/9                     59,052     171     399     50      98
AB5LX                11      54,404     175             45      89
WA1CFS                       23,400     128     234     30      70
KB9NMU               30      18,432      85     192     33      63
WA2OCG/7              9      15,321     121             18      26


M6T (G4PIQ)               2,910,650    2639    5062    126     449
HA1AG                     1,698,588    1651    3254    127     395
EY8MM                     1,196,814    1429    3459     97     249
S50U            LP          330,974     725    1006     71     258
JH9VSF/9                    219,924     365             96     150
DF0IT (DF6QC)        22     209,440     614     952     48     172

K1NG (KI1G)               5,137,682    2560    7403    158     536
W2UP                 37   4,900,500    2569    7425    145     515
K3WW                      4,695,828    2413    6926    148     530
W2XX (@KE2NL)             4,243,620    2299    6610    141     501
K2WK                 33   3,827,886    2043    5862    146     507
K3MM                 36   3,737,888    2000    5698    148     508
AA1K                 42   3,687,344    2033    5816    146     488
K2TW                      3,530,637    1963            137     490
K3NZ                      3,100,436    1713            136     492
N3RR                      2,484,000    1469            144     454
K3MD                      2,449,770    1557    4418    135     420
K3KO                      1,658,232    1209    3415    114     374
K2ONP                40   1,537,004    1153    3229    118     358
N2TX                 21   1,325,660     843    2380    130     427
KE3Q                      1,322,745     896            130     411
K6AO (K6PU)          27   1,210,276    1001    2732    130     313
N4ZJ                      1,125,099     898    2517     99     348
N3II                        983,493     751            109     360
N3NT                        916,567     750            103     345
N8BJQ                       602,980     611             98     267
K1SM                 14     521,520     589    1640     77     241
N1CC                 12     512,000     605    1708     84     216
WR3L            LP          398,905
W3FG            LP          317,754     419    1143     65     213
K3SA                  7     312,550     416    1175     70     196 
K3AR                 15     306,768     343     924     81     251
K3KY                        291,384     375             83     201
W7OM                 10     272,025     374            104     175
K7NPN           LP          211,120     381    1015     78     130
K3PP            LP   10     157,368     251     664     70     167
KK5GT           LP           58,254     166     399     55      91
AB5SE           LP           55,152     155     383     50      94


DL0QW (DL4MFM)       40     304,795     694
VE7CFD (VE7CQK)             109,625     397             53      72

K1RC                 21     458,700     562    1529     67     233
K3DI                        325,584     450             64     202
KA1CZF                      305,102     436    1178     71     188
K2PH/3               17     263,652     382             68     186
N1AFC                       254,400     445             46     154
KV8S                 16     250,240     400    1088     62     168
K5IID/8              28     238,283     374     997     68     171
K4HQ                                    147             42      95

Single Band

G3XTT           HP          170,085     967             23      92
EI7M (EI9HC)                128,492     867             20      71
SL3ZV (SM3BDZ)              108,784     780    1046     81      23
UA9CI           LP           87,423     450    1261     12      57
OH1EH           HP           76,665     703             20      75
SV8CS           HP           50,920     589             10      66
OI0MEP          LP   12      40,000     560             13      53

K8MK                         51,840     249             19      71
N2QT/4          HP           30,880     145     386     18      62
AA8U                         20,025     131             18      57
K3SME                         8,524      65             13      45
K8SM            HP            3,526      39      86     13      28

IG9/I2VXJ                   819,852    2078    6211     32     100
SN3A (SP3HLM)               577,116    1933             40     124
OH1NSJ          HP          255,200    1269             31     110
9M6NA                       231,480     876    2572     24      66
LA9GX                       228,125    1224    1825     27      98
OH0MMF          LP          151,619    1168             23      84
DL1SBR               30     119,888     699    1016     24      94
PA0RCT               30      91,260     948    1170     12      66
RW3FO           LP           90,725     804     955     19      76
SL3ZV (SM3OJR)        1       3,219      71      87      7      30

W1MK                        340,000     977             28      94
K2PS            HP           92,448     305     864     22      85
K4MA (@AA4NC)                39,961     185             16      71

RZ9UA/0                     967,128    2162             40     137
ZS6P (ZS6EZ)    HP          910,784    2018             35     117
SP7GIQ                      901,570    2361    5065     39     139
TM7XX (F5MUX)   HP          517,533    1777    3099     38     129
VK6VZ           LP          406,687    1223             31      82
OI1AB           HP          393,280    1347             36     124
SL3ZV (SM3OJR)       45     305,121    1094    1919     37     122
GM6Z (W5ASP)                192,223    1225             25      92
DK0MM (DJ7IK)   LP   32     169,092     670    1098     36     118
JN3WYD                       70,576     293     802     27      61
XE2AC           LP   10      18,848     284     589     14      18

W7GG            HP          509,894    1163    3311     38     116
W6EU            HP   24     443,394    1003    2737     39     123
W7TO (K7BV)     HP          423,423    1060    2960     37     106
NX7K            HP   20     306,348     729    2084     39     108 
W3PP            HP          266,000     590             37     124
K5TR (@W5KFT)               261,510     759    1895     35     103
W6XA/4               30     196,788     550    1426     32     106
W3TMZ                       114,704     305             33     101
AB4RX           LP           98,550     267             32     103
W0KEA          QRP           13,260      87     221     18      42
AA2SZ                                   242     665     33     108

SL3ZV (SM3JLA)              586,416    1711    3858     36     116
XO7A            LP          550,000    1585             35     112
GM6V (GM3WOJ)   HP   21     534,400    1518    3340     38     122
EI3DP                       529,672    1715             37     106
C31LJ           HP          477,034    1585    3482     27     110 
OI1HS           HP          461,292    1386    2957     38     118
DF4SA           HP   34     296,604     867    1926     36     118
VE7AV                       265,000     870             32      93
LY6M (AC6WL)    LP          262,190     816    1670     37     120
RN3QO           LP          252,486     803             37     132
S56A            LP          211,756     559    1268     38     129

NI8L                 27     732,240    1564    4520     39     123
W4PA (@K4FW)         40     585,718    1293             36     125 
K2KW/6                      527,363    1225    3359     36     121
NU6S (@WC6H)    HP   23     450,447    1017    2833     36     123
WB9HRO          HP          316,333     814    2309     32     105
KO9Y            HP   14     213,738     512             34     113

LU6ETB (LU6BEG)           1,698,548    3424             34     132
PY1KN           LP   31     396,845     974    2855     32     107
OI1AF (OH1MDR)  HP          279,684     923    1828     35     118
PI4TUE (PA3EZL) HP          225,776     662    1648     31     106
PP5BRV                       27,510     228             17      25

KC2X/4          HP          405,578     955             33     116
N5KA            HP          336,003     912    2383     32     109
N4BP            HP   20     239,360     670    1870     28     100
K6AW (@N6RO)         27     210,483     767    1799     30      87
W6YA                 21     197,370     535             33     102
K7QQ                 32     177,840     589             32      88
K4WA                        129,794     366    1022     28      99

W4YV            HP           13,041                     19      44


J6DX                     12,251,850    7512            149     501
NP4Z                     10,758,056    5943            163     544
SN2B                      7,636,578    4276            189     650
3C5A                      7,550,220    4731   14060    128     409
VE3EJ                     7,268,632    3844            164     578
ZF2RF                     6,492,888    4962            133     425
DL6RAI                    6,133,338    3612    8049    170     592
T9DX                      6,027,582    4571            154     520
XE2L                      5,834,565    5036   11787    146     349
JY8B                      5,431,459    4085   11483    113     360
RW2F                      5,400,000    3600            175     597
RK9CWW                    4,189,584    2610            134     458
DL0UM                     4,093,750    2832    6250    149     506
DF3CB                     4,064,000
A45ZN                     4,002,406    3220    8758    118     339
II2K                      3,732,190    2845    5698    146     509
OI7T                      3,683,910    2855    5339    160     530
DK0EE                     3,649,625    2600
OE1A                      3,600,000    
IQ4T                      3,515,967    2830            124     443
VE6JY                     2,813,952    2670    6144    129     329
RW9OWD                    2,350,400    2072    5200    112     340
JA2ZJW                    1,646,372    1604    4523    125     239
UN8FB                     1,567,800    1633    4020     97     293
VE6RAJ                      185,346     687    1471     49      77

K8AZ                      6,092,523    2839            166     587
K1ZZ                      5,985,904    2789    8024    159     587
W4WA                      5,401,205    2758    7705    159     542
K8LX                      4,695,372    2560    7348    151     488
K1OZ                      4,442,691    2344    6621    144     527
WX7K                      4,004,945    2414            156     439
W8AV                      3,966,734    2032    5683    156     542
W3GG                      3,567,045    2100    5955    135     464
KB1H                      3,157,954    1872    5389    132     454
NX0I                      2,594,506    1773            144     414
K5RT                      2,053,246    1626    4082    134     369
N3OC                      1,866,195    1184    3303    125     440
N2FF                      1,767,663    1375            113     358
NN7L                      1,579,000    1350            133     288
NK7U                      1,565,460    1481    4014    117     273
K6RO                      1,307,440    1071    2770    133     339
LY1DS                         9,240      76     140     23      43


5V7A                     28,281,246   12227   36398    166     611
J39A                     16,021,080    9332   22920    158     541
VE9DH                    10,979,240    6531            141     527
EA4ML                     9,815,954    6966   13502    160     567
PI4COM                    9,295,273    6442   12119    174     593
WH6R                      8,885,608    5645   16516    170     368
ZM2K                      6,418,116    4506            137     349
OZ5W                      3,689,350    3100    6350    135     446
DK5EZ                     1,026,927    1390    2783     82     287

N2RM                     15,031,566    6305   17622    180     673 
W3LPL                    14,913,080    5964   16870    185     699
KC1XX                    13,158,717    5744   15873    177     652
K3LR                     13,037,750    5489   15125    184     678
N3RS                     11,871,290    5081   14566    170     645
K1KI                     11,695,713    5072   14457    170     639
W3EA                      9,254,188    4193            167     615
K1TI                      7,870,284    3768            155     574
K1TTT                     7,818,528    3837   10623    160     576
KS9K                      7,509,086    3684    9959    166     588
NL7G                      7,384,288    5879            153     355
K2LE                      7,122,720    3530   10032    153     557
K8CC                      6,775,514    3581    9638    165     538
K0RF                      5,607,410    3063    8186    167     518
W4MYA                     5,002,448    2666            144     517
K3ANS                     4,984,749    
W7RM                      4,312,560    2880    7701    155     405
W6BA                      3,792,613    2185    6127    164     455
K7FR                      1,166,424    1160    3144    116     255



CALL                 OPERATORS          


NN7L            AA7CQ,NN7L
NX0I            NX0I,AK0A,K0RWL,KM0L
K1ZZ            K1ZZ,K1RO
LY1DS           LY1DS,LY1DR
K8LX            K8LX,N8EA,WA8ZDT
WX7K            KV0Q,KT0F,WB0HBS,WX7K
VE6JY           VE6BF,VE6WQ,G3OUF
K6RO            K6RO,KC6X,K5KT
XE2L            XE2DV,N6HC,K6LL,N6VR,N6WS
W3GG            W3GG,AA3KX,WD3I
KB1H            KB1H,K1DW,K1EBY,NB1U,AA1CE
A45ZN           A45ZN,SM0CXU
W8AV            W8AV,K4LT,W8RZ,KU8E,WB8WTS,K3JT/8,AF8A
K1OZ            K1OZ,KF1V,K1RX,K1EPJ
JY8B            JY8YB,JY8SP,JY9JQ
NK7U            N7BZ,KK7A
N3OC            N3OC,WR3Z,ND3A
T9DX            T9/OI6XY,T92A,T93M,T93Y,T94CW,T94NE,T94NF,T94OF,
K5RT            NJ1V,K5MR,K5RT,N5KM,W7CT
3C5A            N5AW,N6ZZ


K2LE            K2LE,W2AX,N2UN,N1BB,NB1B,K1CB
K7FR            K7FR,W7MNO,KB0EBH,KA7EKL
K1TI            K1TI,W1MD,K1CA,K1TR,K1BG
K0RF            AA0RS,K4XU,K7TD,K0AV,K0RF,KI0G,N0AH,W1XE
N3RS            N3RS,N3RD,N2SR,N3ED,W3UM,WA3LRO
W4MYA           W4MYA,WA4QDM
NL7G            NL7G,KL7Y,KL7PJ,WL7E,N7DF
OZ5W            OZ1FTE,OZ1FTU,OZ1KRF
J39A            K1XM,KQ1F,K2WR,WA1S,W1FJ,KM1P




73 Jim
           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address:          >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

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