crankup caution and HAZERS

Steve Sawyers n0yvy sawyers at
Sat Feb 17 21:29:46 EST 1996

> Subject:       Re: crankup caution and HAZERS
> To:            wa2syn at
> Date:          Sat, 17 Feb 1996 11:25:28 -0600 (CST)
> From:          Robert <w5robert at blkbox.COM>
> Reply-to:      Robert <w5robert at blkbox.COM>
> Cc:            n4tg at, cq-contest at

> Next subject:  stories on fully assembling the tower on ground and
> lifting it up right??  (25G-65G types) -- 73 Robert  WB5CRG 
> w5robert at   

Actually, I have a setup on the back of my 3/4 ton truck with boom 
and winch. I usuallu do a lot of calculations before i attempt this 
but it does work with a lot of help on the guy ropes.

 I have used it to "pop-up" 40' of 25G with a tribander and 
rotor for field day, 48' of 25G with a VHF array from 2 meters to 
902 for VHF contests, and 48' HBX for a friend, which we then used a 
floor jack to pick vertically and set on to the foundation legs. 
That was the time when I learned that it is best to unhook from the 
tower before driving away....

de n0yvy steve

>From Steven Sample <aa9ax at>  Sun Feb 18 14:49:01 1996
From: Steven Sample <aa9ax at> (Steven Sample)
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 1996 09:49:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Your station setup
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960218094642.20365C-100000 at iglou>

Congratulations on a great cw Sprint score!  I am interested (as many 
others must be) in your station description.

Rigs, antennas, LOGGING PROGRAM (HiHi), etc.

Will you tell us about it?

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