QST and Rules

Martin Ellis jmellis at ihug.co.nz
Wed Dec 25 22:56:07 EST 1996

> I got a very nice message back from my Director Kay, WT3P,
> immediately following the forwarding to her of the comments regarding
> the lack of publication of the rules in QST. She told me that there
> are several negative thoughts regarding QST changes over the past
> year. She has placed the message passed on the reflector into her
> file and will present it at the January Board meeting after the new
> Membership Services Committee is appointed.
> 73,   Bob Reed,  W2CE
Hi Bob,
Thanks for following up on these concerns.
One further point is the lack accuracy in the published frequencies
for the ARRL 10M contest.  If you followed the ARRL recommendations
you would have had nil contacts, and assumed that the contest
had been cancelled.

Let's get it right in 1997.
For the record, taken from QST Nov 1996:-
         CW-  ARRL:             28.050- 28.080
         CW-  Actual:           28.000- 28.050

         CW- Novice, ARRL:      28.090- 28.130
         CW- Novice, Actual:    No activity found at this QTH

         SSB- ARRL              28.350- 28.400 and 28.550- 28650
         SSB- Actual            28.350- 28.500

Martin ZL1ANJ

>From morel.grunberg at telrad.co.il (Morel Grunberg)  Wed Dec 25 10:13:50 1996
From: morel.grunberg at telrad.co.il (Morel Grunberg) (Morel Grunberg)
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 1996 12:13:50 +0200
Subject: Test, don't read !
Message-ID: <c=US%a=_%p=TELRAD%l=MISMAIL-961225101350Z-66 at mismail.MIS.ELEX.CO.IL>


>From bobgar at neca.com (robert C. Garceau)  Wed Dec 25 15:15:40 1996
From: bobgar at neca.com (robert C. Garceau) (robert C. Garceau)
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 1996 10:15:40 -0500
Subject: call sign info
Message-ID: <32C1451C.5599 at neca.com>

I need address for ZS6EW.
		Please respond direct. Thanks and merry xmas.

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