mhalley at
mhalley at
Sun Jan 21 10:05:42 EST 1996
Score from new guy station
Call = KB9IYS
Single op (but married)
Equipment List:
Rig = Yeasu FT-1000D @ 150 watts.
Antennas = 3 ele yagi on 10M
= 5 ele yagi on 15M
= 4 ele yagi on 20M
Pair of G5RV's co-phased @ 35' for 40M & 80M
Band QSO's Points Multi's Total
80 1 1 1
40 12 12 5
20 53 52 23
15 20 20 11
10 1 1 1
Total 95 94 41 3854
never done the score "thing" hope it's correct. Thanks to all that worked the
"check 94" I had fun and to those that asked, I was using LogWin ver 3.0 (not
the best for contests) with Flying Horse callbook on the hard drive for fast
Best 73 es CU in next test
>From Charles H. Harpole" <harpole at Sun Jan 21 16:19:25 1996
From: Charles H. Harpole" <harpole at (Charles H. Harpole)
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 11:19:25 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Power line noise de K4VUD
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960121111323.10840C-100000 at Pegasus>
A happy ending story (for a change?):
Before ten meter contest this season, I had bad powerline noise and could
see it on the band scope (pana-adapter). Called Fla. Power and Light,
got a guy on phone don't know what electricity is; got his supervisor;
explained my test equipment, told my sad up-coming contest story, and
added the magic words "messing up my tv"! The former story touched his
heart, but the tv comment got him moving.
Power co. man arrived two days later with little beam antenna and sniffer
rcvr. Reported poles in trouble.
Day before contest, truck arrives and REPLACES all insulators, big fuse
thing, and re-does all splices in line from highway to house. WOW.
Result: very happy ham, happy customer, and maybe a big win in 10m contest!
73, K4VUD
Charlie Harpole, Ph. D. Bands: 160m thru 440; SSB, CW, Pkt.
3100 North Hwy. 426 Mobile: 80-10m (100 w) & 146 & 440
Geneva, FL 32732-9761 DXer and Contester: 237 confrmd.
E-mail adr: harpole at
Voice: (407) 349-2211 Work: (407) 823-3606 24-hr. FAX: (407) 823-5255
or FAX at home at (407) 349-2211 but voice first.
K4VUD is faculty advisor for the University of Central Florida Amateur
Radio Club and trustee for its call sign, WB4TCW, and repeater, 146.640
in Orlando, Fla. Club has 4 hf rigs, and all modes on 2m & 440.
K4VUD is a member of the 4U1UN Radio Readiness Net, SATURN Ring Salvation
Army emerg. group, Life Member ARRL, and nice guy (except in contests!).
>From Charles H. Harpole" <harpole at Sun Jan 21 16:34:46 1996
From: Charles H. Harpole" <harpole at (Charles H. Harpole)
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 11:34:46 -0500 (EST)
Subject: NAQSO Score de K4VUD
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960121112807.10840D-100000 at Pegasus>
1996 SSB SINGLE OP January '96 NA QSO Party Score at K4VUD:
160 44 21
75 195 46
40 326 49
20 180 35
15 33 17
10 3 2
781 170 = 132,770
My first ever NA QSO Party. Not bad, thanks to 40 m beam.
73, K4VUD
Charlie Harpole, Ph. D. Bands: 160m thru 440; SSB, CW, Pkt.
3100 North Hwy. 426 Mobile: 80-10m (100 w) & 146 & 440
Geneva, FL 32732-9761 DXer and Contester: 237 confrmd.
E-mail adr: harpole at
Voice: (407) 349-2211 Work: (407) 823-3606 24-hr. FAX: (407) 823-5255
or FAX at home at (407) 349-2211 but voice first.
K4VUD is faculty advisor for the University of Central Florida Amateur
Radio Club and trustee for its call sign, WB4TCW, and repeater, 146.640
in Orlando, Fla. Club has 4 hf rigs, and all modes on 2m & 440.
K4VUD is a member of the 4U1UN Radio Readiness Net, SATURN Ring Salvation
Army emerg. group, Life Member ARRL, and nice guy (except in contests!).
>From Bill Fisher, KM9P" <km9p at Sun Jan 21 16:39:57 1996
From: Bill Fisher, KM9P" <km9p at (Bill Fisher, KM9P)
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 11:39:57 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Power line noise de K4VUD
Message-ID: <199601211639.LAA07330 at>
This would be opposed to the EMC that I am forced to use... The supervisor
suggested during one trip to my place that the noise could be coming from
airplanes that fly over the house.
Another piece of motivation to buy a place in the mountains!
At 11:19 AM 1/21/96 -0500, you wrote:
>A happy ending story (for a change?):
>Before ten meter contest this season, I had bad powerline noise and could
>see it on the band scope (pana-adapter). Called Fla. Power and Light,
>got a guy on phone don't know what electricity is; got his supervisor;
>explained my test equipment, told my sad up-coming contest story, and
>added the magic words "messing up my tv"! The former story touched his
>heart, but the tv comment got him moving.
>Power co. man arrived two days later with little beam antenna and sniffer
>rcvr. Reported poles in trouble.
>Day before contest, truck arrives and REPLACES all insulators, big fuse
>thing, and re-does all splices in line from highway to house. WOW.
>Result: very happy ham, happy customer, and maybe a big win in 10m contest!
>73, K4VUD
>Charlie Harpole, Ph. D. Bands: 160m thru 440; SSB, CW, Pkt.
>3100 North Hwy. 426 Mobile: 80-10m (100 w) & 146 & 440
>Geneva, FL 32732-9761 DXer and Contester: 237 confrmd.
>E-mail adr: harpole at
>Voice: (407) 349-2211 Work: (407) 823-3606 24-hr. FAX: (407) 823-5255
>or FAX at home at (407) 349-2211 but voice first.
>K4VUD is faculty advisor for the University of Central Florida Amateur
>Radio Club and trustee for its call sign, WB4TCW, and repeater, 146.640
>in Orlando, Fla. Club has 4 hf rigs, and all modes on 2m & 440.
>K4VUD is a member of the 4U1UN Radio Readiness Net, SATURN Ring Salvation
>Army emerg. group, Life Member ARRL, and nice guy (except in contests!).
>From broz at (John Brosnahan) Sun Jan 21 17:08:59 1996
From: broz at (John Brosnahan) (John Brosnahan)
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 10:08:59 -0700
Subject: KF9YH NAQP SSB Summary
Message-ID: <199601211708.KAA05259 at>
>Had a ball again working this one when I could. Only able to get in 4 hours or
>Call: KF9YH
>Location: Hobart, IN
>Address: bscott at
I assume the remodelling is an effort to expand the ham shack to become more
competitive, but come on, you've got to be realistic, you NEED the kitchen
to keep up your strength for the 48 hour efforts. Maybe you can go without
meals for the NAQP but the upcomming ARRL DX tests will prove that you
definitely need regular meals. ................ Well, on second
thought, you can always order pizza delivery. .......... I say go for
it, sacrifice the kitchen to make room for a two rig setup! The hollering
will stop when the attorney serves the divorce papers. ;-)
73 John W0UN
John Brosnahan
La Salle Research Corp 24115 WCR 40 La Salle, CO 80645 USA
voice 970-284-6602 fax 970-284-0979 email broz at
>From broz at (John Brosnahan) Sun Jan 21 17:09:33 1996
From: broz at (John Brosnahan) (John Brosnahan)
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 10:09:33 -0700
Subject: Dayton Room Needed
Message-ID: <199601211709.KAA05268 at>
Speaking of divorces(as I was in my spoof of KF9YH's remodelling project),
the combination of my own recent divorce, the passing of my mother, the
death of my septic system, and a few other calamities over the last few
months contributed to my own failure to make hotel reservations for Dayton
this year. The subsequent panic phone calls have not resulted in finding a
room yet. If anyone has an extra room (for two, plus a third person on a
roll-away for one night) --preferably at Stouffer's, but at this point,
within the state might be appropriate boundary condition-- please let me
know ASAP.
Thanks for any help.
73 John W0UN
John Brosnahan
La Salle Research Corp 24115 WCR 40 La Salle, CO 80645 USA
voice 970-284-6602 fax 970-284-0979 email broz at
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