new CONTEST site?

k7ss at k7ss at
Sat Mar 16 22:00:06 EST 1996

just met a friend here who had just been down south in the Cook Islands and
she said that
a new island has surfaced somewhere near Penryn Island.....anyone have any
news on this 
one?   could be a great new DX (CONTEST) QTH??


Dano, K7SS/KH6

>From Laura Ostrem <laurao at>  Sun Mar 17 08:06:06 1996
From: Laura Ostrem <laurao at> (Laura Ostrem)
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 1996 01:06:06 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Need expert help
Message-ID: <199603170806.BAA22559 at>

Hey guys,

I just recently logged into I-Net and this reflector, and I'm impressed with
the info I've been seeing.

This is my problem:

I have a 133 ft tower with a Cushcraft Log Periodic on top.  The tower is
electrically just a tad bit longer than a 5/8s wave on 80. The tower is
grounded and I've got 4 125 ft radials elevated at 10 ft' while I'm horsing
around with shunt feeding the tower on 160.  An 80 mtr delta loop fed with
twin line has it's apex at 130 ft, and loads on 40 and 80. I also have a
Tri-Ex 60ft crankup not installed, and 50ft of 25g not installed.  Space is
not limited, nor is feedline.

I like to dx and contest(I missed this year).

My request: Give me your opinion/ideas on expanding my antenna farm for
maximum efficiency, my only limitations are that aluminum antennas may be at
a premium.

I e-mailed John on4un and he suggested loading the tower on 160, and putting
up a 4 square for 80 hanging on the tower.

Get creative, especially with the wire.

                                Jay in Wyoming
                                laurao at                

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