Final WRTC Bitching.

KE6BER1 at KE6BER1 at
Fri Mar 15 00:03:44 EST 1996

I think it's hallerious (sp?) that we have the topic of "Re: Final WRTC
Bitching."  Let it go guys, it seems to have gone beyond the useful stage to
put on the reflector.  

Al, KE6BER/1, KE6BER1 at


You can't learn if you don't ask.

>From Bill Turner <wrt at>  Fri Mar 15 05:52:22 1996
From: Bill Turner <wrt at> (Bill Turner)
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 21:52:22 -0800
Subject: Poisson de Avril
Message-ID: <199603150552.VAA01800 at>

At 07:45 PM 3/12/96 +0400, Larry Eckenrode - KD2NT wrote:
>Working out details like station location, transceiver, antennas, etc 
>Now let's see, when was that contest????
>With plans like this, How can I not win??????
Oops, sorry Larry. The deadline has passed.  Better luck next time (poisson

73, Bill  W7LZP
wrt at

>From Bill Turner <wrt at>  Fri Mar 15 05:52:16 1996
From: Bill Turner <wrt at> (Bill Turner)
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 21:52:16 -0800
Subject: Poisson de Avril Warning
Message-ID: <199603150552.VAA01787 at>

At 03:54 PM 3/11/96 -0800, Jim Hollenback wrote:
>On Mar 11,  6:27pm, AA4NC at wrote:
>> Subject: Poisson de Avril Warning
>> Since the PDA contest is just around the corner, I just wanted to warn all
>> you guys before you spend big bucks on equipment and expedition expenses,
>> that it will be to no avail. I will win it all since I have just secured the
>> station of W4QRO for the contest. It will be in the category multioperator
>> (fully extended) as I will be assisted by Tater's very able bodied daughters
>> Lolita and Heidifleiss.
>To para-phrase Al,
>"I don't think so, Will"
>As we speak, the crane is installing the first of the finals now.
>The engineers at former Radio Moscow will start the check out
>phase Thursday.
>73, Jim, WA6SDM
>jholly at
Well guys, I certainly wish you luck, but the Bonneville Power
Administration has just finished installing the direct lines to my shack,
the neighborhood has been evacuated for 10 blocks in all directions and the
local fire and emergency services have been put on full alert.  That takes
care of the transceiver.  Now if I can just get that 30-inch water main
hooked up for cooling the amplifier, look out!

73, Bill  W7LZP
wrt at

>From ik0hbn at (Sante Lillo)  Fri Mar 15 06:52:36 1996
From: ik0hbn at (Sante Lillo) (Sante Lillo)
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 07:52:36 +0100
Subject: Pse E-mail addr. of ETO
Message-ID: <9603150652.AA17384 at>

I am looking for W4ETO address at ETO?
Did you know it? Pse let me know.
Direct mail, please.
73 de Sante

73 es DX de Sante

Localita' Saineta, 3
01030 Bassano in Teverina (VT) Italy
home telephone: +39 (0) 761-407543  (FAX on demand)
internet : ik0hbn at
packet adr: IK0HBN at I0INU.IUMB.ITA.EU
DX cluster : I0JBL-6

>From ik0hbn at (Sante Lillo)  Fri Mar 15 06:52:33 1996
From: ik0hbn at (Sante Lillo) (Sante Lillo)
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 07:52:33 +0100
Subject: ARRL DX CW LOG to who?
Message-ID: <9603150652.AA17380 at>

Thanks for reading this message.
I would like to send my log for ARRL DX CW contest via E-mail: is it possible?
If yes, at which e-mail address?
Thank you very much for your help.
73 de Sante
(QRV IN BARTG single op. - all band)

73 es DX de Sante

Localita' Saineta, 3
01030 Bassano in Teverina (VT) Italy
home telephone: +39 (0) 761-407543  (FAX on demand)
internet : ik0hbn at
packet adr: IK0HBN at I0INU.IUMB.ITA.EU
DX cluster : I0JBL-6

>From Douglas S. Zwiebel" <104141.2660 at  Thu Mar 14 17:42:24 1996
From: Douglas S. Zwiebel" <104141.2660 at (Douglas S. Zwiebel)
Date: 14 Mar 96 12:42:24 EST
Subject: 4CX5000 tube & socket happy in NJ
Message-ID: <960314174223_104141.2660_IHO78-1 at CompuServe.COM>

AA2U purchased the tube and socket.    ;-)
de Doug  KR2Q

>From Marijan Miletic <s56a at>  Fri Mar 15 15:18:32 1996
From: Marijan Miletic <s56a at> (Marijan Miletic)
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 96 10:18:32 EST
Subject: World Radio TC
Message-ID: <1484 at>

I am looking forward to WRTC-96 INTERNATIONAL meeting despite personal
complaints about the rules, local selection process etc.  Last years Dayton and
EU equivalent Friedrichshaffen are wonderful opportunities for exchanging views
with worldwide audience regardless of Internet!  San Francisco area is
certainly worth seeing and I am glad it will be the entry point for many first-
time USA visitors.  Keep a good work WRTC.INC & 73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.

>From Chuck Dietz <ke5fi at WT.NET>  Fri Mar 15 14:07:01 1996
From: Chuck Dietz <ke5fi at WT.NET> (Chuck Dietz)
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 06:07:01 -0800
Subject: DXpeditions Videographer/ham
References: <Pine.SOL.3.91.960314222028.17694A-100000 at Pegasus>
Message-ID: <31497985.7C5F at>

Charles H. Harpole wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am hereby making an advertisement for myself as YOUR videographer on
> your next DXpedition!

Nice try!

Chuck, KE5FI

>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at>  Fri Mar 15 12:14:28 1996
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 21:14:28 +0900
Subject: JIDX 95 Phone Claimed Score
Message-ID: <199603151214.VAA08646 at>

We are glad to announce "JIDX 95 Phone Claimed Score" is now 

You can get it to send an email to;
jidx-info at

with the following command in the body of the message.
#get jidx95ph.hcs

The final result will be completed by mid April.
If you have any query, please send me a mail directly

	JIDX contest committee chairman
	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
	Internet: je1cka at
	TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
	P O Box 22, Mitaka, Tokyo 181, Japan

>From Chuck Dietz <ke5fi at>  Fri Mar 15 14:20:59 1996
From: Chuck Dietz <ke5fi at> (Chuck Dietz)
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 06:20:59 -0800
Subject: Heil Boomset and ICOM
References: <199603150400.XAA26500 at>
Message-ID: <31497CCB.48A5 at>

David L. Thompson wrote:
> Another way you can increase the SSB talk power of the Heil (BM-10, HM-10 et
> al) with ICOM is to run the mic thru almost any of the DVK's.  Use the DVK

Nice idea, but my W9XT runs the mic audio directly through to the rig and 
the gain only allows you to equalize the DVK audio to mic audio.

I need a LOT more gain for the 775... I built an outboard audio amp, but 
RF is a problem on any band where the antenna is not flat and on any band 
where the wire antenna is too close to the shack. (This takes in all but 
10 meters!)

Chuck, KE5FI

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