Tower Help

K7LXC at K7LXC at
Thu Feb 8 15:02:03 EST 1996

In a message dated 96-02-08 13:45:52 EST, you write:

> How do you determine the sq. ft. wind load of an
>antenna? I have a Cushcraft A3, and I'm thinking of adding a 40m kit to it
>when it goes up (probably this summer). I can't find anything in the
>specifications that defines the wind load.
>Is there some simple calculation for this? This this the aerodynamic flat
>plate equivalent?
>Bill Coleman, AA4LR   

Hiya, Bill --

   There's a long answer and a short answer.  The long answer is to get Dr.
Dave Leeson's (W6QHS) book on yagi design and crank through cylindrical
multisection modulus, moment and other various calculations.  The short
answer is to get the manufacturer's catalog -- it'll be listed in the specs.
 If you want one publication that has all of the antennas, rotators plus
various other products complete specs, pick up a copy of the CQ Antenna
Buyer's Guide; it's a good reference for lots of specs.  Contact your local
dealer or call CQ direct for the latest copy.

   Regarding the Cushcraft 40M add-on kit, it's got negative gain compared to
a dipole; put up the dipole instead if possible.

73,  Steve  K7LXC

     "Up The Tower"    now appears in CQ Contest magazine

>From Pete Smith <n4zr at>  Thu Feb  8 20:04:16 1996
From: Pete Smith <n4zr at> (Pete Smith)
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 12:04:16 -0800
Subject: Tribander stack/spacing
Message-ID: <199602082004.MAA26932 at>

For the header-impaired, my apologies.  I reloaded Eudora last week, and
just realized that I forgot to reload the signature file (yup, a hard drive
went).  So I've been blithely sending or replying to messages, thinking that
each of my outgoings had a signature.



Pete Smith N4ZR (n4zr at

>From lvn at (Larry Novak)  Thu Feb  8 21:42:40 1996
From: lvn at (Larry Novak) (Larry Novak)
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 96 16:42:40 EST
Subject: Contest Registry: Update
Message-ID: <9602082142.AA02003 at>

CQ Contest DXpedition Registery.
Updated February 8, 1996

This is a listing of planned contest Dxpeditions. If you have additions
or corrections, please email to lnovak at or via packet to K3TLX.

73, Larry, K3TLX

Contest          Location    Who/email              Status 
NCJ/CW Sprint    VP2E/KI4HN  KI4HN                  Low power, 20M only. 
                             ki4hn at

ARRL DX CW       FS          WX9E                   Firm SOLP

ARRL DX CW       J2          Bruce, AA6KX           Probable SOAB 
** CANCELLED **              AA6KX at

ARRL DX CW       KG4NA       KD4D                   Planned SOAB
                             bailey at

ARRL DX CW       TU5A        G3SXW, etal            Multi-2
                 Via W8AEF   100260.342 at

ARRL DX CW       V31EV       NS0B, WC0W & WG9L  
                             albraun at

ARRL DX CW       V31JZ       NN7A, NG7S             M/S

ARRL DX CW       V4          N0BSH                  SOAB
                             N0bsh at

ARRL DX CW       VP2E        KI4HN and AA4NC        Firm M/S
                             ki4hn at

ARRL DX CW       VP5         K8JP                   SO
                             palooka at

ARRL DX CW       XE2EBE      AA6DP, NF6H, et al     M/S Confirmed
                             dab at

ARRL DX CW       ZF2OP       K3DI                   SO/QRP
                             wilder at

ARRL DX CW       ZF          Joe, W5ASP
                             Jastaples at

ARRL DX SSB      8P          K3KG, K3ZR & K4FJ    M/S firm
                             K4FJ at

ARRL DX SSB      FM          WJ2O                    Planned SOHP

ARRL DX SSB      FS          N0BSH, WE9V, WX9E etal  Firm Multi-2
                             n0bsh at

ARRL DX SSB      J37K        W8KKF                   SO
                             hflasher at

ARRL DX SSB      J8          Society of Midwest Contesters  Planned Multi-2
**CANCELLED**                blckhole at

ARRL DX SSB      KH6         W2HPF SOLP  
                             102042.621 at

ARRL DX SSB      KP2(WP2AHW) KE2VB & WD5N           Confirmed Multi-single
                             readerl at

ARRL DX SSB      TD9IGI      KA9FOX                Firm SOAB
                             neader at

ARRL DX SSB      V2          Robert, WB5CRG

ARRL DX SSB      V31DX       N6YRU, KI6IM, WA9L     Firm.
                             jdowning at

ARRL DX SSB      VP2E        WA0PUJ, AH9B, KC0ZC    Firm M/S QSL via KC0ZC
                             grjohnson at

ARRL DX SSB      VP2E        YT6A                   PROBABLY  SO LP.
                             w5robert at blkbox.COM

ARRL DX SSB      XE2EBE      AA6DP, NF6H, et al     M/S Confirmed
                             dab at

WPX SSB/96       KP4         KP4XS etal             M/M
                             ramirezk at

WPX SSB/96       PY0F(ZX0F)  PY0FF, N5FA, PY5EG, PY5CC   Mutli/Single
                 Via PY5EG.  py5cc at
WPX CW/96        VP5         W5ASP
                             Jastaples at

WAE CW/96        VP2MGA      Bill, K5GA             One of us, probable 
                 VP2MGP      Bob,  N5RP             One of us, probable
                             perring at ICSI.Net

IOTA/1996        GW(EU124)   G5LP, G3VMW and G4BWP  Firm M-S from EU-124
                             group at

CQWW SSB         J3A         W8KKF, WA8LOW etal     M/S or M/M
                             Additional ops considered (hflasher at

CQWW SSB         V26B        (QSL WT3Q)            Confirmed Multi/Multi
                             N3ADL at

ARRL SS SSB      KH6         WJ2O                   SO, speculative
                             WJ2O at 

CQWW CW          T3          WJ2O                   SO, speculative
                             WJ2O at 

CQWW CW          VP5         Dave, WD5N             Reserved
                             wd5n at

CQWW CW          ZF2RF       K4UVT, K9LA, N8SR +    multi-single
                             k4uvt at

ARRL DX SSB/97   VP5         Glenn, WA0PUJ          Reserved
     | Larry Novak            \-\-\         email:   lnovak at |
     | Century Computing, Inc.  |             Tel:   (301) 953-3330 |
     | 8101 Sandy Spring Road   |      Tel (@NRL):   (202) 404-7682 |
     | Suite 200                |             Fax:   (301) 953-2368 |
     | Laurel, MD 20707         |   Amateur Radio:    K3TLX, C6AHE  |
     |      |                                   |

>From David Robbins <robbins at>  Fri Feb  9 06:36:21 1996
From: David Robbins <robbins at> (David Robbins)
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 1996 22:36:21 -0800
Subject: ts-870 interesting failure
References: <199602081832.NAA26160 at>
Message-ID: <311AEB65.6735 at>

>  The investigation
> >also showed that the "RX ant" jack on the back has a similar bulb plus
> >resistor in series with it.... plugging the beverage cable into the rx
> >ant jack restored the 870's RX for the rest of the contest.
> Hi David
> What I find REALLY interesting is that that "RX Ant jack worked as a
> beverage input!!!  According to the manual, all this jack does is split the
> antenna signal going OUT of the 870 so that an external recvr can be used.
> There is a menu item to activate this feature.  Did plugging the beverage
> into this jack only work because the main rcvr input was blown?  Or do you
> find that the so called RX out jack works as an external RX ant input,
> perhaps when not "activated" on the menu??? Please let me know, as I now
> have to switch my beverages manually between the two SO-239 transceive jacks
> (I haven't taken time to build an external relay arrangement)
> Thanx, 73, John, WD4MUR

yes, it works even without changing the menu selection.  i am very
confused why it is wired in the way it is.  the problem would be that
it would be in parallel with the antenna on the so-239 if you just put
the beverage in that jack, with no way to cut it off.  now, it would
be fairly easy to wire switches in place of those two bulbs to select
which antenna input went to the rx.  in fact a slight rewireing of 
the k1 relay that is used to activate the power splitint network
would probably make that menu item select either one or the other.

ky1h at   or   robbins at
WWW Page now has New England Flea Market list from W1GSL

>From Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at  Thu Feb  8 19:17:22 1996
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 1996 14:17:22 EST
Subject: Tower Help
Message-ID: <311a4c46.k1vr at>

On Thu, 8 Feb 1996 08:50:13 -0800, "Stan Griffiths" <w7ni at> wrote:

> I can certainly sympathize with your desire to know how to correctly design
> your tower installation so it won't fail.  We had quite a thorough
> discussion here a couple of months ago where it was pretty much concluded
> that all of the engineering design expertise needed to do this job right
> could be put into a software program that could be used by the average ham
> much the same way as antenna design software is used today.  The problem is
> that anyone who writes such a program is assuming a massive amount of
> liability in the event that one of the tower systems designed using the
> program fails.

Funny, I remember that thread, but I remember the conclusion
a bit differently.  As I recall it, the engineers and the
faint-hearted felt that writing a software program would
subject them to liability if the system failed.  At least
one lawyer (me) felt that a "waiver of liability" paragraph
embedded in the program would protect the software writer.

Perform the following thought experiment about "outcome
liability" with respect to software.  Assume you are Lotus,
and you have written 1-2-3.  A dunce in New York City
working for Gimbels uses 1-2-3 to create a spreadsheet
predicting that Gimbels will never go bankrupt, and
therefore its bonds are a good investment.  I suggest to you
that Lotus is not liable for the debts of Gimbels.

Free legal advice is worth every penny you paid for it.
                      Fred Hopengarten K1VR
           Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
     home + office telephone:  617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
                   internet:  k1vr at
            "Big antennas, high in the sky, are better
                       than small ones, low."

>From n3rr at (Bill Hider)  Thu Feb  8 22:03:51 1996
From: n3rr at (Bill Hider) (Bill Hider)
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 17:03:51 -0500
Subject: Tower Help
Message-ID: <199602082203.RAA29732 at>

I disagree with K7LXC's comment re: 40M element.  I have used an A-4 with 40
M element since 1985.  It's at 55 ft and it plays like gangbusters compared
to a 40M dipole.  

The key is the rotatability and the null off the ends of it, not the gain.
Of course it doesn't have the gain of a dipole, but these other two
attributes more than make up for that.  It's not gain that you need, it's
the ability to point the antenna at the station you're talking to (or trying
to talk to) and provide some rejection in the other directions.  A single
fixed dipole just don't do that (except in two directions). Especially if
you don't have the supports for multiple horizontal dipoles and a switching
arrangement for them!

If you have an A-3 or A-4 you already have the rotating base for the 40M
element.  If you then have the space to rotate it, it works FB!  (My
experience only).

By the way, the Cushcraft catalog specifies the sq ft wind load of the 40M
kit.  I don't remember what it is right now.


Bill, N3RR

PS: I have NO affilliation or other relationship with Cushcraft or any other
antenna manufacturer.  These comments are my own opinion based upon my


At 03:02 PM 2/8/96 -0500, K7LXC at wrote:
>In a message dated 96-02-08 13:45:52 EST, you write:
>> How do you determine the sq. ft. wind load of an
>>antenna? I have a Cushcraft A3, and I'm thinking of adding a 40m kit to it
>>when it goes up (probably this summer). I can't find anything in the
>>specifications that defines the wind load.
>>Is there some simple calculation for this? This this the aerodynamic flat
>>plate equivalent?
>>Bill Coleman, AA4LR   
>Hiya, Bill --
>   There's a long answer and a short answer.  The long answer is to get Dr.
>Dave Leeson's (W6QHS) book on yagi design and crank through cylindrical
>multisection modulus, moment and other various calculations.  The short
>answer is to get the manufacturer's catalog -- it'll be listed in the specs.
> If you want one publication that has all of the antennas, rotators plus
>various other products complete specs, pick up a copy of the CQ Antenna
>Buyer's Guide; it's a good reference for lots of specs.  Contact your local
>dealer or call CQ direct for the latest copy.
>   Regarding the Cushcraft 40M add-on kit, it's got negative gain compared to
>a dipole; put up the dipole instead if possible.
>73,  Steve  K7LXC
>     "Up The Tower"    now appears in CQ Contest magazine

>From Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke at>  Fri Feb  9 01:37:54 1996
From: Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke at> (Jeffrey Clarke)
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 20:37:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: HELP !!! Sprint Team members needed
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9602082054.A15728-a100000 at acme>

   Boy .... It is sure tough to put a team together !  If anyone needs
   a team we still have 3 slots available on the MAD RIVER Team. right
  now I have kw8n, k8cc, k8mr, nf8r , w8fn , k3jt , and ku8e (at wm4t).
  lost 2 guys this week to family obligations ! SO.... if you are going to
  be on e-mail me by tomorrow evening (deadline for n6tr)

                              Thanks in advance ,

                                             Jeff  KU8E

 *      Jeffrey D. Clarke   jdclarke at       *

>From Dave Lawley <101332.232 at>  Thu Feb  8 22:13:15 1996
From: Dave Lawley <101332.232 at> (Dave Lawley)
Date: 08 Feb 96 17:13:15 EST
Subject: RSGB Topband Contest
Message-ID: <960208221314_101332.232_GHW93-1 at CompuServe.COM>

A reminder that this weekend is the RSGB 1.8MHz CW contest, 2100z 10th Feb 
to 0100z 11th Feb. Overseas stations work UK only, and score 3 points per
QSO plus 5 point bonus for the first QSO with each county. Send RST and
serial number. UK stations send RST, serial number and three-letter county
code. A list of codes is given below, which will be used throughout 1996. Local
government reorganisation means that a different county code system may be
needed in future years.

You can email your logs to me (101332.232 at please give
usual QSO data including points claimed for each QSO, and provide a summary
with the usual declaration. 

CU in the contest.
73, Dave G4BUO

County codes:
    ALD     CHS     DHM     GUR     JER     NOR     SOM     WKS
    ATM     CVE     DFD     GWT     KNT     NHM     SFD     WIL
    ARM     CLD     ESX     GDD     LNH     NLD     SCD     WMD
    AVN     CNL     FMH     HPH     LEC     NOT     SFK     WLT
    BFD     CBA     FFE     HWR     LCN     ORK     SRY     YSN
    BRK     DYS     GNM     HFD     LDN     OFE     SXE     YSS
    BDS     DVN     GNS     HLD     LDR     PWS     SXW     YSW
    BUX     DOR     GNW     HBS     LTH     SPE     TYS
    CBE     DWN     GLR     IOM     MCH     SRK     TWR
    CTR     DGL     GRN     IOW     MSY     SLD     TYR

>From Steven Sample <aa9ax at>  Fri Feb  9 04:12:18 1996
From: Steven Sample <aa9ax at> (Steven Sample)
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 23:12:18 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Comparison TS-870 & IC-775
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960208225606.17808A-100000 at iglou>

Had a little fun in the CQWW 160 CW multi-op'ing with NJ9C at his QTH.  
We put several radios on for comparisons, including A-B receiver tests, etc.

I've recently noticed several people trying to get comparisons, so...

Mine is not scientific, but it's SHORT!

The 775 has the 870 beat hands-down in the receiver department.  It's the 
traditional problem Kenwood seems to always have - a high noise floor and 
apparently wider skirts on the filters.  The 775 is a much quieter radio, 
and the filters are crisp and clean.  The 500 hertz filters in the 775 
provided more rejection than the 400 hertz filters in the 870.  There 
were other little nit-picky things that gave the 775 additional "edge" 
over the Kenwood, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to determine the 
most pleasant radio to use in a contest.

Steve / AA9AX

>From Robert <w5robert at blkbox.COM>  Fri Feb  9 00:03:01 1996
From: Robert <w5robert at blkbox.COM> (Robert)
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 1996 18:03:01 -0600 (CST)
Subject: 8875/8874/MLA2500 ?
Message-ID: <9602081803.aa17508 at blkbox.COM>

MLA2500 owners, etc....
Has anyone tried a 8874 in place of the 8875?

73 Robert  WB5CRG  w5robert at   

>From Ellen White <0006955216 at>  Thu Feb  8 22:44:00 1996
From: Ellen White <0006955216 at> (Ellen White)
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 96 17:44 EST
Subject: test msg
Message-ID: <15960208224451/0006955216PJ4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

this is a test msg de w1cw

>From okanep at (Paul O'Kane EI5DI)  Fri Feb  9 09:46:16 1996
From: okanep at (Paul O'Kane EI5DI) (Paul O'Kane EI5DI)
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 09:46:16 GMT
Subject: RSGB Topband Contest
Message-ID: <199602090946.JAA20468 at>

If you need a contest logger specifically designed
for both sides (UK or DX) of this contest, you can
download SD from  or
anonymous ftp from

SD is shareware, and is fully working and unrestricted.
It's also good for ARRL DX, RSGB 7 MHz, CQ 160m.

Paul EI5DI 

>From Joe Subich" <subich at  Fri Feb  9 03:30:48 1996
From: Joe Subich" <subich at (Joe Subich)
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 96 08:30:48 +0500
Subject: 8875/8874/MLA2500 ?
Message-ID: <9602091338.AA0030 at>

On 2/9/96 you wrote: 

> MLA2500 owners, etc....
> Has anyone tried a 8874 in place of the 8875?

There is a major difference between the 8874 and 8875.  The '75 uses 
trasnverse cooling where the '74 uses axial cooling.  To change the 
tube would require major mechanical changes to pressurize the area 
under the chassis and build a chimney for each tube.  The chassis is 
quite open aproximately the front half in the RF side) and the bottom 
of the case have a great many vents.  

The mechanical changes necessary to convert the MLA-2500 to use 8874s 
would amount to almost a complete rework of the packaging ... and even 
then the electrical problems (driving impedence, grid metering, 
improper plate circuit Q on some bands) would remain. 


   ... Joe Subich, AD8I
       <subich at>

>From i4ufh at (Fabio)  Fri Feb  9 13:37:26 1996
From: i4ufh at (Fabio) (Fabio)
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 14:37:26 +0100
Subject: IARU 95 Results Query
Message-ID: <9602091337.AA04544 at>

Hello Guys,

Does anyone can reply me the top 5 results with QSO/MULT/SCORE of the IARU 1995 
multi/single category, published in the February QST issue ??

I am looking for the IR4T results / published score, we receive the QST issue
after two month !!

Thank's de Fabio I4UFH

one of IR4T     IG9R

i4ufh at

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