FD beverages (drinks)

N3ADL at aol.com N3ADL at aol.com
Tue Jun 25 19:56:32 EDT 1996

This could be REALLY serious...as I found out last year....

I am a Commercial Driving Instructor for the Government   ....I teach an 8
hour class each week and have students on a closed course teaching them the
finer arts of driving..( Rule 1..Any idiot can drive forward...Its backing
that seperates the men from the boys!) 
Last year I had a student for a tractor / trailer combination and this was
mid July..
Hotter than blazes and I had brought a can of Iced Tea out to the driving
range to sip as the day progressed....After several hours I was ready to take
the student out for a road test and went to take a sip from the tea before I
left. Knowing that bees love anything sweet I looked into the can....blew
into it...then looked again into the can...bringing the can to my lips I took
a nice swig and immediatly got stung twice...once on the tongue and once on
the gum...I made the sucker pay with his life as I bit him in half but little
did I know that he would ALMOST get even.... After about 3 minutes my tongue
began to swell and I was having trouble breathing...I told the boss to get me
to the hospital QUICK...In route I was in and out of it and knew I was in BIG
trouble...I was going into shock as the 4 nurses grabbed my 225 pound frame
and in one quick motion plopped me on a guerny... The lead nurse got my vital
signs while my boss informed the other of my plight. They immediately
injected a good dose of Epinephrine into one shoulder and a vast amount of
Diphenhydramine in the other.... Man what a snooze!! Knocked me right out for
more than two hours...When I awoke the lead nurse checked me over again and
told me I was lucky.....5 more minutes and I would have been a gonner......

The scary part is that I didn't KNOW I was allergic... I had never been stung

I now carry or have nearby a EpiPen Epinephrin auto injector and a supply of
Diphenhydramine ALL THE TIME...Just in case.... I also had my physician order
one for my work medicine cabinet....  This might have been a tragedy at field
day.... and one would hope that Field Day organizers would think about
medical emergencies during the planning stage of a clubs effort.....  

                                                       73 de Doug // N3ADL //

>From steven at zianet.com (Steven Nace KN5H)  Wed Jun 26 00:52:48 1996
From: steven at zianet.com (Steven Nace KN5H) (Steven Nace KN5H)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 17:52:48 -0600
Subject: W6UQF SK
Message-ID: <23524853101952 at zianet.com>

Hey Folks:

Think about taking a second to drop a card or note to Charlie's family.
Here's the address as it appears in one of the callsign databases.  

3745 LINDA VISTA DR                      

Seems Charlie was always in there pounding away, giving out points, calling
guys on all the bands. Guess his family wouldnt understand what that means.
They may understand some kind of correspondence.

de Hose  KN5H

>From syam at Glue.umd.edu (De Syam)  Wed Jun 26 01:35:24 1996
From: syam at Glue.umd.edu (De Syam) (De Syam)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 20:35:24 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: DC Tornado
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.960625201748.8569A-100000 at cappuccino.eng.umd.edu>

On Tue, 25 Jun 1996, Eric Rosenberg wrote:

> As it happens, the Washington DC area was subjected to a tornado yesterday
> afternoon.  It was quite a time -- totally black outside, very heavy rain,
> lots of lightning and trees down.  What a year it has been!
> Thanks again for all your comments and suggestions. 

The electric power just came back on after 26 straight hours of outage.  
In all my overseas postings in the "third world" (HI, HS, XV, HK, LU, YN) 
I never had undergone such a lengthy power outage.  (However, we had the 
telephone and the water supply the whole time  -- having lost the latter 
in the third world many times for extensive periods, I would say that 
it's better to be without power than without running water at least for a 
couple of days).

In the antenna department, my 18-element M-Squared two meter beam at 145 
feet is history.  The boom snapped in two.  The 3-el KLM 80 meter beam at 
140 feet rotated in its mountings 45 degrees but is otherwise OK.   
Thanks to Mike, KO7V, for getting over here on short notice, removing the 
damaged two meter beam, and tightening up all bolts and realigning 
antennas on that tower.

My 3-el 40 meter Telrex at 94 feet has a slightly bent reflector.  My 
9-el M-Squared 6-meter beam at 110 feet has a slightly bent boom.  All 
surviving antennas have been SWR checked and passed muster.  My AEA two 
meter vertical system has tilted a bit from the vertical but is still 

In the shack, everything is working except it looks like my dumb terminal 
for the packet finally bit the dust.  Maybe now I will have to hook 
packet up to the computer.  

Considering the wall of wind (the best I can describe it) that whooshed 
through here yesterday, I consider myself lucky.  Measured at 76 mph at 
the local Air Force Base 3 miles away.   (I know that's nothing for the 
likes of a W6QHS mountaintop, but down here in the valley this was a WIND).

Thank goodness it didn't happen during a major CONTEST.

                                          Very 73,

                                          Fred Laun, K3ZO

>From WB2JSJ at vbi.champlain.edu (Mitchell Stern)  Tue Jun 25 22:09:26 1996
From: WB2JSJ at vbi.champlain.edu (Mitchell Stern) (Mitchell Stern)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 21:09:26 -4-1
Subject: Heathkit Parts
Message-ID: <9606252104.41d08c9f.CCC at vbi.champlain.edu>

Does anyone know where one can get parts for Heathkit gear,
specifically the 6 -  125uF, 450v PS caps on the SB-200 amp.

I called Heath Educational Systems and they gave me the numbers
of two places in MI, Spectrum and Microsystems, who bought out
their parts stock.  Neither have kept the capacitors.

I figure there must be some Heathkit lover out there who has
stored away parts over the years. 

Please respond to wb2jsj at vbi.champlain.edu.
Thanks much!
73, Mitch, WB2JSJ

>From n5okr at erols.com (Greg Altig)  Wed Jun 26 02:40:56 1996
From: n5okr at erols.com (Greg Altig) (Greg Altig)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 21:40:56 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Results 10 Meter Contest
Message-ID: <199606260140.VAA26634 at smtp2.erols.com>

At 04:38 PM 6/23/96 -0400, you wrote:
>At the request of Jim Iori NU4Y I am sending the following:
>Jim Nu4y operated in the 1995 10 Meter contest with 1500 Watts Power not
>Low Power as indicated in the July 1996 QST.  The logs were supposed to
>be marked as High Power.  Sorry for any confusion caused.
>Jim NU4Y
>Forwarded via the Internet DX Mailing List.
>Submissions: dx at ve7tcp.ampr.org
>Subscribe/unsubscribe requests: dx-REQUEST at ve7tcp.ampr.org
>DX info on the Web: http://ve7tcp.ampr.org/DX/
Well, that's two #1s now out of the way.  Come on, K8XR....post that message
saying you made one contact on CW!  It would make my mother....er, mentor
W3LPL very proud!

73 de Greg
"If you can't porch with the big runs,
stay on the dog."

>From aa9ax at iglou.com (Steven Sample)  Wed Jun 26 02:56:11 1996
From: aa9ax at iglou.com (Steven Sample) (Steven Sample)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 21:56:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: WPX Logs Via INTERNET
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.93.960625215250.18892A-100000 at iglou>

On Sat, 1 Jun 1996, Jim Muller VK1FF wrote:

> Has anyone sent their 1996 WPX CW Log via Internet to N8BJQ at ERINET.COM
> and if so, have you received an email acknowledgement that your log
> had been received?    I sent my log entry about 3 hours after the
> contest finished and haven't heard anything yet.
> I ask the question for two reasons:
> - I've sent messages to N8BJQ at ERINET.COM before and never received
>   a reply.
> - I've received email acknowledgements the next day for other contests.
> In the past I figured I didn't get a response to my messages because 
> he didn't have the time to respond.   But now I'm a bit concerned
> their might be something wrong with the email delivery.
> I'm not trying to start any flames.....I'm only interested in 
> whether my log arrived ok - because if it didn't I'd send a 
> hardcopy via snail mail.
> 73, Jim Muller            Packet:   VK1FF at VK1KCM.ACT.AUS.AUNZ
> VK1FF/WB2FFY              Internet: VK1FF at contesting.com

I sent my WPX logs to Steve Monday nite and had a confirmation waiting
when I got home Tuesday evening.  Seems to be working O.K. from here.
Maybe you should shoot him a query in case they got way-laid!!!

Good luck and 73...

Steve (Slim) / AA9AX> 

>From edam015 at apolo.eafit.edu.co (Alejandro Angel Mejia)  Wed Jun 26 03:02:43 1996
From: edam015 at apolo.eafit.edu.co (Alejandro Angel Mejia) (Alejandro Angel Mejia)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 21:02:43 -0500
Subject: 10 Meters ARRL Contest
Message-ID: <31D09A43.201E at apolo.eafit.edu.co>

Hi OM's
Anybody know where in the Internet can i found the Results of 1995 ARRL 
Contest?? In the ARRL FTP Service is not yet that results...
Alex   HK4QIM
		|	  Alejandro Angel Mejia		|
		|		 HK4QIM		        |
		|	E-mail: hk4qim at amsat.org	|
		|  http://apolo.eafit.edu.co/~edam015   |
		|	  Phone: (574) 3312752		|
		|    P.O.BOX 60700 Medellín Colombia	|
		|					|

>From edam015 at apolo.eafit.edu.co (Alejandro Angel Mejia)  Wed Jun 26 03:06:14 1996
From: edam015 at apolo.eafit.edu.co (Alejandro Angel Mejia) (Alejandro Angel Mejia)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 21:06:14 -0500
Subject: 10 Meters ARRL Contest
References: <31D09A43.201E at apolo.eafit.edu.co>
Message-ID: <31D09B16.4B1 at apolo.eafit.edu.co>

Sorry the correct Mail is this:
Hi OM's
Anybody know where in the Internet can i found the Results of 1995 10 
Meters ARRL Contest?? In the ARRL FTP Service is not yet that results...
Alex   HK4QIM
                  |         Alejandro Angel Mejia         |
                  |                HK4QIM                 |
                  |       E-mail: hk4qim at amsat.org        |
                  |  http://apolo.eafit.edu.co/~edam015   |
                  |         Phone: (574) 3312752          |
                  |    P.O.BOX 60700 Medellín Colombia    |
                  |                                       |

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