QSL issues

D. R. Evans devans at lynx.colorado.edu
Mon Mar 18 15:18:11 EST 1996

On 12 Mar 96 at 11:13, LondonSM <n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com> wrote:

> > couldn't work them.  Our policy is to work 'em if they won't go away,
> > but of course there's no point in logging them.
> I follow this same policy for QSO's.  However, I am never nasty to these
> stations on-the-air.  Just remember this weekend's DX contest nuisance
> could be next weekend's SS QSO.  I would hate to have anyone not work me
> in SS because they remembered I was rude to them a few weekends earlier.

Steve just hates it when guest ops like me come along and log 

(...in the belief that the log should reflect what actually happened)

D.R. Evans NQ0I / G4AMJ : devans at lynx.colorado.edu
                          al019 at freenet.uchsc.edu

"Palindor Chronicles" information and extracts:

>From palooka at pyrotechnics.com (Joe Pontek, K8JP)  Tue Mar 19 15:08:22 1996
From: palooka at pyrotechnics.com (Joe Pontek, K8JP) (Joe Pontek, K8JP)
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 09:08:22 -0600
Subject: CAC recommends DXpeditions count for club scores
Message-ID: <199603191508.JAA13809 at kiwi.pyrotechnics.com>

>A note of reality here gentleman.  Does it ever occur to anyone that
>permitting DXpeditions to count towards club scores (as the CQ WW has
>done for as long as I can remember) will generate more expeditions and
>thus make the contest more enjoyable for everyone?
>Just to let people know that there isn't a conspiracy of elites behind
>everything ...
>   -- Pat
>      WA8YVR

This discussion has been going on for sometime. During the discussions, I 
had not seen any comments regarding the exclussion of the Local club class. 
It does have some merit and might well be discussed. The ARRL contests have 
three club clasifications, whereas the CQ contest have one over-all club 
group. Let this run for a year or two and see if it skews the local club 
standings very much. All-in-all, this looks like it will promote more 
Contest DXpeditions supported/sponsered by clubs and we all win.

73, K8Joe"Palooka"
palooka at pyrotechnics.com

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