Log Submission Receipts

Greg Becker na2n at ifam.com
Tue Dec 31 09:55:14 EST 1996

Ed Parish wrote:
> I have submitted my SS logs twice and the 160 once and have not received
> any acknowledgement.  Of course, I received an ack for FD but it never got
> into QST.  Is it just that we are in the middle of contest season that they
> are swamped with logs?  Are the acks done manually?

Yup, the acks are manual. I have the EXACT same problem (2 SS
submissions and one 160). Yesterday Billy Lunt sent me a note in reply
to my email to him expressing concern:

>I am forwarding your question to Al Gordienko, K1PI. Al handles the >email 
>contest entries.
>You should be hearing from him soon.


Billy Lunt, KR1R
Greg Becker   NA2N   na2n at ifam.com
FFII/EMT, Safety Officer, Milan Vol FD / Rescue Squad
Ideas For American Manufacturers / Rock Temple Entertainment

>From eparish at netcom.com (Ed Parish)  Tue Dec 31 15:13:49 1996
From: eparish at netcom.com (Ed Parish) (Ed Parish)
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 07:13:49 -0800
Subject: Log Submission Receipts
Message-ID: <199612311513.HAA08217 at netcom21.netcom.com>

   Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 09:55:14 -0500
   From: Greg Becker <na2n at ifam.com>
   Reply-To: na2n at ifam.com
   Cc: cq-contest at tgv.com

   Ed Parish wrote:
   > I have submitted my SS logs twice and the 160 once and have not received
   > any acknowledgement.  Of course, I received an ack for FD but it never got
   > into QST.  Is it just that we are in the middle of contest season that they
   > are swamped with logs?  Are the acks done manually?

   Yup, the acks are manual. I have the EXACT same problem (2 SS
   submissions and one 160). Yesterday Billy Lunt sent me a note in reply
   to my email to him expressing concern:

   >I am forwarding your question to Al Gordienko, K1PI. Al handles the >email 
   >contest entries.
   >You should be hearing from him soon.

I have since heard from Al and he has acknowledged receipt of all my logs
that I have submitted.


>From kb5zud at tulsa.com (Charlie Calhoun)  Tue Dec 31 15:45:08 1996
From: kb5zud at tulsa.com (Charlie Calhoun) (Charlie Calhoun)
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 09:45:08 -0600
Subject: Callsigns and Contesting
Message-ID: < at pop.tulsa.com>

I remember a few years back, my dad (W0RRY) and I were working the persieds
meteor shower and ran a sched with K8III.  Everyone thought the indians were
attacking.  Its a good thing we are both good at doing tounge twisters.

At 12:19 PM 12/16/96 -0500, Bill Coleman AA4LR wrote:
>>From:        Bill Fisher KM9P, km9p at contesting.com
>>It is interesting that you would send this message Lee.  I have been
>>considering a callsign like W4QQQ to use on SSB.  I REALLY like the K4AAA
>>callsign on CW.  It's very distinctive in this new age of everyone being a
>Bill, it is actually a 1x1 - "K4." (who says you can't use punctuation in 
>a callsign?)
>>However the callsign on SSB just doesn't get it.  
>Kilo Fower Triple-Alpha ?
>Kilo Fower Able Able Able Able Able ....
>>Now Whiskey FOWER Quack Quack Quack on SSB seems a little easier to say.
>Easier for whom? (I still remember sputtering when trying to answer W0QQQ 
>during a run some years back. And someone out there has a "PPP" suffix. 
>Try saying that three times fast....)
>Bill Coleman, AA4LR           Mail: aa4lr at radio.org
>Quote: "Not in a thousand years will man ever fly!"
>            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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