
JKAHRS at delphi.com JKAHRS at delphi.com
Tue Jun 4 20:26:08 EDT 1996

On  3-JUN-1996 10:25:55.9 V.LONG.SA said to JKAHRS
   > At the WD8E Field Day site we'll have a full size dipole at 90 ft, we
   > thought about launching a balloon and vertical wire, but I think the
   > dipole would be more practical, any comments on this?
   > Please send comments (no flames please) to me direct....
   > 73 Scott AA8SM
   > Licking County Contest Group

Here in the south we have the afternoon/early evening thunder storms and 160
just is not worth the effort.  There was to be some activity generated by
the internet last year.  Sooooo, I broke down and put up a dipole.  It wasnt
worth the effort.  A lot depends on your class.  If you have one of those 2
digit classes, have fun.  If you are 2A...well 40 and 80 ARE more

Maybe its quieter up there in Licking County...not so in Okaloosa County

73, Hank/K2UVG
(FD Chair*2)^4...2 clubs, 4th year
jkahrs at delphi.com

>From ah3c at burgoyne.com (PETER GRILLO)  Wed Jun  5 06:18:18 1996
From: ah3c at burgoyne.com (PETER GRILLO) (PETER GRILLO)
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 1996 23:18:18 -0600
Subject: Operating with both ears
Message-ID: <199606042327.RAA07857 at burgoyne.com>

At 08:31 AM 6/4/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Ladies and Gentlemen
>I recently attended the contest forum at Dayton and was somewhat amazed by a
>few things.  One of the things that amazed me was two transceiver operation
>in a single-op mode.  One transceiver to run rate, the other to S & P.  (In
>my circles we call it H & P; Hunt and Peck).  Feeding audio from both rigs
>to a stereo headset was a facinating option that I had never thought of.
>(How long have you guys been doing this?)  You see, out here in Kansas,
>there are about ten contesters to every 105 counties (there are only 105
>counties in Kansas, so you get my point) and we don't seem to
>cross-pollinate with each other as to operating techniques.  (Lucky for
>them, cause I am not a beautiful kinda guy)
>Well, anyway, I would like to hear from all you hot shots comment on how you
>set up the station using this method of operation in a contest like
>Sweepstakes.  I would be interested in hearing your operating philosophy.
>Have you ever studied the technique from the stand point of how many more
>points were scored by going to this technique?  How does your brain keep it
>straight?  What challenges have you had to overcome in areas of
>concentration, determination, and fatigue?
>Thanks for your throughtfull information.
>Lee, K0WA
>k0wa at southwind.net
>"Linear Amps are our friends...take one out to lunch"
>Lee Buller
>k0wa at southwind.net
>I also attended the forum and was rather set back by the cost of the two
radio setups displayed.  Two things bothered me:

1.  Both discussions were extremely concerned with blowing out the front end
of the primary radio's receiver section and made much detail on the
filtering mods required.  At N7NG during SS a few years ago, I set up a
second radio for S&P...no amplifier required.  Antennas were within 40 feet
of each other.  Result:  no problems.  The key was to provide complete
isolation while the primary radio was CQing and the second radio was S&Ping
on a different band.

2.  Why use two computers?  It is possible to check dupes in the TR program,
while continuing CQ on the primary rig.  It certainly will keep you busy in
the S&P mode.

Let's hear from Tree, Jeff, Trey, George, & Randy to name a few...what are
your "two radio" recipes?  This is particularly useful in SS on Sunday!

73, Pete
ah3c at burgoyne.com

>From Tim_Coad at smtp.svl.trw.com (Tim Coad)  Wed Jun  5 00:33:57 1996
From: Tim_Coad at smtp.svl.trw.com (Tim Coad) (Tim Coad)
Date: 4 Jun 1996 16:33:57 -0700
Subject: Tower Ordinance
Message-ID: <n1378216167.8523 at smtp.svl.trw.com>

        Reply to:   RE>>Tower Ordinance

>Section 106.E.3 of the Howard County (MD) Zoning Regulations requires that
>towers and antennae shall be set back a distance from all lot lines equal
>to the height of the structure as measured from ground level.  There are
>no further restrictions on the height or quantity of towers.

Boy I hope that doesnt catch on. That will kill all of us guys on city lots.
Great if you live in the country I guess.

Tim - NU6S

>From n3rr at cais.cais.com (Bill Hider)  Wed Jun  5 01:39:22 1996
From: n3rr at cais.cais.com (Bill Hider) (Bill Hider)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 20:39:22 -0400
Message-ID: <199606050039.UAA01312 at cais.cais.com>

Wayne, this subject is a pet subject of mine.  But, I would suggest that you
read the information on the PolyPhaser home page: WWW.POLYPHASER.COM.  That
will give you a start on the technical subject matter.  The key elements to
consider are: ground wire size, ground wire length, ground wire vs ground
strap, ground rod length/type, soil composition, ground connection method
(both to the tower and to the ground rod), single point ground
implementation, interconnection to the AC power ground system, etc.

There has been much info discussed on this reflector concerning this
subject.  I can forward you some of the past messages if you are interested
after you look at the PolyPhaser home pages.

Let me know and I'll be glad to answer any questions you have...direct
rather than on this reflector.


Bill, n3rr at cais.com

At 10:34 AM 6/4/96 CDT, ehayes at VNET.IBM.COM wrote:
>Wasn't sure if I should ask my question here or on the new tower
>reflector.  Guess someone will chastise me if I should have posted
>elsewhere.  I am putting up a 50 footer and currently have 2 ground
>wires with ground rods.  These wires are about 30 feet long.  I will
>be adding more in the near future.  My problem is, all of our utilities
>are buried.  The only ground wire I can find near the electrical service
>entry runs from the breaker box to a nearby outside water faucet.  Since
>I believe the experts recommend all grounds be connected to get them
>at the same potential, am I going to have to use the incoming water line
>as a connection point?  What have others done about grounding with
>underground utilities?
>Any ideas certainly appreciated,
>73  KC5DVT   Wayne     email...ehayes at vnet.ibm.com
>Austin, Texas

>From hend at ix.netcom.com (William Henderson)  Wed Jun  5 02:21:41 1996
From: hend at ix.netcom.com (William Henderson) (William Henderson)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 18:21:41 -0700
Subject: KC DX Club Dayton CW Pileup Results
Message-ID: <199606050121.SAA04672 at dfw-ix2.ix.netcom.com>

Here are the results of the 1996 CW Pileup Contest, held in the Kansas 
City DX Club hospitality suite at the Dayton Hamvention. 

Special thanks this year to my son, Scott Henderson, KB0DAC, who 
administered most of the tests, and to Steve “Lance Johnson”, K0CS, and 
Lee Ward, K0LW, who both worked tirelessly behind the scenes to grade 
the tests all evening long.

Many other KC DXers manned the suite, keeping the contestants’ cups 
filled with liquid refreshment and offering moral support. Counseling 
was available to those who found their scores not quite up their 
expectations. Contesters and Dxers from the world over descended as 
usual on Suite 525 in the newly renamed Renaissance Crowne Plaza Hotel, 
and a good time was had by all, until well after 3:00 A.M. The KC club 
appreciates and thanks John, W0JLC, and his fine organization, Midland 
International, Inc. Without that support, the annual hospitality suite 
and Pileup Contest would not be possible. 

In addition to the several excellent prizes provided by Midland 
(including the grand prize 2M HT won by N7NG), we were fortunate to 
receive other great prize donations - including a subscription to the 
fine bulletin, QRZ DX, provided by Chod Harris; Computer keying 
interfaces by Jack, W1WEF; GP-1 Radial Bus for vertical antennas by 
Lance Johnson Engineering and Steve, K0CS; and several other fine 

The test was a classic masterpiece by Tom Hammond, N0SS, and was pulled 
out of the Kansas City DX Club archives when it was learned that a 
serious health situation prevented Tom from completing a new version 
for ‘96. Thankfully, Tom is doing a great job beating his illness, and 
expects to arrive at the 1997 Kansas City DX Club Hospitality Suite 
hand-delivering the best new CW pileup tape yet!

Thanks again to all who helped make it happen again (15th year in a 
row!), and thanks to everyone who came in, sat down, put on the 
‘phones, and got down to business!

73...Bill, K0VBU  (hend at ix.netcom.com)

Here are results. Read across. (Finish position, callsign, number of 
calls copied correctly out of 100 possible.):

1)N7NG-43      2)K3ZO-42      3)G3SXW-41
3)N6ZZ-41      3)W9KNI-41     3)W9WI-41
7)N2NT-40      7)W0UA-40      7)WA2LCC-40
10)WA8YVR-39  11)K2ZJ-38     11)KC7V-38
13)G4BUO-37   13)K1KI-37     13)KE3Q-37
13)KQ2M-37    13)N7BG-37     18)K1JKS-36
18)K7LJ-36    18)N6TV-36     18)W1WEF-36
18)W6RGG-36   23)G3XTT-35    23)NP4Z-35
25)AC8W-34    25)G3RBP-34    25)K1DG-34
25)K1VR-34    25)K1ZX-34     30)GM3YTS-33
30)KZ2S-33    30)W2GD-33     33)WF3J-32
34)AA0RS-31   34)K3SA-31     34)K3WJV-31
34)K6LL-31    34)N4OGW-31    39)K4XU-30
39)KR2J-30    39)N2RM-30     39)NI6T-30
43)KI1G-29    43)WM2C-29     45)G4FAM-28
45)K1BG-28    45)KB2WBP-28   48)AA4NC-27
48)K0SF-27    48)K2ZR-27     48)K8MR-27
48)KE0OL-27   48)WA1S-27     54)K2DB-26
54)OZ8RO-26   54)VE1AL-26    54)WB4LFM-26
54)WZ1R-26    59)AA1NO-25    59)K0IJL-25
59)K1CB-25    59)KJ4VH-25    59)WR3Z-25
64)AA9AX-24   64)K0DI-24     64)N0AT-24
64)N1MM-24    64)WJ2O-24     69)W3GG-23
69)WX9U-23    71)AA4DO-22    71)AA7WP-22
71)G3RZP-22   71)K0KX-22     71)KR9P-22
71)WA1G-22    71)WA8YTM-22   71)WD9GGY-22
79)KA4RRU-21  79)W1MJ-21     79)WA9TPQ-21
82)K0LW-20    82)K8DD-20     82)NB1B-20
85)K5FUV-19   85)KS9W-19     87)K0JGH-18
87)KC3N-18    87)KM4E-18     87)KZ8E-18
91)KB2UCS-17  91)N8DM-17     93)K1KP-16
93)KN7I-16    93)W9NQ-16     93)WR2I-16
97)NS0B-15    97)VE3YBH-15   97)WB5VZL-15
97)ZS6NW-15   101)4X6ZK-14  101)WA7BNM-14
103)AA0XZ-11  103)N9AKE-11  105)N2PEB-10
106)N4UL-9    107)KG0YP-7   107)KI4HN-7
107)KI4QG-7   107)WM1K-7    111)AA2VN-6
112)AA2OT-5   112)AA7NO-5   112)N2ZAK-5

>From kc7v at primenet.com (Mike Fulcher)  Wed Jun  5 10:17:13 1996
From: kc7v at primenet.com (Mike Fulcher) (Mike Fulcher)
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 1996 02:17:13 -0700
Subject: Tower Ordinance
Message-ID: < at mailhost.primenet.com>

Thanks for the input Steve.  I will check out the site. 

73 de Mike
                         Mike Fulcher KC7V
                     One of the "VOO-DOODS"
                       VooDoo Contest Group
            ("VooDoo" - White magic from Africa)       

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