160 questions

KE5FI at aol.com KE5FI at aol.com
Tue Jan 30 09:10:31 EST 1996

You need a taller tower so the sloper will be higher and you will work DX.
 75 feet is about the minimum in my experience to even hope to work Europe.



>From sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu  Tue Jan 30 13:45:10 1996
From: sellington" <sellington at mail.ssec.wisc.edu (sellington)
Date: 30 Jan 1996 08:45:10 -0500
Subject: 160m antennas
Message-ID: <n1389130917.58510 at mail.ssec.wisc.edu>

>A very simple solution to this problem is to simply connect a SECOND sloping
>wire at the apex and convert the L to a T. There is again V directivity in
>the plane of the sloping wires, but the H radiation will be WAAAAY down.
>Running this on AO shows the H to be down at least 12 dB from V.

The reason, of course, is that the current in the second horizontal wire
is flowing in the opposite direction from that in the first one, so 
the broadside horizontal fields cancel out.


Scott  K9MA
sellington at ssec.wisc.edu

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu  Tue Jan 30 14:42:10 1996
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 06:42:10 -0800 (PST)
Subject: More Watt Me Worriers?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9601300610.B2683-9100000 at bach.seattleu.edu>

I now have started Watt-Me-Worry CW Sprint team #2 with NX1H and KA2GSL. 
C'mon you bare-feet-ers...let's make it a double bill in the bantamweight

Reply to me directly to be put on Watt-Me-Worry #2...this is for the CW
Sprint only, 10 Feb (11 Feb UTC).

73, Ward N0AX

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu  Tue Jan 30 14:44:13 1996
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 06:44:13 -0800 (PST)
Subject: When is a JA not a JA?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9601300613.C2683-b100000 at bach.seattleu.edu>

Much puttering around in the CQ WW 160...concentrated on the Sat morning
opening to the west and Sat eve western hemisphere.  The most enjoyable
QSO in the contest came after calling (fruitlessly) a weak JA on 1810, I
gave up and switched back to listen there.  I heard someone say, "N0AX
dwn".  So who is calling me?  VY1JA!

Of course, I say thankyewthankyewthankyew and apologized for not coming
back sooner as I was calling a JA.  He says, "Well, I'm a JA"!  Hardy har
har.  I love this hobby ;-)

Expected snow storm held off till after sunrise Sunday, so was able to
work a lot of goodies.  Decided to do some QRP WAS-ing and now have over
30 states, including MA and RI.  Not bad from the Left Coast!  Can I make
it 6-band QRP WAS?  Might have to make some skeds and finish up next year.
 This top band stuff is addictive...I find my rig VFO set to 18xx more and

Best sigs for the mileage: N4ZZ, WB9K, VP9AD all pounding in.

What will we call the VLF band if the FCC opens it to hams?  How about
TipTop Band?  Just a thought.

73, Ward N0AX

>From Charles H. Harpole" <harpole at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu  Tue Jan 30 15:54:11 1996
From: Charles H. Harpole" <harpole at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu (Charles H. Harpole)
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 10:54:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Create Rotor? de K4VUD
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960130105246.11346A-100000 at Pegasus>

Hey Contesters --  Any experience with the "Create" brand rotor?
I used one at 4U1UN and loved the control box, but what else?

73, K4VUD

Charlie Harpole, Ph. D.               Bands:  160m thru 440; SSB, CW, Pkt.
3100 North Hwy. 426                   Mobile: 80-10m (100 w) & 146 & 440
Geneva, FL  32732-9761                DXer and Contester:  237 confrmd.
E-mail adr:  harpole at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu
Voice:  (407) 349-2211   Work:  (407) 823-3606   24-hr. FAX: (407) 823-5255
or FAX at home at (407) 349-2211 but voice first.

K4VUD is faculty advisor for the University of Central Florida Amateur 
Radio Club and trustee for its call sign, WB4TCW, and repeater, 146.640 
in Orlando, Fla.  Club has 4 hf rigs, and all modes on 2m & 440.

K4VUD is a member of the 4U1UN Radio Readiness Net, SATURN Ring Salvation 
Army emerg. group, Life Member ARRL, and nice guy (except in contests!).

>From Jimmy R. Floyd" <floydjr at Interpath.com  Tue Jan 30 15:07:58 1996
From: Jimmy R. Floyd" <floydjr at Interpath.com (Jimmy R. Floyd)
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 11:07:58 -0400
Subject: CQ 160 Mtr. Contest 96 Scores I
Message-ID: <199601301612.LAA15209 at mail-hub.interpath.net>

Raw Scores

Compiled by

Date Posted 01/30/96

CALL               HRS           SCORE       Q'S      PTS     ST/VE    DX


K0GU                             42,222      278       681      52     10
KA1CZF                           34,272      300                46      5
VE7CQK                              680       20        85       7      1


VP9AD                         1,220,880     1630                58     62
VE9AA                           443,515      678      4145      56     51
WB9Z                            430,008     1123                59     55
W3GH  (W9XP)                    353,052     1057                   108
N4ZC  (WZ3Q)                    309,309      963                54     47
K8FC                            192,993      703                57     40
K1KI                 4          180,928      412                50     38
K2WK                 8          177,570      503                51     39
WR30                            172,172      746      2002      56     30
NW6N                            162,488      669                55     21
W8CAR                           140,778      687      1782      52     27
NI8L                12          131,824      638      1712      52     25
N8RR                10          122,122      498                47     30
AI7B                            120,085      634      1645      56     17
WV5S                             89,836      480                55     19
VE6JY                            81,114      245                53     13
K9MA                 5           62,510      333                    70
K8MR                 4           51,035      370                49     10
KC0EI                            47,100      347                52      7
N4OGW/9              3           32,480      215                46     12


K7SV                            217,168      816                58     40
KM9P                18          179,742      750                    87
OZ1AXG                          143,496      350      1993      17     55
VE6WQ                           120,734      366      1802      55     12
K04EW               18          103,464      602                55     17
K9WIE               12           54,492      422       956      52      5
AA7BG                            33,276      218                50      9
NW8F                             32,791      281       643      43      7
W3CPB                9           30,381      213                46     11
KM0L                             23,348      191       449      45      7
KE5FI               10           17,850      141       350      42      9
WA7BNM                           16,468      153                42      4
KJ6HO                            12,768      118       304      36      6
NM1Q                 3            6,238       71                28      3


SL3ZU                           376,112      758      4274      24     64
K8DO                25          157,850      872                57     20
DL8OBC                           85,332      348      1641      13     39


AB4RU                           462,735     1108      3955      59     58
WD9INF                          202,895      940                56     29
N6DX                            200,260      733      2356      57     28
G4BUO                           198,922      416      2518      29     50
K6XO/7                          116,178      694                56     11
W6GO                             57,120      309       840      55     13
AA8SM                            43,859      309       719      49     12
AB6FO                            40,016      225       656      49     12   
WB0O                              1,404       17                    12


Remember that I do not change anything sent to me. If the scores are wrong
then you need to send email to the people who gave me the scores. I will only
correct scores that are sent to me by the person with the score. Classes are
according to how they were sent to me.

73's  Jim

           * Jimmy R. Floyd  (Jim)   Thomasville, NC                *
           *                                                        *
           * Amateur Call:              >> WA4ZXA <<                *
           * Packet Node:               >> N4ZC <<                  *
           * Internet Address: **NEW**  >> floydjr at interpath.com << *

>From FRC Condolences Committee <george at epix.net>  Tue Jan 30 16:18:47 1996
From: FRC Condolences Committee <george at epix.net> (FRC Condolences Committee)
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 11:18:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Our condolences
Message-ID: <199601301618.LAA10553 at epix.net>

At 12:24 PM 1/29/96 -0400, you wrote:
>I had another solution for the DX window, I didn't work any W station in
>it.  Did get some nice EU here and there.  Where was west coast?? NK7U was
>about it. For everyone's information, southeast had very bad storms Friday
>night. I'm sure FRC felt sri for us...
>-Rick, N4XMX

On behalf of the entire Frankford Radio Club we are very very very sorry and
hope that the storms let up soon. Bye the way do you have any use for some
extra flood water?  We got plenty up here.

AA3JU  george at epix.net    AA3JU at W3PYF
Proudly  F R C...........
"FRC When second best just isn't good enough!"

>From Juan Bou Riquer." <jbou at cancun.rce.com.mx  Tue Jan 30 17:02:56 1996
From: Juan Bou Riquer." <jbou at cancun.rce.com.mx (Juan Bou Riquer.)
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 17:02:56 +0000
Subject: Greetings from XF3
Message-ID: <310E4F40.421A at cancun.rce.com.mx>

Many thanks to everybody who worked us from Cancun,Mexico
We are going to stay here until 12.2.96
Qrv here from 160 to 10m mainly cw
Antennas 2x R7,2x phased HF-2V,CD-40-2 40m beam,160m slopers,Jungle beam
Radios:2x modified FT-990S,modified TS870S
Linears:Drake L4,SB-1000 and Mirage HF transistor linear
Best 73
Arno OH7XM ,Oliver OH2NSM and Henry OH3JF
Message sent from Juan/XF3R station

>From Paul D. Walker II" <pwalker at niia.net  Tue Jan 30 17:16:21 1996
From: Paul D. Walker II" <pwalker at niia.net (Paul D. Walker II)
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 11:16:21 -0600
Subject: Heil Proset IV
Message-ID: <199601301716.LAA26355 at silver.niia.net>

Who out there uses the Heil Proset IV?  Care to comment on its audio with
the contesting/DXing element?  Would like to go hands free (sprained my
thumb in NAQP) soon.  I have a FT-900 that has VOX capability. The main
problem(s) is that it uses a "non-standard" RJ-45 mike plug (which I can get
around) and the headphone jack is 1/8" instead of the standard 1/4" (can get
around that also).
Aside from the inconvenience of so many connectors, is there any audio
distortion/degradation from this?

Paul "Ready to move up to the next level" Walker

Paul D. Walker II                 e-mail: pwalker at niia.net
Amateur Radio: N9WHG		  packet: n9whg at kb9kri.#nwin.in.usa.na

>From Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke at freenet.columbus.oh.us>  Tue Jan 30 17:12:21 1996
From: Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke at freenet.columbus.oh.us> (Jeffrey Clarke)
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 12:12:21 -0500 (EST)
Subject: KU8E CQ 160 CW
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9601301221.A6202-b100000 at acme>

    Call : KU8E       Catagory : single-op / low power   Hours: 17:00

      430 QSOs    1073 points  x  68 mults (50 W/VE + 18 DX ) 

           =  72,964  FINAL SCORE

     Equipment : Kenwood TS850S  ant: inverted L with 4 elevated radials

     comments : It was sure fun to operate from home with a (semi) real

                160 antenna. First time I have lived somewhere where I could

                do this. Highlight of weekend was breaking the KL7Y and KH6CC

                pileups..... lowlight was all the EU stations I heard on 

                Saturday night not hearing me !! arrgh !!!!  It was so 

                frustrating that I had to quit for awhile HI :)

                 Got a question for you antenna experts out there... 

                 What's the best way to tune my inverted L. should I 

                 just use an antenna tuner at the feedpoint or build 

                 some type of matching transformer ? I really don't 

                 have a lot of experience doing this. What's a good 

                 reference book on this ?  For the contest the SWR on 

                 antenna was abt 2:1 and used antenna tuner at tranmitter
                 to make it happy.

                                       Jeff  KU8E

                 ps : congrats to NZ4K (op at KC8MK). Pat called me 
                      Sunday morning to let me know abt the excellent
                      JA opening he had. He said the opening was abt 1 1/2
                      hours and in the end he had 22 JA's in the log !!
                      Probably was the highlight of his contest career !


 *      Jeffrey D. Clarke   jdclarke at freenet.columbus.oh.us       *

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