contest logging

albraun at albraun at
Sat Mar 16 19:59:54 EST 1996

>if you really want his correct signal report maybe you can edit the 59 or 
>599 part of the log program. I've never tried this??? And probably wont.

In CT and NA, it is only possible to edit the signal report you get
from the other's done by using the <Tab> key to move into
that field.  CT will put you on the 1st 9 in 599 when you do that so
it can be changed.  I assume NA works the same, but I haven't used it
since version 7 so I can't speak to that question, and I don't know
about N6TR's program at all.

The guy who started this thread was asking how to record a less-than-
599 report HE sent.  To my knowledge there is no way to do that in 
either CT or NA...those programs both assume that the user is going 
to send 59(9) for all his reports.  Alt-N is the only way I know of;
and if you do that you have to manually edit all the log sheets that
get printed out at the end, which obviously is such an incredible 
pain that no one will want to bother.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Alan Braun MD, NS0B/V31EV *Internet: albraun at       *
* Jefferson City, MO        *Packet: NS0B at *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

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