QRN Squasher (June CQ article)
W8JITom at aol.com
W8JITom at aol.com
Wed Jun 5 00:31:06 EDT 1996
In a message dated 96-06-04 15:43:30 EDT, you write:
>Any technical types out there want to comment on the pluses/minuses of the
>QRN Squasher construction project in the June 96 issue of CQ. How does it
>compare with the JPS ANC4?
>So, is this the same thing as the ANC4? Better? Worse? About the same?
Hi Henry,
The circuit won't work correctly as published. The network in that unit (from
T1 through R2) claimed to rotate phase will absolutely not do so. It will
shift phase 180 degrees, and vary amplitude....but that is all. That's the
major design flaw (although it appears to have a few other design shortfalls
as well).
I'd stick with the ANC-4, or a proven design.
73 Tom
>From pgerba at crl.com (Peter Gerba) Wed Jun 5 04:55:19 1996
From: pgerba at crl.com (Peter Gerba) (Peter Gerba)
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 20:55:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: LEO contractors
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960604205234.19282A-100000 at crl9.crl.com>
Early in the LEO messages I saw a list of contractor's company names.
Would source please repost that info or send it to me ?
thanks, pete
pgerba at crl.com
>From PITMANZ at westel900.hu (PITMANZ.W9) Wed Jun 5 09:10:45 1996
From: PITMANZ at westel900.hu (PITMANZ.W9) (PITMANZ.W9)
Date: 05 Jun 96 10:10:45 +0200
Subject: WPX Certificates/Volunteers
Message-ID: <9606050813.AA30117 at iroda1.westel900.hu>
Let me put a small note on your comments:
If somebody undertake to do something volunteerly, it doesn't imply that
he/she may do it indolently. If the Volunteer can't do it as it should be
done, then he/she should step aside and leave it for the others.
Regarding the WPX-certificates issue: After reading the "'SOS"-sign for the
unsponsored WPX plaques in the CQ, the local contest club (HG1S aka HG73DX)
wrote a letter about sponsoring the MM-class trophy. It was sent by fax and
air-mail. We haven't received even a single word to our offer.
So, I think the complaints are right in this case.
73s de Zoli HA1AG
Content-Type: message/rfc822
Date: 04 Jun 96 19:59:33
From:"Larry Tyree" <tree at lady.blindchicken.com>
To: floydjr at Interpath.com
Subject: Re: WPX Certificates HELP!!!
Cc: cq-contest at tgv.com
Reply-to: tree at lady.blindchicken.com
X-Orcl-Application: Return-Path: <owner-cq-contest at tgv.com>
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Many contests are being administered by volunteers. The FIRST step
you should take if you are upset about the service is to VOLUNTEER
to help out.
I have not yet sent out CW Sprint certificates yet and I think we have
gotten about 5 years beind on the plaques. It is possible that I
will not have the resources available to do them at my new job. I
hope we can find someone to help with this process (it is mostly
automated). I will ask the first person who complains if they are
willing to help.
Tree N6TR
tree at contesting.com
>From palooka at pyrotechnics.com (Joe Pontek, K8JP) Wed Jun 5 13:26:01 1996
From: palooka at pyrotechnics.com (Joe Pontek, K8JP) (Joe Pontek, K8JP)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 07:26:01 -0500
Subject: TA33Jr DXpedition Modifications
Message-ID: <199606051226.HAA13336 at kiwi.pyrotechnics.com>
Well, I have nearly completed the modifications to my TA33Jr for
DXpeditioning. No Jim, I am not throwing it out for another antenna, unless
you want to send me one, gratus. Many had commented on various antennas that
broke down to various sizes, though, I found out from the airlines, they
would make it into the Caribbean, they would cost extra if going to Bora
Bora. I will summarize the dimensions, splices, etc. as soon as I finish,
hopefully, this weekend. So far, so good. I would not do this to an antenna
that is going to be left up year round. My TA33Jr is an older one, so I have
longer tubing, in some cases. I hope my summary will give you, at the least,
an idea of how to go about modifying yours.
73, K8Joe"Palooka"
palooka at pyrotechnics.com
snail mail:
Joe Pontek, K8JP
P. O. Box 59573
Schaumburg, IL 60159-0573
(847) 885-8871 (home)
(847) 519-7420 (work)
(847) 619-3250 (FAX)
>From gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW) Wed Jun 5 16:22:00 1996
From: gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW) (Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW)
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 11:22:00 -0400
Subject: both ears [aka: with 2-radios]
Message-ID: <m0uRJVr-000f50C at mgate.arrl.org>
Here's two Web sites where some of the =22secrets=22 are publicly available=
(Note these pertinent listings...)
KA9FOX site: =22Using Two Radios in a CW Contest - by N6TR, October 1993=22=
Contesting On-line site: =222 radio Single-oping by KM9P - Updated 5/96=21 =
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =
- =
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Contesting On-line: http://www.contesting.com/
(The Ultimate Source of Ham Radio Contest Information=22)
(This site is edited by: Bill Fisher, KM9P=3b Randy Thompson, K5ZD=3b
Walt Deemer, AC1O=3b Charles Fulp, K3WW=3b Jim Cullum, AB7CZ
and Steve Nace, KN5H.)
=5bPartial contents:=5d
-- Tour N6TR
-- Tour KM9P/4
(-- More tours wanted=21)
-- 2 radio Single-oping by KM9P =2a Updated 5/96=21
-- Low Power SS by K4XU
-- Selected Contest Stories
-- Rate Sheets From Top Scoring Stations
-- Contest Publications and General Info Sources
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =3cAnd,=3e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =
- - - =
- - - - - - - - - - - -
KA9FOX Web Site: http://www.4w.com/ham/ka9fox/
(=22Designed especially for Ham Radio Contesters and DXers=22)
=5bPartial contents:=5d
Antennas, Towers, Feedline:
Phased and Single Wire Beverages - by W3LPL
Interlaced Yagis - by KR=d8Y, May 1995
Effective one tower installation - by AB6WD, April 1995
Coax Stubs for reducing inter-station interference - by N=d8BSH, =
September 1994
Stacking Tri-banders - by W9XT, September 1994
Radios and Amplifiers:
Dunestar Bandpass Filters - by N2IC, August 1994
Station Design=3b
Single-op Two Radio Control Box - by K=d8GU, August 1994
Operating Techniques:
The Single Op Assisted Category - by K3WW
Sweepstakes with Low Power - by K4XU
Using Two Radios in a CW Contest - by N6TR, October 1993
-- eof --
=3eTo: Lee Buller
=3eCc: cq-contest
=3eSubject: Re: Operating with both ears
=3eDate: Tuesday, June 04, 1996 11:18PM
=3e------------------Internet Headers------------------
=3eReceived: by mgate.arrl.org (Smail3.1.29.1 =239)
=3e id m0uR6gv-000f4rC=3b Tue, 4 Jun 96 20:43 EDT
=3eReceived: from Foghorn.Cisco.COM by mgate.arrl.org with smtp
=3e (Smail3.1.29.1 =239) id m0uR6gs-000f4sC=3b Tue, 4 Jun 96 20:43 EDT
=3eX-ListName: Amateur Radio Contester's discussion list =3cCQ-Contest=40tg=
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=3eContent-Type: text/plain=3b charset=3d=22us-ascii=22
=3eDate: Tue, 04 Jun 1996 23:18:18 -0600
=3eTo: k0wa=40southwind.net (Lee Buller)
=3eFrom: PETER GRILLO =3cah3c=40burgoyne.com=3e
=3eReply-To: PETER GRILLO =3cah3c=40burgoyne.com=3e
=3eSubject: Re: Operating with both ears
=3eCC: cq-contest=40TGV.COM
=3eAt 08:31 AM 6/4/96 -0500, you wrote:
=3e=3eLadies and Gentlemen
=3e=3eI recently attended the contest forum at Dayton and was somewhat amaz=
ed by =
=3e=3efew things. One of the things that amazed me was two transceiver =
=3e=3ein a single-op mode. One transceiver to run rate, the other to S =26=
P. =
=3e=3emy circles we call it H =26 P=3b Hunt and Peck). Feeding audio from =
both rigs
=3e=3eto a stereo headset was a facinating option that I had never thought =
=3e=3e(How long have you guys been doing this?) You see, out here in Kansa=
=3e=3ethere are about ten contesters to every 105 counties (there are only =
=3e=3ecounties in Kansas, so you get my point) and we don't seem to
=3e=3ecross-pollinate with each other as to operating techniques. (Lucky f=
=3e=3ethem, cause I am not a beautiful kinda guy)
=3e=3eWell, anyway, I would like to hear from all you hot shots comment on =
how =
=3e=3eset up the station using this method of operation in a contest like
=3e=3eSweepstakes. I would be interested in hearing your operating philoso=
=3e=3eHave you ever studied the technique from the stand point of how many =
=3e=3epoints were scored by going to this technique? How does your brain k=
eep =
=3e=3estraight? What challenges have you had to overcome in areas of
=3e=3econcentration, determination, and fatigue?
=3e=3eThanks for your throughtfull information.
=3e=3eLee, K0WA
=3e=3e=22Linear Amps are our friends...take one out to lunch=22
=3e=3eLee Buller
=3e=3eI also attended the forum and was rather set back by the cost of the =
=3eradio setups displayed. Two things bothered me:
=3e1. Both discussions were extremely concerned with blowing out the front=
=3eof the primary radio's receiver section and made much detail on the
=3efiltering mods required. At N7NG during SS a few years ago, I set up a
=3esecond radio for S=26P...no amplifier required. Antennas were within 40=
=3eof each other. Result: no problems. The key was to provide complete
=3eisolation while the primary radio was CQing and the second radio was S=26=
=3eon a different band.
=3e2. Why use two computers? It is possible to check dupes in the TR =
=3ewhile continuing CQ on the primary rig. It certainly will keep you busy=
=3ethe S=26P mode.
=3eLet's hear from Tree, Jeff, Trey, George, =26 Randy to name a few...what=
=3eyour =22two radio=22 recipes? This is particularly useful in SS on Sund=
=3e73, Pete
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