Brian McGinness wa3wjd at
Wed Feb 7 18:00:33 EST 1996

** Reply to note from w7ni at 02/07/96 01:39am -0800

> I am glad you were able to solve this telephone interference problem, but
> you solution is do a disservice to the rest of us.  Think of the poor guy
> who lives a stone's throw from 100 appartments, all with bad phones.  At $80
> a crack, it will cost him $8000 to implement your solution!
> You may not think so, but you are helping to set a very UNDESIRABLE
> precedent.  You TOLD your neighbors it was not your responsibility to fix
> their phone (you are correct, of course).  But then you ACTED like it WAS
> your responsibility by buying them a phone.  ACTIONS speak louder than
> WORDS.  Any of their friends who have a similar problem will now expect a
> similar solution, ie: a free phone paid for by the poor ham involved.
aw, comon Stan, lighten up!

How close is the closest neighbor you YOUR house?

My closest neighbors house is no less that 10 feet from the end of my tribander  
element tips... I have to live with these people and would like to have pleasant  

Bill did exactly the right thing by letting them know he did not HAVE to fix  
their phones, but was doing so in order to be a good neighbor.

And your neighbor has no idea if you paid $2 or $200 for the phone that fixed his  

I have had MUCH BETTER results in working with my neighbors and fixing their  
problems. That allows me to stay on uninterrupted during a contest without that  
familiar not-too-nice knock at the front door.

How do think our friends in Japan feel? Many of them can't even operate because  
of these issues.

I think a lack of cooperation is more likely to harm our hobby than drawing a  
line in the sand.

Now of course I recognize that many times neighbors simply refuse to deal with  
the issue, and will not cooperate in any way. Those are the ones that you send  
the registered letter to and don't help at all.

To date, I have provided 11 K-com filters and 6 Ameco TV hi-pass filters to my  
various neighbors. None have been back.


* Brian McGinness WA3WJD    *
* Potomac Valley Radio Club *
* wa3wjd at    *

>From Jim Hollenback" <jholly at  Wed Feb  7 20:45:39 1996
From: Jim Hollenback" <jholly at (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 1996 12:45:39 -0800
References: <199602071949.OAA05539 at thehub>
Message-ID: <9602071245.ZM12356 at>

On Feb 7,  6:00pm, Brian McGinness wrote:


> I think a lack of cooperation is more likely to harm our hobby than drawing a
> line in the sand.

how true. A CBer in my neighborhood has refused to co-operate with
neighbors and is now the subject of a lawsuit. Granted he is running
power (freely admits it) and likes to tweak the tails of the neighbors.
But then I had some problems with neighbors closer to me and worked with
them to clear up most of the problems. They still have some interference
but are willing to accept it because they know I would address the
problems if they asked. I don't have door knocks on my weekends. I think
co-operation and even loaning equipment makes acceptance of the hobby
far eaiser and the neighbors a lot happier and friendler.

Now if there was a 200 unit apartment next door .... well I might not be
so inclined. But then I probably wouldn't chose to live there in the first

73, Jim, WA6SDM
jholly at

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