Nzharps at aol.com Nzharps at aol.com
Sat Feb 24 16:12:39 EST 1996

1996  ARRL CW   K8AZ  Multi-2

Chesterland, OH

BAND     QSO's       Mults.
   160          71             37
     80         311            68
     40         653            88
     20        1472          104
     15          190            72
     10            12             7
                  2709          376      Claimed= 3,052,368

Station Equipment:  IC-765 (4+ one on the shelf) + homebrew Amps + one
Ten-Tec Titan(160/10m).       

Computer Software:  CT v. 9.xx running on 5 networked PC's.

Antennas:  4 towers, many yagis, some wires and 3 BEVS.

Club Affiliation: North Coast Contesters.

     Hope everyone made the most of the terrible conditions and are looking
forward to better things on SSB next week...how can they be worse?  Having
said that, I'm sure that Old Sol will figure a way to do it.  Special thanks
to Tom, K8AZ for the use of his VY FB station and his superb hospitality (Who
else feeds his ops all weekend then gives them top shelf Scotch after the
contest?).  Unsung hero awards for the weekend go to N8LXS for his
outstanding repair work after others had given up the ghost and of course to
WT8C for making the best Omlets in the contest world to keep us going on

   For the Crew at AZ,
   Ron, K8NZ

>From Charles H. Harpole" <harpole at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu  Sat Feb 24 21:28:26 1996
From: Charles H. Harpole" <harpole at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu (Charles H. Harpole)
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 16:28:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: VCR RFI
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960224162737.15868E-100000 at Pegasus>

VCRs are the worst -- I make videos and I ham.
Coating with foil works but also makes inside an oven.  Beware.  73, K4VUD

>From jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid)  Sat Feb 24 21:35:25 1996
From: jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 11:35:25 -1000
Subject: Tuner Q
Message-ID: <199602242135.LAA15486 at hookomo.aloha.net>

An excellent set of info about tuner networdk Q has come
from Dan, KL7Y.  It should be shared by all of you who have
shown so much interest in the nine band,  higher power tuner
design problem.  Hi comments follow:

>To: jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid)
>From: Dan Robbins <kl7y at alaska.net>

>It's been a long time since I studied RF networks, but as I remember, the Q
>of an L network is dependent upon the ratio of impedances to be matched.  A
>Pi-network  can be designed for a range of Q values.  I suspect the
>reason for high Q in an antenna tuner on 160 has more to do with the
>inability to chose a large enough coil (in the case of the PI) rather than
>lacking the "low reactance and therefore low Q" of an L match.  I own a Nye
>tuner and it seems to work well on the bands it was designed for.
>The opposite effect is seen in pi networks in some amps on 10 meters - they
>can't get the input C low enough (because of stray and interelectrode C) to
>obtain a match with a Q of 10 or 12, so they jack the Q sky high which
>enables a match, if the tank doesn't melt down, that is.  160 is at the
>other end, not enough L, so raise the Q to get a match.  An L match may be
>the best solution for your case, but it's not a universal cure or those big
>California kilowatts would have L matches in them instead of Pi matches.
>Anyway, good luck with your efforts, work some of us KL7's some time!
>                                        73, Dan KL7Y 

>From David L. Thompson" <thompson at mindspring.com  Sat Feb 24 22:03:55 1996
From: David L. Thompson" <thompson at mindspring.com (David L. Thompson)
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 17:03:55 -0500
Subject: W5MUG
Message-ID: <199602242156.QAA08919 at borg.mindspring.com>


I am so sorry to hear about Floyd, W5MUG.  Floyd and I worked on many
projects together in Mississippi where he was SCM.  He always announced the
winners for me at the Jackson Hamfest and I could always count on him to
give me a contact in any contest especially the CQ 160.   We will always
remember his "MUG" hats.

I pray that the police will be able to bring his killers to Justice.

Floyd was one of the gentlemen of amateur radio and he will be missed...

73, Dave Thompson  K4JRB,  EX-K5MDX

>From David L. Thompson" <thompson at mindspring.com  Sat Feb 24 22:03:58 1996
From: David L. Thompson" <thompson at mindspring.com (David L. Thompson)
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 17:03:58 -0500
Subject: MFJ Voice Keyer problem
Message-ID: <199602242156.QAA08933 at borg.mindspring.com>

Thanks to the many replies to the problem.   The Heil BM-10 that I have is
over 10 years old and only has two wires to the mic (factory wired) for the
Yaesu.  They did not intend for one to use PTT on SSB!

The keyer test messages key the Yaesu well and the output adjustment gets
rid of what I call "voice enhancement" much better than my old DVK-100
(which I was forced to use last night in the CQ 160 SSB).  Voice enhancement
makes it sound like you have too much audio.  I can make my own message into
the keyer which also plays on the Yaesu and boy does the Heil sound much
better than the MFJ test messages.

The real problem boils down to no way to key the Yaesu straight thru!   MFJ
does not provide a schematic or theory of operation to even allow
experimenting with the jumpers.  Guess I will have to talk to MFJ on Monday
unless someone has a fix for this older type of Heil BM.

73, Dave K4JRB
CQ 160 Meter Contests Director 

>From jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid)  Sat Feb 24 23:48:57 1996
From: jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 13:48:57 -1000
Subject: Tuner Thread
Message-ID: <199602242348.NAA00403 at hookomo.aloha.net>

Some interesting points by  Pat, WB9IQI,  about the cost of
well designed and built products.   However,  perhaps there 
is truly new design value in Paul's  patented new tuner,  and
there really is new value justifying the $1k plus price.  We will
soon see.  73,  Jim

Pat's  comments:

>Perhaps I'm stepping into something I shouldn't, and please excuse me if I
>pinch a toe, but something seems out of line on the XM you're buying.  It
>may be of excellent quality (shouldn't all products!), and perhaps uses the
>best of parts, yet I can't understand how any tuner of as simple of a
>configuation as this model could be worth over a thousand dollars.  
>I understand your desire to reach both HF limits, and that is a reach if
>you're not willing to some compromise, but two caps and a nice roller in a
>powdered painted cabinet, plus misc connectors, wire, etc can be had for a
>couple hundred, add a hundred for a days wage (can't take that long!), and
>gee- this seems to sound like an extremely over priced maxi-tuner.  
>The high quality caps and inductors are made by a company in Ohio - Oren
>Elliott Co.  The firm will sell to you and anyone else wishing to order.  It
>circuitry isn't new or unique, so please do drop me a line when you get this
>thing and tell me I'm missing the copper plated case (Millen does this) and
>the silver over gold contacts and wiring, the edge-wound silver roller (its
>not per others I've asked) or real gold-flake paint.
>I understand its your funds, and I wish you the best of pleasure with it!  I
>just would like to understand why it is so expensive.
>Best 73
>Patrick  WB9IQI

>From John Brosnahan <broz at csn.net>  Sun Feb 25 01:31:54 1996
From: John Brosnahan <broz at csn.net> (John Brosnahan)
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 18:31:54 -0700
Subject: FREE Propagation Prediction Program
Message-ID: <199602250131.SAA07017 at lynx.csn.net>

WB9IIQ demonstrated a propagation prediction program to me last fall and it
looked pretty good, especially in view of the price--free.  But I saw it the
week before my mother passed away and I forgot all about it.  It was written
for VOA predictions and is readily avaialable.

Hope you find it to be worthwhile.

You can find the propagation prediction program as follows:

ftp.voa.gov     /pub/software/voacap

Download the main program and the faq and readme.  There are two main
programs, an earlier version and a later version  (95-11-21).  I just
downloaded the later one and hope to play with it tonight.

The file is 3.94 Megs long and it is a self-extracting ZIP thing that blows
up to about 7.9 Megs worth of lots of files and directories.  Make sure you
read the readme file first.  The program runs under DOS and needs 500K of
available ram.  It also needs some mods to config.sys and autoexec. bat to run.

73  John  W0UN

John Brosnahan  
La Salle Research Corp      24115 WCR 40     La Salle, CO 80645  USA
voice 970-284-6602            fax 970-284-0979           email broz at csn.net

>From Bill Fisher, KM9P" <km9p at akorn.net  Sun Feb 25 02:37:26 1996
From: Bill Fisher, KM9P" <km9p at akorn.net (Bill Fisher, KM9P)
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 21:37:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: QRM from a Delta Loop
Message-ID: <199602250237.VAA12080 at paris.akorn.net>

I'm in the process of hopefully eliminating all of my interstation
interference.  The last big problem is a delta loop on 80 that seems to
trash 40, 20, and 15m.  I have two 1/4 wave shorted stubs in line (80m of
course).  It is fed with 1/2 CATV hardline and a short piece of RG-11U
jumper at the top to feed the antenna.  It has about 8 or 9 of the (what I
call) KM1H bead baluns over the coax at the antenna.  The tower has 2
204BA's, 2 402CD's, a 105CA at the top, and 160M sloping vertical in
addition to the 80m delta loop.

If anyone has experience and can point me the right direction, I would
appreciate it.

Oh.. Tomorrow I'm going to ground all of the hardline that runs up this
tower at the base of the tower to an 8' ground rod.  If this doesn't help, I
am going to order a W2DU type balun for the antenna.  I keep thinking the
coax/hardline could be radiating.  Today, I also brought all of my coaxs
through a bulk head at the shack and grounded it to an 8' ground rod, and
put dual shorted stubs on 40 and 20 also.



>From Pete Smith <n4zr at ix.netcom.com>  Sun Feb 25 14:41:17 1996
From: Pete Smith <n4zr at ix.netcom.com> (Pete Smith)
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 1996 06:41:17 -0800
Subject: Soliciting Contest QSOs on Packet
Message-ID: <199602251441.GAA23850 at ix2.ix.netcom.com>

As I write this, the East Coast packet network is alive with "spots" in the
CQ 160 Contest.  Some stations are spotting themselves, pleading for QSOs,
while others are spotting their friends, or fellow club members.

I've just read the rules, which are quite vague on this subject.  Is it OK
to solicit for yourself on packet if you're a multi-op, because you can use
packet to get spots on other people?  What about single ops?

Seems to me that the intent of the rule on the use of packet, spotting nets,
etc. is to regulate the use of external assistance in finding other people
to work, not to permit solicitation of QSOs via a different band... kind of
like moving people from packet to 160.

I don't blame people currently for using this technique, because there is no
rule against it.  But should there be?
73, Pete Smith N4ZR
n4zr at ix.netcom.com 

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