Youth contest reflector
KE6BER1 at
KE6BER1 at
Wed Feb 21 22:12:37 EST 1996
Anybody know the adress of the youth contest reflector?
Thanks in advance.
Al KE6BER/1, KE6BER1 at
>From silver at (Carlos Augusto Silveira Pereira) Thu Feb 22 03:09:26 1996
From: silver at (Carlos Augusto Silveira Pereira) (Carlos Augusto Silveira Pereira)
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 1996 00:09:26 -0300
Subject: CT doubts
Message-ID: <199602220309.AAA27543 at>
I received a lot of replies to my question about CT program. It did work!
I have already submitted the log to the League.
Thank you very much guys,
Carlos - PY1CAS
E-mail: silver at
>From neader at (Scott Neader) Thu Feb 22 02:23:39 1996
From: neader at (Scott Neader) (Scott Neader)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 21:23:39 -0500
Subject: TD9IGI / KA9FOX in ARRL SSB
Message-ID: <v0211010aad51810ba405@[]>
Thanks to everyone who replied to my questions about a simple 160 meter
antenna for my trip to Guatemala. WB2K recommended KU3X's dipoles, and I
went that route. He has many models, but due to real estate restrictions,
I went with the 85ft loaded dipole for $50. Will probably install it as a
sloper off the 70ft tower.
I also mentioned the option of using TG9AJR's Butternut vertical on 160 if
I could find a coil. Leave it to contesters! WZ0V in Minnepolis GAVE me
his 160 Butternut coil! I will be installing it at TG9AJR's place and
leaving it there so we can all get that 160m mult in future SSB contests
(Juan doesn't 'do' CW).
Regarding my question about using the TS-440 to key an amp, two contesters
went so far as to offer to SEND ME their cables! Thanks to KI4HN and
AA4GA. (I took AA4GA up on his offer - Thanks Lee!)
This CQ-CONTEST mailing list is fantastic!! Contesters are such a great
bunch of people.
I will arrive in Guatemala Thursday night, Feb 22 and will be active CW/SSB
as TG/KA9FOX from the home of TG9AJR. Due to circumstances beyond my
control, I will probably not be on for the CQWW 160 SSB contest. For the
ARRL DX SSB contest I will be single-op, all-band, high-power signing
TD9IGI from the QTH of TG9GI. I've never done a single-op all band effort
in a DX contest before (not even from the US) so I expect to learn a lot.
(Especially when Trey kicks my butt from HC8). I'll be back in US Monday
night March 4.
QSL TG/KA9FOX via N9ISN. QSL route for TD9IGI is still undecided. FYI,
N9ISN has taken QSLing over for me for PJ8Z, PJ7/KA9FOX, TG0AA (3/95 only)
and KP4/KA9FOX.
See you SIX BANDS!!!
73 - Scott KA9FOX
INTERNET SOLUTIONS - your source for low cost web page design and storage!
Scott Neader - (608)788-1234 / FAX (608)787-0100 neader at
Ham Radio web: La Crosse web:
>From Eric Rosenberg <ericr at> Thu Feb 22 03:23:28 1996
From: Eric Rosenberg <ericr at> (Eric Rosenberg)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 22:23:28 EST
Subject: Stations from DC in ARRL DX?
Message-ID: <199602220323.WAA14607 at>
I'm putting together a list of stations in DC (District of Columbia)
who were on for the ARRL DX contest.
So far I have W3HQU, W3EVB and myself (thanks, Tree!)
If you worked any, please email their calls to me.
Eric Rosenberg WD3Q, VK2GYA, J20BY, et al.
Washington, DC
ericr at wd3q at
>From David L. Thompson" <thompson at Thu Feb 22 03:32:02 1996
From: David L. Thompson" <thompson at (David L. Thompson)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 22:32:02 -0500
Subject: Remember the 160 Meter DX Window
Message-ID: <199602220324.WAA17505 at>
Remember that 1.83 to 1.835 should be kept clear of stateside to stateside
or EU to EU contacts to help us all work some DX in the CQ 160 SSB this
weekend. A92BE will be up as will some of the following 5N0MVE, LU2FD,
PY7ZZ, PY0FF, XV, TA, A71, 9K2, and several ZS's.
I (and a thousand others) will be trying to hear and work them with my wimpy
MULTEE (still don't have up my other 160 antennas lost in the hurricane).
Stand clear of salty language and the window.
Good luck.
73, Dave K4JRB
CQ 160 Merter Contests Director
>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at> Thu Feb 22 03:44:59 1996
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 1996 12:44:59 +0900
Subject: Youth contest reflector
Message-ID: <199602220344.MAA17399 at>
In message "[cq-contest 12745] Youth contest reflector"
on 96/02/21, KE6BER1 at writes:
: Anybody know the adress of the youth contest reflector?
If you have any interest in contesting by youth,
you'd better to contact with Bob K3EST or Paul WX9E.
K3EST at
wx9e at
Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
Internet: je1cka at
>From btippett at (Bill Tippett) Thu Feb 22 02:53:31 1996
From: btippett at (Bill Tippett) (Bill Tippett)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 22:53:31 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: KT-34A/KT-34XA Wind Survival
>>I am considering A KLM KT-34A tribander and would like your input. I live in
>a rural >township where we have wind gusts at or above 50 mph a few times a
>year. I am >concerned about wind survival and performance at 50 ft.
K7LXC wrote:
> The KLM KT34A is a reasonable performer. The wind survivability is 100
>MPH so your concern should be with the supporting structure and not the
>antenna. BTW, Hy-Gain antennas are rated at 100 MPH while the Cushcrafts are
>rated at 80 MPH. According to my Atlas, you are in Niagra County which has a
>relatively low TIA-222-E rating of 75 MPH. Your installation should be built
>with this spec as the minimum criteria.
For your info, I had a KT-34XA at 100 feet for over 11 years in Colorado with
multiple 100+ MPH Chinook winds each year. When I took it down, the only
damage I saw was that a few of the plastic capacitor spacers had cracked.
Performance was great (it still holds the USA 10 meter record for the
CQWW SSB) and it was extremely rugged in high winds. With the shortened
linear loaded elements (about 25 feet total length), I felt it was much more
rugged than my 20 meter KLM 5 element monobander.
73, Bill W0ZV
>From Hans Brakob <71111.260 at> Thu Feb 22 05:03:18 1996
From: Hans Brakob <71111.260 at> (Hans Brakob)
Date: 22 Feb 96 00:03:18 EST
Subject: What REALLY makes you good?
Message-ID: <960222050318_71111.260_EHM60-1 at CompuServe.COM>
This message is aimed at the REALLY major-league contesters
out there. (Most of you have been far too quiet here on the
reflector lately! )
What single thing do you do best, and why is it important to
your success?
If I were in your class, what would I appreciate about your
ability or technique? Or in other words, what would another
highly accomplished contester know about your skills that I
miss because I'm just an awed "apprentice"?
(If you're too modest to talk about yourself, apply the question
to the your personal contesting "hero", the guy you vow to beat
this year.)
73, de Hans, K0HB
>From Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at Wed Feb 21 09:41:54 1996
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 04:41:54 EST
Subject: New Multiplier?
Message-ID: <312ae8e4.k1vr at>
The February 21, 1996 issue of The Wall Street Journal, p.
A11, discusses Tokto/Takeshima Atoll, which is claimed by
both South Korea (the Republic of Korea) and Japan. It is
sorta half way betwen each, in the Sea of Japan. Do we have
the makings of another multiplier here?
Fred Hopengarten K1VR
Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
home + office telephone: 617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
internet: k1vr at
"Big antennas, high in the sky, are better
than small ones, low."
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