Feb 96 cq & cq contest

bill.lumnitzer at paonline.com bill.lumnitzer at paonline.com
Tue Jan 30 08:06:50 EST 1996

 He> Just picked up the latest issues of CQ and CQ Contest today from the
 He> PO Box. From the "Here We Go Again" or "Nothing Ever Changes"
 He> department, we have a CQ cover shot of an outstanding antenna farm
 He> (KC7V) with no info on what is growing or how it is fed (and this one
 He> is even in the desert).  Oh well, at least someone is listening over at
 He> the CQ Contest desk.  Their cover shot is of the PJ1B operating team
 He> which is one of the feature articles in the issue. 
 He> CQ Contest has other articles on band reject filters for Multi-Multi
 He> contest operations, voltages and AC plugs around the world, contesting
 He> history, computer analysis of logs, new Up The Tower by K7LXC, YL
 He> contesting, and a conversation with K3ZO.  Looks like a good issue!

Gee, maybe I should take a look at the new CQ Contest magazine! I recently
dropped CQ and am strongly considering dropping NCJ due to a persistent lack
of technical content.

73 Bill
N6CQ at paonline.com

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.10

>From junger at mtn.er.usgs.gov (John Unger)  Tue Jan 30 13:09:23 1996
From: junger at mtn.er.usgs.gov (John Unger) (John Unger)
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 96 08:09:23 EST
Subject: 160 questions
Message-ID: <9601301309.AA04954 at mtn.er.usgs.gov.er.usgs.gov>

WA3WJD writes:

> The unamplified K2ZJ boxes are less costly, but you can make one also very
> easily.

Can you tell me where I can find the plans to build a beverage box?
I am thinking of putting one up for 160 and perhaps 80.

tnx es 73 - John, W3GOI

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