CQWW category

D. R. Evans devans at lynx.colorado.edu
Thu Dec 26 08:48:11 EST 1996

I ask the following because:

1. The rules in QST are ambiguous;
2. The people I have asked who should know the answer have differed in 
their opinion.

In CQWW, are there High power, Single band, Assisted categories, or does 
use of assistance automatically put one in the All-band slot?

D.R. Evans N7DR / G4AMJ :       devans at lynx.colorado.edu
Member, 1997 Nebula Novel Jury   al019 at freenet.uchsc.edu

"Palindor Chronicles" information and extracts:

>From n0ss at socketis.net (Tom Hammond)  Thu Dec 26 17:53:34 1996
From: n0ss at socketis.net (Tom Hammond) (Tom Hammond)
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 1996 11:53:34 -0600
Subject: FT-990 & Amplifier Switching
Message-ID: <199612261753.LAA07560 at mail.socketis.net>

At 08:24 PM 12/25/96 -0800, iadiahfd at netins.net (Larry Lindblom, WA0ETC)

>Two of the locals in central Iowa have recently purchased FT-990s. 
>They are generally happy with these rigs but during a CW contest both
>noticed the same problem.  When using the 990 to switch an amplifier,
>the amplifier does not pull in until the first di or da has been sent. 
>TR relay in 990 seems to fire fine, but amplifier control line is slow
>to switch amplifier from standyby to operate.

>Has anyone else noticed this problem?  If so has anyone discovered how
>to resolve it?  Any help much apprreciated

I don't have an Ft-990, but... if it were me, I'd avoid the relay in the
FT-990 that keys the amplifier altogether.  I'd go inside the rig,
find the voltage that's keying the rig's T/R relay (not necessarily
the voltage that keys the relay that keys the amp), and use it to
turn a HEXFET on/off to key the amp relay.

I've used similar setups with TS-930's and TS-940's and it works just 
fine with my Alpha 76-PA (w/retro-fit QSK) and an Alpha 87 (I think
that's the model).

Good luck.

73 - Tom Hammond   N0SS

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