Caribbean FARES UPDATE (delete this if not DXpeditioning)

N3ADL at N3ADL at
Thu Jul 25 14:46:17 EDT 1996

Greetings fellow disciples of DXpeditions!

Just booked my tickets to V2 for October. The discount fare will remain in
effect until Monday, however, most travel offices CLOSED on weekends. So it
would be prudent to book by Friday if you want to take advantage of the
discount. Fare from Philly was 414.00 with all the taxes and will rise to 550
PLUS taxes opening Monday.


                                                Doug // V26DX // FRC
                                                 15m OP V26B

>From neader at (Scott Neader)  Thu Jul 25 19:07:02 1996
From: neader at (Scott Neader) (Scott Neader)
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 13:07:02 -0500
Subject: Caribbean DXpeditionists-> NOW is the time to book!
Message-ID: <v02140b03ae1d6569a853@[]>

At 6:06 AM 7/25/96, N3ADL at wrote:
>The Air Fares to the Caribbean dropped 25 percent yesterday. There is usually
>a week long window of opportunity every year about this time where the fares
>drop.... though one can not count on a full week as last year the window
>lasted TWO DAYS.

I have it on good authority that nobody has booked Windwood (WP2AHW) for
ARRL SSB Sweepstakes.  From one who has operated SS from the Caribbean,
this would be very competitive site to operate from low power.  And with
the discount airfares announced, SOMEBODY has to jump on this!!  Pictures &
details of the Windwood rental site can be found at:  Otherwise contact KE2VB at
readerl at

And PHOOEY on those of you who say operating from the Caribbean doesn't
count!  My plaque looks just the same as yours!  :-)

73 - Scott KA9FOX

INTERNET SOLUTIONS - Affordable web page design and storage
Scott Neader (608)788-1234 / FAX (608)787-0100 / neader at
Internet Solutions web:   Ham web:

>From DKMC at (McCarty, DK 'Dav)  Thu Jul 25 20:01:12 1996
From: DKMC at (McCarty, DK 'Dav) (McCarty, DK 'Dav)
Date: 25 Jul 1996 12:01:12 PDT
Subject: How Much does a DB Cost?
Message-ID: <CPLAN065.DKMC.943001120096207FCPLAN065 at ION.CHEVRON.COM>

From: McCarty, DK 'David'
Subject:  Re: How Much does a DB Cost?
Date: 1996-07-25 12:33


Actually, those truly in-the-know hold forth that the effectiveness of a
given antenna is proportional to the difference between the erection
temperature and room temperature (68F)  This explains, of course, why the
Northern climes do so much better, since the temperature deviates further on
the cold side than it does on the high side down south!  It also explains
the successful strategy of N5RZ moving to Midland, Texas, to win SS.  The
summer projects are "baked" at over 110F in the shade -- and there isn't
much shade out in West Texas -- while the winter fixer-uppers often take
advantage of the blue Norther effect!

>Subject: Re: How Much does a DB Cost?
>On Jul 25, 12:35am, Charles H. Harpole wrote:
>> Subject: Re: How Much does a DB Cost?
>> DBs costs relate to the weather.  EVERYBODY knows that antennas worked
>> on in a snowstorm (etc., you name the weather, like 30 below) produce
>> gain than those assembled in nice weather.  I am now assembling a HyTower
>> in 110 degree plus effective temp. here in sunny Fla. and place all
>> readers on alert to the killer signal it will output.  de K4VUD
>I don't think so Charles ... The weather factor only applies when you
>must wear a lot of clothes and work with gloves. There is addition gain
>for work done in high wind and snow conditions. Work done in warm, sunny
>conditions on the other hand add a negative DB factor ... I just don't
>understand how anyone from Fla. can be heard on the bands.
>73, Jim 'from northern nine land', WA6SDM
>jholly at
>cc: tower-talk at

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