PED for us W/VEs?

Mon Feb 12 00:32:02 EST 1996

Just booted up PED on my new computer, wow - know I am going
to have the simulator running every night this week! 

I have found, ARRL DX test wise, that the pileups are all for the DX end,
obviously....since JE3MAS or JA1PED or whomever wrote it, duh......has anyone
developed a way to make this thing sound like next weekend for us W & VE

If you run it in CQWW format you still have the doubyas and they are all
sending zones not

Is there a version of the ARRL that someone has made, or files that can be
used in conjunction with 'PED to generate next weekend simulation for us W
and VE folk? A Euro pileup demo would be very uplifting! note, listened to the demo mode and the pileuip had lots of
CQ-Contest guys' calls on it....I gather that the legwork on this was well I say you know I will be listening to this every night of this
week (except Firday)


Jim, K1ZX           bk1zx70sfl at

....note the only time I heard this software previously was on a computer
without "voice blaster" and only one call at a time was heard.......its a
whole 'nother thing when you have a pileup, don't we all know that! 

>From Bill Turner <wrt at>  Mon Feb 12 06:51:45 1996
From: Bill Turner <wrt at> (Bill Turner)
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 22:51:45 -0800
Subject: M0OOO
Message-ID: <199602120651.WAA02250 at>

At 08:16 PM 2/11/96 PST, Dale  Jones, K5MM wrote:
>        Re:  M0OOO
>        Now I've HERD everything, and as I sit here looking
>        at the mooon, it puts me in a bad moood.  My aching
>        left calf (from stomping on foot switch while hoofing
>        it through cw Sprint) doesn't help either.
>        This Guernsey - Jersey discussion is a bunch of BULL!
>        Some say it sux, and I'm surprised the pig-farmers
>        aren't here swishing their tails around and flaming 
>        you with methane.
>        Where is the beef in this discussion???
>        73,  
>        Dale K5MM   (an ex- Guernseyman @ GU5CIA and GU0CIA, and
>                     and Jersey operator at GJ5CIA, few years ago)   
And people say exposure to RF is harmless!!

73, Bill  W7LZP
wrt at

>From SHAWN LIGHTFOOT <shawn.lightfoot at>  Mon Feb 12 04:17:00 1996
From: SHAWN LIGHTFOOT <shawn.lightfoot at> (SHAWN LIGHTFOOT <shawn.lightfoot at>)
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 96 21:17:00 -0700
Subject: Svetlana 572B Tubes
Message-ID: <8BA94FD.0065001A91.uuout at>

Hello all.

Seems murphy has struck yet AGAIN. This time long before the ARRL
international test.

I just recently purchased a new Svetlana 572B tube for my Heathkit
SB-200 amplifier. It seems as though this tube has a severe defect. I
have only used it for 2 months, and KAARAAACKKK!!!! ,.....exploded grid
resistor city.. The tube has developed an intermittant short from the
grid to filament.

According to what I have read, these tubes are supposed to be of
superior quality, but I have to wonder with a performance like this.
This is the SECOND tube to succomb to this problem. The first original
Cetron tube did the same thing. I can't see how this could be an
amplifier problem, as I don't see what could cause this fault, as I was
on just switching from TX to RX when it went BANG!

I'm a little leary of these tubes now, but will have it replaced under
warrantly non-the-less.

Has anyone else with an SB-200 or equivalent had the same experience
with tubes shorting from grid to filament?

I had thought Svetlana was going to be good but
(damned those space heaters anyway!)



>From Eugene Walsh <0004504465 at>  Mon Feb 12 08:22:00 1996
From: Eugene Walsh <0004504465 at> (Eugene Walsh)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 96 03:22 EST
Subject: There, but for the graze of...........
Message-ID: <35960212082253/0004504465DC4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

Even with all of the lowing reports of late, 

we must be off to greener pastures.

Mr. Able

>From Aurelio Bellussi <aurelio at>  Mon Feb 12 09:36:11 1996
From: Aurelio Bellussi <aurelio at> (Aurelio Bellussi)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 10:36:11 +0100 (MET)
Subject: PED for us W/VEs?
Message-ID: <199602120936.KAA05803 at>

> Is there a version of the ARRL that someone has made, or files that can be
> used in conjunction with 'PED to generate next weekend simulation for us W
> and VE folk? A Euro pileup demo would be very uplifting!

If you go to the ftp part of and change directory to
Software, you will find a sub dir for PED or VPED (the voice version) There
should be a file r2p.exe or something simular that CONVERTS regular CT
logfiles into the PED format. 

Have fun and see you in the REAL pile-ups this weekend as PI4TUE

73 de Aurelio

*   Aurelio M.M. Bellussi,   PA3EZL/AA2WH                    *
*                    E-mail:     a.m.m.bellussi at  *
*                           OR   pa3ezl at     *
*                    AX25-mail:  pa3ezl at     *
*   Graduate student at Eindhoven University of Technology   *
*   department of Electrical Engineering.                    *

>From bobg4ujs at (Bob Harrison)  Mon Feb 12 10:51:08 1996
From: bobg4ujs at (Bob Harrison) (Bob Harrison)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 10:51:08 GMT
Subject: Help YAESU parts stockist
Message-ID: <199602121051.KAA19157 at>

Help... I am looking for a part for my FC-102 ATU, 
The bit I need is the CM Directional Coupler board (Part# C0023820),
Noone has one in stock in the UK and YAESU UK reckon 4-6 weeks minimum to
get one.

If you know of any dealers who keep good levels of YAESU parts, please let
me know so that I can give them a call and get one more quickly.

Thanks in anticipation.

73 de Bob G4UJS

>From w1ihn at (Bert Michaud)  Mon Feb 12 08:44:55 1996
From: w1ihn at (Bert Michaud) (Bert Michaud)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 08:44:55
Subject: 3830 Reflector
Message-ID: <199602121344.IAA12635 at>

I've misplaced the address of the 3830 reflector. Please send me an
E-mail directly with that information. If anyone has the NA 
reflector or WWW page, can you pass that along, too? 
Tnx, es 73
Bert, W1IHN (Raleigh, NC)

>From barry at (Barry Kutner)  Mon Feb 12 12:36:46 1996
From: barry at (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 96 12:36:46 GMT
Subject: Tower Load Distribution
Message-ID: <ZJR7iD1w165w at>

Big Don <bigdon at> writes:

> A classic case of this is the first Tacoma Narrows bridge which was most 
> certainly designed to withstand a bumper-to-bumper traffic jam of 
> fully-loaded 18-wheelers in both directions in combination with *static 
> loads* from some peak windstorm.  Yet it failed when lightly loaded in a 
> rather moderate garden-variety windstorm.  For those who have never seen 
> the video of what came to be known as "Galloping Gertie," the wind set up 
> a swaying/twisting action in the main span that increased in amplitude 
> until the whole works deposited itself in Puget Sound.

As I recall from engineering classes in college, the problem with the 
bridge was it became a resonant structure, and therefore required very 
little energy to get it swinging back and forth. It had to do with the 
type of suspension and supports used. The Manhattan Bridge was quickly 
"redesigned" to alter it's resonant frequency (no, not to 160 meters).

If you haven't seen the film, find it. It's really something!


Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry at
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

>From sawyers" <sawyers at  Mon Feb 12 14:05:24 1996
From: sawyers" <sawyers at (sawyers)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 96 08:05:24 cst
Subject: Tower Ordinance on the web
Message-ID: <9601128241.AA824134059 at>

Hello all.

There has been a lot of discussion of the Tower Ordinances and CCIRs here 
lately. Linn County, Iowa has enacted a tower ordinance that the area hams
were very active in crafting. This is the home of Collins Radio, so there are a 
few of us around. You may find it useful in discussions with local officials. 

We have (finally) placed the Linn County Tower ordinance on the web 
site.  Its currently at

Currently, this page does NOT have references pointing to it.

Eventually, the Cedar Valley ARC website will probably have links to 
it, as well as the site.

For those not familiar with this issue, several of the folks on this 
list (and others) were heavily involved with the drafting of this 
ordinance.  This process took SEVERAL years.  Many serious obstacles 
were overcome to come up with the existing form.  The Linn County 
Board of Supervisors passed this orinance in June of 1995.

This ordinance has attracted the attention of several other 
jurisdictions in the mid-west.  It is entirely likely that it will be 
used as a model for ordinances in other communities.  Those outside 
the Cedar Rapids area might find it of interest.

de n0yvy steve

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>From H. L. Serra" <hlserra at  Mon Feb 12 14:36:15 1996
From: H. L. Serra" <hlserra at (H. L. Serra)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 06:36:15 -0800 (PST)
Subject: M0AAA
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9602120605.A8161-0100000 at>

Hay, you're right. I think we fielded enough of these cow jokes!

On Sun, 11 Feb 1996 k7ss at wrote:

> udder disrespect for the reflector 
> At 11:57 AM 2/11/96 EST, you wrote:
> >-- [ From: Steve Sacco KC2X * EMC.Ver #2.5.03 ] --
> >
> >
> >> Subject: Re: M0AAA
> >> 
> >> You wrote: 
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >I hope they set aside MM0OOO for Guernsey. 
> >> >
> >> >73, Larry N6AZE
> >> >
> >> >
> >> or Jersey, for that matter--just to milk that a little further.
> >> 
> >> Garry, NI6T
> >> -------
> >>
> >Come on, guys, let's moooooooove on to another subject.
> >
> >Steve KC2X
> >
> >

>From btippett at (Bill Tippett)  Mon Feb 12 14:18:48 1996
From: btippett at (Bill Tippett) (Bill Tippett)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 10:18:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Comparing Radios
Message-ID: <01I14EZ45VCW8Y4WTB at SUNBELT.NET>

>At 06:12 PM 2/10/96 -0600, Ralph Fedor, K0IR  wrote:
>>We like to compare receivers.  Although I've not had the opportunity to line
>>up four or five radios of the same make and model and switch from one to the
>>other, I have had the feeling that "this 765 (1000D, 940, 980, or what have
>>you) is not as 'hot' as another I have used."
>>Does significant variability exist between radios of the same make and
>>model?  If so, how much?
>>And, if it exists, are our reviews meaningful?  Is our experience with a
>>fortuitous "hot" model that came off the line, or is it with a "not so hot"
>>model from the same line.
>>What does everyone think?
Ralph, my comments are from a theoretical manufacturing standpoint,
not personal experience using multiple radios of the same model.  That
said, I would not expect a lot of variability in today's radios.  Why?  Since
the 70's, most  Japanese manufacturers have been practicing Total Quality
Control which was subsequently adopted by our domestic manufacturers in
the 80's.  One of the fundamental tenets of TQC is to reduce process 
variablity and most manufacturers monitor key process parameters to 
ensure consistent quality.  Years ago, we used technicians at the end of
production lines to "tune" each product to meet customer specifications,
and there was indeed a lot of variability in individual products.  For highly
automated manufacturing processes, it is just not economical to "tune"
each procuct like we did years ago...the quality (defined as consistency in
meeting customer specifications) must be designed into the product and
processes.  I do not personally know the extent the Japanese radio manu-
facturers have adopted TQC, but I frankly cannot imagine many Japanese
companies that have not.  Most companies have moved beyond simple
TQC to things like Taiguchi (sp?) design methodology which takes things
like component variablility into account in the design to minimize variablility.
Many complex products today (VCR's for example) are assembled and 
never touched by human hands...thus product consistency is probably much
higher than 20 years ago.  My opinion for what it's worth.

                                                        73,  Bill  W0ZV

>From aa4lr at (Bill Coleman AA4LR)  Mon Feb 12 15:09:04 1996
From: aa4lr at (Bill Coleman AA4LR) (Bill Coleman AA4LR)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 11:09:04 -0400
Subject: Surge suppressors for balanced feeders?
Message-ID: <v01540b03ad44fb2cb61c@[]>

>>Sorry, but Jerry has a lot to worry about from a direct or partial direct
>>lightning hit on his installation.  ...
>...  I use two banana
>>plugs/sockets to unfasten my ladder line from the window patch panel
>>termination point.
>>73, K4VUD, Charlie
>I have a friend here in town who, when a storm comes up, wraps his hand
>around his PL239's and "plays Ben Franklin" for several seconds while he
>disconnects each of them. His wife does this for him if he is not home.
>Russian Roulette, anyone?
>Do your family a favor, Charlie: Stay away from those bananna plugs on the
>ladder line when there is a storm around.

I'd like to point out that the ONLY time I've had lightning induced damage
at my old location was when my antenna was disconnected.

My rig was out in the car, as it was Sunday after Field Day. My brother and
I came home and crashed for a few hours. At about  6:30 pm local, a nearby
strike got my 80m dipole and vaporized about 70 feet of 450 ohm
transmitting twin-lead.
(The copper was literally GONE) Where the wire was first fastened to the
house, a 3 foot black mark of soot was left, and this had to be painted

All my other antennas were grounded through my station antenna switch. The
dipole was normally connected to my antenna tuner, which was grounded to
the station ground.

By leaving the dipole floating, static charges built up on it and induced
the strike.

Don't just disconnect antennas during a storm. GROUND all antennas when not
in use.

(PS - my next antenna farm is going to have more proper lightning protection.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR      Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "Man will never fly in a thousand years!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1902

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