Kenwood Radio proposals for "Truck stop sales"

k4sb at k4sb at
Sat Jun 1 18:57:50 EDT 1996

Well said. And it's time to let them know. But again, there are more truckers
( not to use that in a derogatory form ) than us.

Things are going to hell in a basket, quickly.

73, Ed

Name: ed sleight
E-mail: k4sb at
Date: 06/01/96
Time: 17:57:50

This message was sent by Chameleon 

>From thompson at (David L. Thompson)  Sat Jun  1 18:21:45 1996
From: thompson at (David L. Thompson) (David L. Thompson)
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 1996 13:21:45 -0400
Subject: Logs Via INTERNET
Message-ID: <199606011812.OAA14082 at>

I keep seeing this theme of sending logs via the internet and want to
caution everyone on the problems.

1.      There must be an automatic reply to each log as I don't know of many
contest directors that have much time during the log receipt time to answer
every E-mail.  I tried to confirm log receipts via postal routes by E-mail
for the CQ 160 Contest and even 130 replies takes away from the time it
takes to properly enter all the logs in my database and build the master
call file.

2.      For the CQ Contests there is a requirement for a paper log.  Why?
because many of the checkers do not have computers or their computer is not
set up for log checking.  Secondly, If you send me an E-mail log you tie up
space and time on the internet.   Except for a few National Associations
(ARRL, RSGB) most contests are run entirely by volunteers who often pay for
the checking et al out of their own pockets.  Don't make them too expensive
or a contest may go away unsponsored. 

3.      If a contest does offer internet/E-mail receipt or allows you to
modem a log... fantastic.  If not please follow the rules.  I have decided
to only ask for the summary sheet, the full dup list, and the diskette for
the CQ WW 160.  Frankly, the main reason is less paper and after the
computer logs are loaded the actual checking is done 95% by computer in a
matter of minutes.  I then only review the exceptions.    BUT...I only get
25 to 30% of the logs on diskette (another 30% send computer generated logs)
and the rest are all hand logs.  My goal is to get 50% diskette logs to
speed the results for the CQ 160.

I don't see a time yet when I will accept an E-mail log at this point due to
the expense on my end and the time required.  This will be reviewed every
year as new developments come along. 
I will continue to use E-mail to alert subscribed contestants to problems so
stay tuned.

Dave K4JRB      

>From jreid at (Jim Reid)  Sat Jun  1 20:27:47 1996
From: jreid at (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 1996 09:27:47 -1000
Subject: State Department and 2m-440 issue
Message-ID: < at>

Below explains itself:

Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 22:44:19 GMT
From: wf3h at (bob puharic)
Organization: ENTER.NET

I talked to Mr Warren Richards today of the State Dept's IWG-2a. I was
very polite, explaining that we hams were concerned about the loss of
our freqs. Mr Richards was very hostile and abusive, accusing hams of
attempting to intimidate him, and saying "you know how many GODDAMN
emails I have from you people?" He said our freqs will continue to be
under consideration for reallocation and accused the ARRL of spreading


73,  Jim, AH6NB

>From kc2x at (Steve Sacco KC2X)  Sat Jun  1 22:30:08 1996
From: kc2x at (Steve Sacco KC2X) (Steve Sacco KC2X)
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 96 16:30:08 -0500
Message-ID: <199606012138.QAA28823 at>

-- [ From: Steve Sacco KC2X * EMC.Ver #2.5.03 ] --

The buzz on the Florida PacketCluster has it that Alpha is 
getting out of the Amateur business!

I called Ray Heaton at ETO to get the scoop, and here it is:

Ray said "I cannot confirm or deny that rumor", which is not
quite the answer I was hoping to hear....

Steve KC2X
kc2x at

>From jreid at (Jim Reid)  Sat Jun  1 21:57:57 1996
From: jreid at (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 1996 10:57:57 -1000
Message-ID: < at>

>Ray said "I cannot confirm or deny that rumor", which is not
>quite the answer I was hoping to hear....
>Steve KC2X

I was afraid this could happen,  remember,  ETO merged with
another firm up in New England several months ago,  an outfit
building some sort of power scientific apparatus.  Guess they
want the ETO technology to concentrate on that business.  Evidently,
as with Kenwood,  with the propogation gods turned away,  there
isn't a lot of bussiness these days selling into the amateur
radio market.

73,  Jim, AH6NB

>From jfunk at (jim funk)  Sat Jun  1 22:07:08 1996
From: jfunk at (jim funk) (jim funk)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 1996 16:07:08 -0500
Subject: State Department and 2m-440 issue
Message-ID: <9606012107.AA01255 at>

>Below explains itself:
>Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 22:44:19 GMT
>From: wf3h at (bob puharic)
>Organization: ENTER.NET
>I talked to Mr Warren Richards today of the State Dept's IWG-2a. I was
>very polite, explaining that we hams were concerned about the loss of
>our freqs. Mr Richards was very hostile and abusive, accusing hams of
>attempting to intimidate him, and saying "you know how many GODDAMN
>emails I have from you people?" He said our freqs will continue to be
>under consideration for reallocation and accused the ARRL of spreading
>73,  Jim, AH6NB
Is this individual elected (doubtful), appointed (by whom?) or ordained by 
God (He's always been more polite to me)?  Any way of knowing who his 
immediate superior might be?
                                                        73, Jim N9JF
Jim Funk - Amateur Radio N9JF 
Where the 160 antennas have Jersey "Cownterpoises"

>From jfunk at (jim funk)  Sat Jun  1 22:07:31 1996
From: jfunk at (jim funk) (jim funk)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 1996 16:07:31 -0500
Message-ID: <9606012107.AA03804 at>

>-- [ From: Steve Sacco KC2X * EMC.Ver #2.5.03 ] --
>The buzz on the Florida PacketCluster has it that Alpha is 
>getting out of the Amateur business!
>I called Ray Heaton at ETO to get the scoop, and here it is:
>Ray said "I cannot confirm or deny that rumor", which is not
>quite the answer I was hoping to hear....
>Steve KC2X
>kc2x at
Or are they just redirecting their marketing efforts toward truck stops?
                                                73, Jim N9JF
Jim Funk - Amateur Radio N9JF 
Where the 160 antennas have Jersey "Cownterpoises"

>From jreid at (Jim Reid)  Sat Jun  1 23:01:26 1996
From: jreid at (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 1996 12:01:26 -1000
Subject: State Department and 2m-440 issue
Message-ID: < at>

>From a reply to my by one who "is in the know",
but wishes to remain unidentified (mysterious,

> RE: State Dept people,  both overseas and here in 
>  There is only one thing that scares the hell out of them, and that 
>is the fear that they won't get promoted and will get "selected out" 
>before they are eligible for retirement.
>Therefore it seems to me that to make an impression on Mr. Richards his 
>supervisor (probably the head of State's Economic Bureau) should hear how 
>rude he is to the general public that is paying his salary, and that the 
>price of being a government official in a democracy is to be willing to 
>listen to citizens who have complaints.   What better way to have this 
>message relayed to him than through a message from a Congressman to his 
>supervisor?  (Hint)
>Secondly, what is it that really scares companies which are hoping to 
>cash in big time on the LEO business?  Why that controversy would drive 
>their stock price down, of course!   So here are the companies that 
>don't yet have LEO allocations and are the ones who need frequencies:
>     GE American Communications
>     CTA, Inc (Rockville, MD)
>     Final Analysis, Inc (Greenbelt, MD)
>     LEO One USA
>     E-SAT
>Might be interesting to find out what stock exchange they are on?  Who 
>are their major stockholders?  What pension funds hold their stock?
>These people should hear about the hams' anger as well.
>And maybe a newspaper reporter in the business page of a big daily might 
>like to have a tip about a big story about how the hams are livid about 
>some stupid strategist with a company or corporate lobbying group which 
>was completely ignorant about the public relations fallout from putting 
>500,000 hams on notice that the equipment they own for a particular 
>frequency band is about to be made worthless by dealings going on behind 
>their back.
>Oh, the possibilities are endless!

Very interesting set of thoughts.

73,  Jim,  AH6NB

>From jreid at (Jim Reid)  Sat Jun  1 23:13:58 1996
From: jreid at (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 1996 12:13:58 -1000
Subject: State Department and 2m-440 issue
Message-ID: < at>

Below sent to my by an ARRL consultant in Washington DC:

(I've asked Dick's permission to re-post, have not heard
back yet,  but as he is a League consultant,  assume his
thoughts are ok for public information.)

>Date: Sat, 1 Jun 1996 16:13:06 -0400 (EDT)
>From: "Dick Wilder (K3DI)" <wilder at>
>To: Jim Reid <jreid at>
>Subject: Re: State Department and 2m-440 issue
>I found your comments about Warren Richards interesting.  Sounds like him.  
>I am a consultant to the League (I go to meetings when Paul Rinaldo
>is out of town) and have attended several IWG2 (and other IWG) and had
>been watching carefully that they did not go for our bands.  Paul was
>at the meeting where 144 and 420 MHz got on the table.  In discussions
>that followed, I understand that Warren was..... [ deleted,
by me,  Jim, AH6NB, pending Dick's approval to post].
>The League has a second full time engineer in the DC office so I am not
>attending many meetings of late.  My time is spent more on getting data to
>support new and wider bands.  The band below 190 kHz (LF) and a 60 meter
>band (somewhere between 5.1 and 5.45 MHz) are hot plus widening the
>20 and 30 meter bands. 

[This is amazing information from my point of view(Jim)]  

>I had a long talk with Paul Rinaldo a couple days ago and, without going
>into details, the LEOS folks will find going after our bands will be
>a hard job.  It apepars that Dave Sumner's view is to pull out all the
>stops but be polite and professional.  
>73, Dick Wilder, K3DI    primary ISP=   wilder at
>                         junk mail SIP= wilder at

>From 0005543629 at (David & Barbara Leeson)  Sat Jun  1 23:43:00 1996
From: 0005543629 at (David & Barbara Leeson) (David & Barbara Leeson)
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 96 17:43 EST
Subject: Alpha
Message-ID: <15960601224351/0005543629DC3EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

Since ETO is merging with a public company, any of you who have the
slightest experience with being public will recognize that everyone
associated with ETO will have been told, quite firmly, we can't say
anything publicly without review.  This usually means review by the
acquiring company's management, counsel, banker, etc.

It's a bit naive to respond to ETO's inability to comment as if it
had some deep and devious meaning.  You should assume that there is
no way ETO is going to whisper some tidbit to us hams at a possible
cost of everything Dick has worked for all his life.

But those of us who know him personally know he's hooked on the
ham amplifier business even to his personal financial disadvantage, and
he's not likely to abandon the part of the business he loves the best.

Let's leave the rumor-mongering and conspiracy theories to some less
experienced group in some other hobby, cut ETO some slack while they
get their deal done, then see what results.

73 de Dave, W6QHS

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