Feb 96 CQ & CQ Contest

HENRYPOL at aol.com HENRYPOL at aol.com
Fri Jan 26 12:31:42 EST 1996

Just picked up the latest issues of CQ and CQ Contest today from the PO Box.
>From the "Here We Go Again" or "Nothing Ever Changes" department, we have a
CQ cover shot of an outstanding antenna farm (KC7V) with no info on what is
growing or how it is fed (and this one is even in the desert).  Oh well, at
least someone is listening over at the CQ Contest desk.  Their cover shot is
of the PJ1B operating team which is one of the feature articles in the issue.

CQ Contest has other articles on band reject filters for Multi-Multi contest
operations, voltages and AC plugs around the world, contesting history,
computer analysis of logs, new Up The Tower by K7LXC, YL contesting, and a
conversation with K3ZO.  Looks like a good issue!

>From Andre Sampaio (PY0FF)" <py0ff at elogica.com.br  Fri Jan 26 18:41:20 1996
From: Andre Sampaio (PY0FF)" <py0ff at elogica.com.br (Andre Sampaio (PY0FF))
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 1996 18:41:20 +0000
Subject: CQWW 160M CW
Message-ID: <9601261738.AA02348 at bbs.elogica.com.br>

I will operate the CQWW160m CW contest, starting today 
as high power sigle operator.Please qsl to W9VA or
direct via CBA
See you on the TOP BAND !!
73, Andre

*  PY0FF - Andre Sampaio     *
* Fernando de Noronha Island * 
* -------------------------- *
*          E-MAIL            *
*    py0ff at elogica.com.br    *
*       PACKET RADIO         *
*   py0ff at py0ff.#fni.bra.sa  *

>From Roger G3SXW <100260.342 at compuserve.com>  Sat Jan 27 00:05:40 1996
From: Roger G3SXW <100260.342 at compuserve.com> (Roger G3SXW)
Date: 26 Jan 96 19:05:40 EST
Subject: QRV Ivory Coast
Message-ID: <960127000540_100260.342_EHV82-3 at CompuServe.COM>

The team of G3SXW, G4FAM, K7GE, N7BG and WB7SRW expect to be
active from Ivory Coast in February, taking in the ARRL DX CW Contest
on Feb 17/18th, signing TU5A (multi-two section). QSL via W8AEF.
On Feb 15/16th we also hope to be active with personal call-signs
(to be advised).
Look forward to seeing you then. 73 de Roger/G3SXW. 

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