No subject

AB5YG at AB5YG at
Wed Feb 21 20:18:05 EST 1996

Force 12 beams go together very easy --- but -- make sure to check the
finished dimentions, as the manual suggests!!  After I put my Force 12 - 20M
4elm beam together, the driven element was the shortest element!!  The
factory had goofed on assembling the riveted tubing that attaches to the
driven element insulator!!! (Both sides off by 6")

I had to drill out the factory installed rivets, re-position the tubing per
the drawing, drill new holes and re-rivet the tubing - I am sure glad I
noticed the descrepancy!

The 15M beam went together without any problems -----

It is also a good idea to check the VSWR across the band prior to hauling any
beam to the top of the tower (if possible).  I have the Elite Force 15M and
20M 4 elm yagis spaced 10ft at 65 and 75ft  - Performance is excellent and
both beams have held up fine in 65 mph winds ---

One of the things I really like is that the element to boom brackets are
riveted in place at the factory - this means the elements stay in place when
pulling the beam up the tower on the guys or a rope track.

73 -   Bill -  AB5YG (ex K2MHJ)

>From n3rr at (Bill Hider)  Wed Feb 21 05:11:41 1996
From: n3rr at (Bill Hider) (Bill Hider)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 00:11:41 -0500
Subject: 9A3A/4U not 9A3U/4U
Message-ID: <199602210511.AAA28965 at>

I missed the callsign in the subject line of your message.  My reply was
referring to
Ivor, 9A3A/4U.

Bill, N3RR

At 08:47 PM 2/19/96 EST, Howard Hoyt wrote:
>Anyone know what 9A3U/4U counts as.
>By the signals at sunrise on Sun (think he was 80m,
>I doubt if he was in Eu.
>Tks, Howie
> *---------------------------------*----------------------------------------*
> | Howard Hoyt                     |  A.R.S. K4PQL                          |
> | HHOYT at NANDO.NET                 |  7125 Roberts Road                     |
> | HHOYT at K4PQL.APEX.NC.US          |  Apex, N.C. 27502-8902                 |
> *---------------------------------*----------------------------------------*

>From n3rr at (Bill Hider)  Wed Feb 21 05:08:47 1996
From: n3rr at (Bill Hider) (Bill Hider)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 00:08:47 -0500
Subject: 9A3U/4U
Message-ID: <199602210508.AAA28609 at>

He's in Haiti.  It's Ivor who works in the Croatian State Department.

Bill, N3RR

At 08:47 PM 2/19/96 EST, Howard Hoyt wrote:
>Anyone know what 9A3U/4U counts as.
>By the signals at sunrise on Sun (think he was 80m,
>I doubt if he was in Eu.
>Tks, Howie
> *---------------------------------*----------------------------------------*
> | Howard Hoyt                     |  A.R.S. K4PQL                          |
> | HHOYT at NANDO.NET                 |  7125 Roberts Road                     |
> | HHOYT at K4PQL.APEX.NC.US          |  Apex, N.C. 27502-8902                 |
> *---------------------------------*----------------------------------------*

>From Rob Shapiro <ND3A at>  Thu Feb 22 10:01:36 1996
From: Rob Shapiro <ND3A at> (Rob Shapiro)
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 96 02:01:36 PST
Subject: 4O4D is YU!
Message-ID: <Chameleon. at>

Thanks for the many replies I received re my inquiry as to what country 4O4D counts 
for in ARRL DX CW test.  Most, if not everyone, stated that it counts as YU in the 
contest, but credit for DXCC is questionable.  Again, thanks!

73, Rob

Rob Shapiro - ND3A
Annandale, VA
Potomac Valley Radio Club
Internet: nd3a at

>From palooka at (Joe Pontek, K8JP)  Thu Feb 22 02:46:10 1996
From: palooka at (Joe Pontek, K8JP) (Joe Pontek, K8JP)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 20:46:10 -0600
Subject: Keeping the frequency clear
Message-ID: <199602220246.UAA02140 at>

>On Wed, 21 Feb 1996, Garry Shapiro wrote:
>> Is it ethical? I think that, if it is used to protect oneself--i.e. as 
>> a defensive weapon--it is probably OK. It seems a helluva lot more 
>> ethical than deliberate splatter or key clicks from overdriving, or 
>> deliberate QRM, as has been observed on more than one occasion. Not to 
>> mention just out-and-out bullying of smaller stations by bigger ones.
>Think of it as brake lights!  Even a 100-watter like me can keep certain
>Texans off of my JA-running frequency by beaming some of my meager
>power SE.  If I split my power in half, I only lose 1/2 S-unit on my main
>73, Ward N0AX

What I don't approve of is the treatment I received by a European station 
during the ARRL DX CW contest. I was cruising up and down 40 during the end 
of the contest, looking for multipliers and a small hole. I found one, but I 
was using a 250 Hz filter. I called CQ. No response. I worked 28 stations in 
24 minutes, but something caught my ear and I stopped a CQ mid stream to 
hear some one keying on me. Not a CQ, but a CW cursing. I associated this 
with an earlier "QSY" with no call sign, no idea if they wanted me to go up 
or down. It stopped, I called CQ again, no response, another CQ and a mid CQ 
stop  to find this station QRMing me zero beat. It appears that YT1AD was 
being bothered by me and his idea of clearing a frequency is to dump QRM 
right on you. I may have been close, but not on him. I did not intentionally 
QRM him, like he did me. Then he directed a tirad of comments to me, once I 
addressed his intentional QRM. This, I find, an unacceptable operating 
practice. Intentional, directed QRMing of another contest station is not in 
the spirit of the strongest station wins. If I had set ON his frequency, I 
would have heard him. I didn't and I would not have been able to work 28 
stations in 24 minutes. The contest was great! It was quit an experience and 
this was the only truly sour experience.

73, K8Joe"Palooka", K8JP/VA2, VP5/K8JP, VP5JP
73, K8Joe"Palooka"
palooka at

>From Jeff Singer <wa2syn at>  Thu Feb 22 02:50:41 1996
From: Jeff Singer <wa2syn at> (Jeff Singer)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 21:50:41 -0500 (EST)
Subject: KT-34A
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960221213321.8277B-100000 at linet01>

On Mon, 19 Feb 1996, Jay wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I am considering A KLM KT-34A tribander and would like your input.
> I live in a rural township where we have wind gusts at or above 
> 50 mph a few times a year.
> I am concerned about wind survival and performance at 50 ft.
> TU/73
> Jay Sturtevant  AA2IX
> d7507 at
Jay - 
   I've had two Kt34's, one a kt-34XA. I just love these antennas. In 
particular, the "XA" will give you the flattest SWR you will ever see 
across every band from top to bottom (and then some), and just abt the 
best gain (and best ears, too) available in a tribander. Less performance 
is available in the plain kt34 (but very FB considering its small size).

   These antennas are not plagued by traps or coils, and are electrically 
similar to other antennas using capacitative or linear type loading to 
achieve a good match. They are NOT lossy, and are - mechanically - extremely 
strong. I just lost the top of my 60' aluminum tower and the KT34XA came 
to earth via a 70' drop. With the exception of 3 element halves which got 
destroyed, the antenna unscathed (really)! They are VERY strong. The 
down side of this is that they are HEAVY and carry a rather fair 
windload. At this station we refer to it as "The Beast."

   There are other antennas, such as Force 12, which are touted to be 
spectacular performers while being lightweight, but in my opinion, they 
haven't been in service nearly long enough to truly tell the whole story. 
KLM has been around forever, and when you get all your parts (prepare to 
spend at least twice the time they claim to put it together), ALL the 
parts are correct, and ALL the instructions are crystal clear and 
complete. I have seen Mosley stuff, and cushcraft stuff, and they just 
don't compare in this way. The Force 12 package often arrives incomplete 
or some parts are incorrectly sized, due to their sudden "popularity." 
This doesn't make them poor performers, just niggling friends.

   Many ops claim the KLMs need a great deal of regular maintenance. I 
have never found this to be the case, but see what the others can tell 
you. Soon I will be replacing the tower. I will order a new kt-34XA to 
put up at abt 72'and winds here also get over 50 mph. Not to worry. Just 
make sure your setup can hold her.

Good Luck!

73 de Jeff WA2SYN
wa2syn at

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