Gate 1A Opens July 22!

tad.danley at tad.danley at
Fri Jun 21 13:49:39 EDT 1996

     Per the June 21 issue of the FCC Daily Digest, the amateur station 
     vanity call sign system filing Gate 1A opens July 22, 1996.
     73, Tad, NZ3I

>From merchant at (Stephen F Merchant)  Fri Jun 21 18:47:59 1996
From: merchant at (Stephen F Merchant) (Stephen F Merchant)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 10:47:59 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Vanity calls
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960621102715.23407A-100000 at>

On Fri, 21 Jun 1996, Jay O'Brien - W6GO wrote:

> Do you suppose that may be because there isn't anything to report?  I 
> understand the FCC folks in Gettysburg have to use rafts to get anywhere, 
> based on their weather this week as reported in the news.
> > 
> >  Is there any place other than KI4HN page that lists Vanity calls. 
> > 
> >  KI4HN's site hasn't been updated since the June 17th..

I found the best way to check was to search on my new <old> call at the U 
of Arkansas at Little Rock FCC callsign server.  I'm not sure where these 
various listings are coming from, such as KI4HN's and the daily 
transactions site mentioned on the UALR homepage 
<>.  For me the conclusive proof of 
change was the return on the search for the new callsign.

Interesting to note that the data given with my callsign change suggests 
I upgraded from Advanced to Extra at the same time.  This clearly is 
in error -- that upgrade happened many years ago and has nothing to do 
with getting a different call under Gate 1 rules.  This reinforces 
earlier comments that the Vanity program may be running under the "fast 
and loose" guidelines.

Oh, sorry -- URL for UALR is

And thanks to Trey for the bandwidth.  See everyone this weekend from K6TZ.

73, Steve W6EMS <ex-N4TQO>

>From HWDX09A at ( ROBERT   REED)  Fri Jun 21 23:43:17 1996
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 17:43:17, -0500
Message-ID: <199606212143.RAA12820 at>

ARRL Bulletin 40  ARLB040
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  June 21, 1996
To all radio amateurs

ARLB040 Field Day Bulletin

Crew members aboard the current STS-78 shuttle mission are planning
to operate during this year's Field Day.  Valid two-way contacts
with the shuttle will count as satellite QSOs for QSO point and
bonus point credit.  Contacts with the packet robot do not count.

As part of the SAREX activities taking place during this mission,
set to launch June 20, NASA Payload Commander Susan Helms, KC7NHZ,
Mission Specialist Charles Brady, N4BQW, and Payload specialist
Robert Thirsk, VA3CSA, hope to find free time to hand out points
from the shuttle to Field Day ops.  The crew will use the following
separate receive and transmit frequencies:

FM voice downlink: 145.55 MHz.

FM voice uplink: 144.91, 144.93, 144.95, 144.97 and 144.99 MHz.



 73,  Bob Reed, WB2DIN 
      538 Brewers Bridge Road
      Jackson, New Jersey 08527

      Internet : hwdx09a at
      Packet   : wb2din at wt3v.nj

>From jneiger at (James B. Neiger)  Sat Jun 22 05:05:57 1996
From: jneiger at (James B. Neiger) (James B. Neiger)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 96 21:05:57 PDT
Subject: 2 for 1
Message-ID: <Chameleon.960621215935.jneiger at>

Thanks to K3ZO, W3LPL, N2AA, W7NI, and others for remembering my two 
countries from one shack operations as VR1W (British Phoenix Is.) and 
KB6DA (American Phoenix Is.).  I made a total of four DXpeditions to 
Canton Is. back in 1971-72, and it was quite the experience, to say the 
least, trying to effectively run two pile-ups and get the right person in 
the right log book.  Of course, this was all before memory keyers, 
computers, and the nice gadgets that these young whipper snappers so 
liberally take for granted today.

Certain of the Phoenix Islands group were jointly claimed and administered 
by the UK and US, and although KB6 was designated, I believe, as the DXCC 
country of Canton, Baker and Howland (the latter two not in the Phoenix), 
it was strictly speaking a member of the larger group.  The Americans also 
claimed some of the others in the Phoenix group, including Enderbury and 
Hull, and we had radars on those islands too (Minuteman 3 testing)..

Several of us operated from a small shack on Canton (a photo was published 
in a 1972 QST, as I recall) and one only needed to change calls to QSY to 
the other "country".  I operated the 1971 CQ WW CQ test as VR1W, but also 
worked about 50 QSO's as KB6DA, and sent in logs for both operations.  I 
ended-up No. 2 behind K2SIL (aka K1GQ) at KH6RS, and W1WY wrote in the CQ 
Magazine results that I might've won the contest if I hadn't taken the 
time out to go over to Canton Island for those 50 QSO's!  As Casey Stengel 
would say, you can look it up.  

A side-note to this story was me being confronted by an outraged W6DGH at 
a 1972 convention 'cuz he couldn't work KB6DA in the contest (I paused to 
give the 2nd country out to only a selected few). He had every right to be 
upset with me, after-all he was trying to beat W6RR.  But I was trying to 
beat KH6RS.  And we both failed.  We of course all know W6DGH as N6AA 
today, and since this unfortunate beginning, (1) Dick and I have become 
life-long buddies, and (2) he is still ranting and raving about friends 
working friends in contests!

After its tenure as a lagoon "landing strip" for the Pan American Clippers 
in the 1930's, Canton played host to an American fighter strip during WW2, 
and that strip, carved out of the coral, was our "airport" for our DC-8 
flights from Hawaii to Canton.  Oh yes, we had 1500 ft of over-run 
available, but you sure didn't want to have to use it.  Just a little 
story about one of my notorious equatorial wheelchair QTH's on my way to 
that exhalted status as an elderly marathoner.

                   Vy 73

                      Jim Neiger, N6TJ

                   (Senior Citizen, Over-Come By Events, Mustard Cutter,
                    Over The Hill, Fed-Up)       

p.s.    BTW - for my next equatorial jaunt (everyone knows how easy it     
              must be) I'll be firing-up my ZD8Z station in the IARU       
              shindig, looking especially for WRTCers, if they've got what 
              it takes to break the pileups for the double mult.  Hey,     
              maybe I can operate 30 hours in this one??

>From darrel at (Darrel Van Buer)  Fri Jun 21 22:50:59 1996
From: darrel at (Darrel Van Buer) (Darrel Van Buer)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 96 14:50:59 PDT
Subject: Vanity calls
Message-ID: <9606212150.AA03798 at>

Jay, W6GO theorizes no data at KI4HN because the flooding caused no action.
Having looked at the raw FCC data, if anything the flooding must have kept them
at their terminals.  901 vanity calls were issued on Tuesday!  96 more Wednesday
and 134 Thursday.
So the "problem" lies with KI4HN.  In the first few weeks of the vanity
program, the bulk of the work has been done Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays,
with just a few Mondays and Fridays.

If you can stand the ugly format, the raw FCC data is in
with,, ... always being the updates for the prior
seven days, with the newest replacing the same day of a week ago about 3 AM
each day.  This directory also contains weekly snapshots of the entire database.
The daily updates range from a few KB on the weekend to 30 KB during the
week.  The full database is several tens of MB.  The vanity calls are the ones
with |S|I| (individual) or |S|C| (club) a little before the name in the file 
APPL.DAT unpacked from the zip files.  The old call is in the matching record in 
INDIV.DAT.  Club info is in CRM.DAT

Steve, W6EMS reported an apparent anomaly in his new "vanity" call record.

The FCC database is distinctly peculiar, and the "history" component always
shows the most recent one prior call and one prior license class, no matter 
how many changes might separate them.  The one signficant exception to 
this is that these history entries only started with the prior mainframe computer
system, so if your most recent call or class change happened in the distant past, (20 to 30 years?) it does not show in the historical data.  
For example, if you look at my record, you'll see prior call N6PFO and prior
class Advanced, but obviously I could not have made both changes at the same
time and end up as an extra with call

	73 de Darrel

>From jneiger at (James B. Neiger)  Sat Jun 22 06:06:54 1996
From: jneiger at (James B. Neiger) (James B. Neiger)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 96 22:06:54 PDT
Subject: FW: 2 for 1
Message-ID: <Chameleon.960621220732.jneiger at>

---------------Original Message---------------
Thanks to K3ZO, W3LPL, N2AA, W7NI, and others for remembering my two 
countries from one shack operations as VR1W (British Phoenix Is.) and 
KB6DA (American Phoenix Is.).  I made a total of four DXpeditions to 
Canton Is. back in 1971-72, and it was quite the experience, to say the 
least, trying to effectively run two pile-ups and get the right person in 
the right log book.  Of course, this was all before memory keyers, 
computers, and the nice gadgets that these young whipper snappers so 
liberally take for granted today.

Certain of the Phoenix Islands group were jointly claimed and administered 

by the UK and US, and although KB6 was designated, I believe, as the DXCC 
country of Canton, Baker and Howland (the latter two not in the Phoenix), 
it was strictly speaking a member of the larger group.  The Americans also 

claimed some of the others in the Phoenix group, including Enderbury and 
Hull, and we had radars on those islands too (Minuteman 3 testing)..

Several of us operated from a small shack on Canton (a photo was published 

in a 1972 QST, as I recall) and one only needed to change calls to QSY to 
the other "country".  I operated the 1971 CQ WW CQ test as VR1W, but also 
worked about 50 QSO's as KB6DA, and sent in logs for both operations.  I 
ended-up No. 2 behind K2SIL (aka K1GQ) at KH6RS, and W1WY wrote in the CQ 
Magazine results that I might've won the contest if I hadn't taken the 
time out to go over to Canton Island for those 50 QSO's!  As Casey Stengel 

would say, you can look it up.  

A side-note to this story was me being confronted by an outraged W6DGH at 
a 1972 convention 'cuz he couldn't work KB6DA in the contest (I paused to 
give the 2nd country out to only a selected few). He had every right to be 
upset with me, after-all he was trying to beat W6RR.  But I was trying to 
beat KH6RS.  And we both failed.  We of course all know W6DGH as N6AA 
today, and since this unfortunate beginning, (1) Dick and I have become 
life-long buddies, and (2) he is still ranting and raving about friends 
working friends in contests!

After its tenure as a lagoon "landing strip" for the Pan American Clippers 
in the 1930's, Canton played host to an American fighter strip during WW2, 
and that strip, carved out of the coral, was our "airport" for our DC-8 
flights from Hawaii to Canton.  Oh yes, we had 1500 ft of over-run 
available, but you sure didn't want to have to use it.  Just a little 
story about one of my notorious equatorial wheelchair QTH's on my way to 
that exhalted status as an elderly marathoner.

                   Vy 73

                      Jim Neiger, N6TJ

                   (Senior Citizen, Over-Come By Events, Mustard Cutter,
                    Over The Hill, Fed-Up)       

p.s.    BTW - for my next equatorial jaunt (everyone knows how easy it     
              must be) I'll be firing-up my ZD8Z station in the IARU       
              shindig, looking especially for WRTCers, if they've got what 
              it takes to break the pileups for the double mult.  Hey,     
              maybe I can operate 30 hours in this one??

----------End of Original Message----------

>From syam at (De Syam)  Sat Jun 22 00:27:24 1996
From: syam at (De Syam) (De Syam)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 19:27:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: False alarm on FCC in Gettysburg flood.
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960621192431.6211C-100000 at>

Guess I spoke too soon about possible flood problems in the Gettyburg, PA 
office of the FCC.

Today I received in the mail my renewed license, good till 2006.

("Whew -- saved from the Vanity callsign pool!")

                                         Very 73,

                                       Fred Laun, K3ZO  

>From km9p at (Bill Fisher, KM9P)  Sat Jun 22 00:36:36 1996
From: km9p at (Bill Fisher, KM9P) (Bill Fisher, KM9P)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 19:36:36 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: ARRL 10M Results Correction
Message-ID: <199606212336.TAA09748 at>

Please note that I WAS NOT low power in the ARRL 10M contest.  

This means AC1O/4 was #1 USA on low power for CW only class.

Sorry for the confusion if I was the source of it.


| Contesting Online... The ultimate           |
| source of ham radio contest information     |       
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>From ah3c at (PETER GRILLO)  Sat Jun 22 08:08:44 1996
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996 01:08:44 -0600
Subject: 40 M Phased Verts
Message-ID: <199606220123.TAA26596 at>

At 08:48 AM 6/19/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Guys and Gals...
>Well, I must say that I won't get the phased array done in time for FD.
>Maybe next year.  Work just went nuts and I have been putting in long hours
>here at the Med Center.  Also, family things have kept me away from the shop
>to put it all together,
>I am not going to abandon the whole idea, cause I've wanted to try it for
>years.  But, time is running out on me.
>I am going to try to put up a raised verticle on an 8 foot 4x4.  Then uyse
>raised ground plane wires using fence posts to hold them up.  See what
>happens there.
>Also, most of  your guys talked me out of the phased array saying a 40 meter
>dipole as high as I can get it would be better.  I agree...but you gotta do
>something crazy on FD!  Right?  Well, we are going to try a Zepp too on 40
>meters from the 80 foot cottonwood tree.  I gotta remember where I put my
>bow and arrows.
>Thanks to you all for the comments...supportive and stark reality.  What a
>great bunch of people!
>Lee Buller
>k0wa at
>Hello Lee -

Your predicament reminds me of Field Day, 1970.  K9UIY, W6YB, and I put
together a perfect "midwest field day quad" for 40 meters.  It does require
a nob or mild hiltop location, however.  You simply hang two quad elements
in a diamond configuration from the ends of a 20 foot boom.  We used a Radio
Shack 35 foot push up mast to support the boom.  We cut the parasitic
element such that it was a director and added a stub to give the equivalvent
length of a reflector.  Then we added a small relay on the stub to short it
out as a director and open as a reflector.  The relay was operated using
telephone cable, to keep from weighing down the element.  The feed point
ended up about 4 feet above the ground.  The diamond corners of the quad
were spread out using kite string.  The whole thing took us about 1 hour to
put up and about another hour to tune.  It worked like a champ!  I seem to
recall about 750 CW qso's on 40 that year....

Input impedance of this quad was about 35 ohms.  We used a quarter wave
section of RG-58 in parallel with a quarter wave section of RG-59 to feed
it. SWR was less than 2:1 from 7025 to 7250.   With resonance right at 7130.

Try this for FD, if you have time to muster up the parts...if not, come out
west the last weekend in August and set up a rare county operation in the
Utah Centennial QSO Party!

>From GRJOHNSON at VAX1.BEMIDJI.MSUS.EDU (GLENN R. JOHNSON, M.D.)  Sat Jun 22 04:04:59 1996
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 22:04:59 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Alpha - NEW thread......
Message-ID: <960621220459.14ab1 at VAX1.BEMIDJI.MSUS.EDU>

My neighbor, KB0WY, had a little problem with his 87A amp and had
it sent into E.T.O. for repair.....three months ago.  To make a
long story short, he got it back today.

There was a long letter from Dick Ehrhorn apologizing for the
delay.  He explained that E.T.O. has just finished restructuring
their management.  All of the Alpha service people have left.  One
of the designers of the 87A has been coming in evenings to work on

Also......June 21, was RAY HEATON's last day at E.T.O.

A true new thread begins.......

73, Glenn

Glenn R. Johnson, M.D.        email:      grjohnson at
Home:  218-243-2611           BBS:        WA0PUJ at K0LAL.#NCMN.MN.USA.NA
FAX:   218-243-2918           Cluster:    WA0PUJ at WA0PUJ (PacketCluster)
Work:  218-759-5000
                                            "Orthopedic Surgeons
WA0PUJ, VO2GJ, VP2EZ, VP5H, ZF2RT            get all the breaks!"


>From k8mr at (Jim Stahl)  Sat Jun 22 03:45:15 1996
From: k8mr at (Jim Stahl) (Jim Stahl)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 96 22:45:15 EDT
Subject: Countdown to FD
Message-ID: <5HLwPD2w165w at>

I just finished loading the non valuable stuff into the minivan for 
tomorrow's operating event.  WX looking good here in OH, warm but at 
least a chance to avoid the persistant rain of this spring.
WX maps look like thunderstorms not in the near vicinity in the 
forecasts, so hope to see some 160 meter activity:

  CW on the even hours,  SSB on the odd hours , especially at the top of 
the hours.

Good luck to all  -  CU from K8MR   1A  OH.

Jim   K8MR      k8mr at

Jim Stahl
InterNet: k8mr at
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency, BARF-80 +1 216/237-8208
"Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 14.4k-300 baud

>From jreid at (Jim Reid)  Sat Jun 22 05:20:59 1996
From: jreid at (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 18:20:59 -1000
Subject: Alpha - NEW thread......
Message-ID: < at>

>Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 18:19:30 -1000
>From: Jim Reid <jreid at>
>Subject: Re: Alpha - NEW thread......
>>All of the Alpha service people have left.  One
>>of the designers of the 87A has been coming in evenings to work on
>>Also......June 21, was RAY HEATON's last day at E.T.O.
>>A true new thread begins.......
>Oh my God!

>From n4xm at (Paul D. Schrader)  Sat Jun 22 05:23:00 1996
From: n4xm at (Paul D. Schrader) (Paul D. Schrader)
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 96 00:23 EDT
Subject: KV4AA (My only comment)
Message-ID: <m0uXKEW-000371C at>

I just had to comment on KV4AA.

My first KV4AA QSL card--dated 3/26/54.  I was W4BCV then.

1.8 MHZ CW.  Report was 579.

                        73 Paul N4XM

>From n5okr at (Greg Altig)  Sat Jun 22 07:34:24 1996
From: n5okr at (Greg Altig) (Greg Altig)
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996 02:34:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: ARRL 10M Results Correction
Message-ID: <199606220634.CAA08798 at>

>Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996 01:18:35 -0400 (EDT)
>X-Sender: n5okr at
>To: km9p at (Bill Fisher, KM9P)
>From: Greg Altig <n5okr at>
>Subject: Re: ARRL 10M Results Correction
>Cc: dx at
>Sender: owner-dx at
>Reply-To: Greg Altig <n5okr at>
>X-VE7TCP-Loop-Detector: dx Greg Altig <n5okr at>
>Geez, if I could only get the same type email from K8XR!
>73 de Greg (#2 Phone only, low power)
>At 07:36 PM 6/21/96 -0400, you wrote:
>>Please note that I WAS NOT low power in the ARRL 10M contest.  
>>This means AC1O/4 was #1 USA on low power for CW only class.
>>Sorry for the confusion if I was the source of it.
>> ---------------------------------------------
>>| Contesting Online... The ultimate           |
>>| source of ham radio contest information     |       
>>|                   |
>> --------------------------------------------- 
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