Fwd: Pre-WRTC Poll

BK1ZX70SFL at aol.com BK1ZX70SFL at aol.com
Tue Jun 11 23:08:11 EDT 1996

What function does this Poll serve? 

Are we betting on others' operating skills as we feel will be needed for this
particular contest as we forsee it will unfold? Is it that some of us feel it
would be (pick something, i.e. :) sherely a domestic competition and the best
SS team will sweep it....or a DX contest and the DX will take it?????

Sure, I can see where it might be interesting to one to make a guess and then
after the dust settles, emphasis on after, see if ones picks made it to the
"top five", or whatever.

We aren't "betting" on the operators, are we? From what I can tell there are
104 champions already selected, the hams who have been selected to compete on
the 52 teams - they are all winners.

Jimmy the SV, aren't these guys all winners?


....my candid impression after Dayton - I would watch out for John Schultz
and George Crovelli, W0GD and W2UA!

Forwarded message:
From:	Nzharps at AOL.COM
Sender:	owner-cq-contest at tgv.com
Reply-to:	Nzharps at AOL.COM
To:	cq-contest at tgv.com
Date: 96-06-11 14:57:02 EDT

Hi All,
  It is a month before the much anticipated WRTC-96 and the reflector has
been very quiet on this thread--Who do you think will win?
  The idea to ask this question came out of some "Dayton Suite talk" with
several WRTC Team Captains as we compared lists of who we THOUGHT would
finish in the Top 5.  I'm sure many of us have considered the question, but I
would like to take things a step further and try to poll the reflector. To
participate in the Pre-WRTC poll:
      1. E-mail a list of the teams that in your humble opinion will finish
in the Top 5 in San Francisco.(A complete list of Teams is available on the
WRTC Homepage.)
      2. Send your list to Nzharps at AOL.COM not to the Reflector by July 1.
(Let's save bandwidth!)
      3. Your list should not need  be ordered from 1-5.

   I will summarize the responses and post them to the reflector prior to the
Contest. It will be interesting to see who we think will do well as compared
with the actual results.

   DISCLAIMER:  WRTC has in no way sanctioned this poll and I have no formal
affiliation with the event.

        73, Ron  K8NZ

p.s. There will be no charge to participate in the poll!

>From aa8u at voyager.net (AA8U)  Wed Jun 12 03:18:47 1996
From: aa8u at voyager.net (AA8U) (AA8U)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 22:18:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: online
Message-ID: <199606120218.WAA00665 at vixa.voyager.net>

To get back on CQ-Contest Reflector send an email to: cq-contest at tgv.com

in the body put one word only, lower case    subscribe
then send it
To get on topband: same message different address: topband at animas.frontier.net
To get on towertalk: same message different address: towertalk at contesting.com

that should keep you reading interesting stuff occasionally. I would say you
will get more out of it by participating and expressing your self than
sitting back and watching the world go by. There are a lot of people out
there that could benefit from your experience and getting to know you. 

Its a two way street, you only get as good as you give. Sometimes doing the
giving part is enough.
lecture concluded.

have fun!

Hope I gave you the right addresses and instructions..someone will correct
me if I didn't. hi

>From aa8u at voyager.net (AA8U)  Wed Jun 12 04:17:25 1996
From: aa8u at voyager.net (AA8U) (AA8U)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 23:17:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: From Local Packet
Message-ID: <199606120317.XAA07304 at vixa.voyager.net>

The following was copied from our local Packet system. I don't think Ted has
either reflector so I'm post it for him. Doubt if he will mind.

Beginning July 1 a month long South Pacific DXpedition will begin with the
following dates and stops scheduled:
July 1-4 Majuro......... V73    with N8CC and K8AQM
July  4-7 Ponape........ V63CF V63CK   N8CC and K8AQM
July  7-9 Truck.........  "     "     N8CC and K8AQM
July 10-12 Palau........ KC6BP KC6JJ   N8CC and K8AQM
July 13-17 Japan........ 7J3Y??       N8CC, K8AQM and KG8DS
July 17-19 Maui......... NH6/ KH6?    N8CC and K8AQM
July 19-24 Ofu.......... NH8/N8CC
July 24-29 Apia......... 5W0JB.......N8CC
We'll be QRV on all bands and emphasis on 160-30m.  All modes including 
RTTY from KH8 and 5W for the RTTY contest and we'll be QRV in the IOTA Contest.
QSL all calls to AA8HZ unless specified otherwise.
C U in the pileups!..........73, Ted...K8AQM


>From aa8u at voyager.net (AA8U)  Wed Jun 12 05:00:07 1996
From: aa8u at voyager.net (AA8U) (AA8U)
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 00:00:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: online
Message-ID: <199606120400.AAA12871 at vixa.voyager.net>

DARN!!! I hate it when I do that. I knew better but forgot. Thanks for the
reminder. My regrets to the multitude...

At 11:55 PM 6/11/96 -0400, you wrote:
>>To get back on CQ-Contest Reflector send an email to: cq-contest at tgv.com
>To the best of my knowledge, all of the reflectors you listed need the
>message sent to cq-contest-request at tgv.com, or
>towertalk-request at contesting.com etc.  Without that -request part, the
>messages get sent out to the maillist and generate those annoying
>subscribe, setnomail, and help messages that sometimes aappear on the
>Al, KE6BER/1, ke6ber at tiac.net  http://www.tiac.net/users/ke6ber

>From tree at lady.blindchicken.com (Larry Tyree)  Wed Jun 12 05:14:47 1996
From: tree at lady.blindchicken.com (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 21:14:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: WRTC poll
Message-ID: <199606120414.VAA01621 at lady.blindchicken.com>

I agree with zx (for a change).  I don't think the poll is a good idea.

Besides, after I heard about K1AR bribing the judges in advance, I am 
sure he and Doug will win again.

Tree N6TR
tree at conesting.com

Tour my station at http://www.contesting.com

>From ki4hn at nando.net (Jim Stevens)  Wed Jun 12 05:40:27 1996
From: ki4hn at nando.net (Jim Stevens) (Jim Stevens)
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 00:40:27 -0400
Subject: Vanity Calls
Message-ID: <01BB57F8.253A3C20 at grail1613.nando.net>

I've made some enhancements to the Vanity Call info.  Now including the QTH and
have rearranged the columns to make it more readable (IMHO).  Also have added a
cumulative list of vanity calls issued sorted by call.  Am also working a deal
with Tack (JE1CKA/KH0AM) to put the data on one of his list servers for those
people without Web access.
Jim Stevens, KI4HN
http://www.webbuild.com/~ki4hn  --> Vanity Call Info

>From ey8mm at sovam.com (Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh)  Wed Jun 12 10:39:23 1996
From: ey8mm at sovam.com (Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh) (Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh)
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 09:39:23 MMTDST
Subject: EY2Q in All Asia
Message-ID: <199606120539.AA24395 at scylla.sovam.com>

Hi to all,

This weekend we will be in All Asia contest as EY2Q as Multi/Single. See
you in the contest.

73, Nodir

Nodir M. Tursoon-Zadeh EY8MM        *   tel:+7(3772) 214-706
Member of EY2Q contest team         *                212-844
ex. UJ8JMM, YA1MM, YA5MM, DL/EY8MM, *   fax:+7(3772) 212-847
RJ0J, RJ1J, RJ2S, RJ4X, RJ5R, RJ6K, *   
RJ8WCY, EU9J, EK8R                  *                                
Mailing address: P.O.BOX 303, Dushanbe, 734001, Tajikistan
e-mail: <ey8mm at sovam.com>
        <ey8mm at tarl.td.silk.glas.apc.org>

>From trogo at primenet.com (Tony Rogozinski)  Wed Jun 12 07:39:49 1996
From: trogo at primenet.com (Tony Rogozinski) (Tony Rogozinski)
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 23:39:49 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Fwd: Pre-WRTC Poll
Message-ID: <199606120639.XAA10096 at primenet.com>

At 10:08 PM 6/11/96 -0400, BK1ZX70SFL at aol.com wrote:
>What function does this Poll serve? 
>Are we betting on others' operating skills as we feel will be needed for this
>particular contest as we forsee it will unfold? Is it that some of us feel it
>would be (pick something, i.e. :) sherely a domestic competition and the best
>SS team will sweep it....or a DX contest and the DX will take it?????
>Sure, I can see where it might be interesting to one to make a guess and then
>after the dust settles, emphasis on after, see if ones picks made it to the
>"top five", or whatever.
>We aren't "betting" on the operators, are we? From what I can tell there are
>104 champions already selected, the hams who have been selected to compete on
>the 52 teams - they are all winners.
>Jimmy the SV, aren't these guys all winners?
>....my candid impression after Dayton - I would watch out for John Schultz
>and George Crovelli, W0GD and W2UA!

Especially now that they're both single!!

>Forwarded message:
>From:	Nzharps at AOL.COM
>Sender:	owner-cq-contest at tgv.com
>Reply-to:	Nzharps at AOL.COM
>To:	cq-contest at tgv.com
>Date: 96-06-11 14:57:02 EDT
>Hi All,
>  It is a month before the much anticipated WRTC-96 and the reflector has
>been very quiet on this thread--Who do you think will win?
>  The idea to ask this question came out of some "Dayton Suite talk" with
>several WRTC Team Captains as we compared lists of who we THOUGHT would
>finish in the Top 5.  I'm sure many of us have considered the question, but I
>would like to take things a step further and try to poll the reflector. To
>participate in the Pre-WRTC poll:
>      1. E-mail a list of the teams that in your humble opinion will finish
>in the Top 5 in San Francisco.(A complete list of Teams is available on the
>WRTC Homepage.)
>      2. Send your list to Nzharps at AOL.COM not to the Reflector by July 1.
>(Let's save bandwidth!)
>      3. Your list should not need  be ordered from 1-5.
>   I will summarize the responses and post them to the reflector prior to the
>Contest. It will be interesting to see who we think will do well as compared
>with the actual results.
>   DISCLAIMER:  WRTC has in no way sanctioned this poll and I have no formal
>affiliation with the event.
>        73, Ron  K8NZ
>p.s. There will be no charge to participate in the poll!
                                Tony Rogozinski N7BG
                               One of the "Voo-Dudes"
                                VooDoo Contest Group 
                         ("VooDoo" = white magic from Africa)
                      I Collect TELEGRAPH KEYS - Especially "Bugs" 
               Call Me At 1-800-966-6264 If You Have Any To Sell Or Trade

>From AA6KX at worldnet.att.net (Bruce Sawyer)  Wed Jun 12 07:37:41 1996
From: AA6KX at worldnet.att.net (Bruce Sawyer) (Bruce Sawyer)
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 06:37:41 GMT
Subject: Tickets to WRTC Events (Correction)
Message-ID: <199606120637.GAA17617 at mailhost.worldnet.att.net>

My sincere apologies for the wasted bandwidth.  However, there was a serious
error in my recent announcement which I need to correct.  Regarding the tour
of Napa Valley on Monday, July 15, the text should have read as follows:

"Yaesu Napa Valley wine tour:  Buses leave the WRTC Motel at 8:45 a.m. on
Monday, July 15 and return to the hotel at 4:30 p.m.  The buses go first to
the San Francisco waterfront, where we depart for a ferry trip across San
Francisco Bay to Vallejo.  Buses then go on to the Robert Monadavi Winery,
where guests will receive an escorted tour of the facilities.  Lunch will be
at the V. Sattui Winery, and then the afternoon will feature a tour of St.
Supery Winery.  Competitors, Judges, and WRTC Sponsors will receive free
admission;  all others will need to purchase a ticket. Cost:  $35 for the
whole trip or $18 for lunch only.  In the case you want lunch only, you must
provide your own transportation to V. Sattui.  NOTE:  Capacity is limited
for this event."  

The correction is that tickets may NOT be purchased at the winery; they must
be obtained through WRTC '96 per the instructions contained in the original
announcement.  (Send me email requesting tickets; if we have space, I'll
confirm and tell you where to send a check.  Please do NOT send me a check
until I can confirm space for you.)

Bruce Sawyer, AA6KX
COO, WRTC 96, Inc.

>From harpole at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu (Charles H. Harpole)  Wed Jun 12 13:12:28 1996
From: harpole at pegasus.cc.ucf.edu (Charles H. Harpole) (Charles H. Harpole)
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 08:12:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Antenna Information comment
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.960612080558.29354E-100000 at Pegasus>

First:  all you guys who are taking down TH-7s and 40-2CDs, and putting up
Force 12 stuff, please send me
a "used antenna" price quote on them, cause I am in the market for good
antennas like the TH-7 and 40-2CD, not Force 12.
Second:  don't rivits loosen up over time and vibration?
Third:  You can win a contest with antennas at 70 feet.  That is still the
best PRACTICAL height for 40m to 10 m beams, bar none.  
Four:  Before you put up another 150foot tower, have you given to charity?
Finally, hunker down for summer storms and plan for efficiency and
finesse, not brute strength. 73, K4VUD

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