Matching 160 meter Inv. L antenna

Hamforever at Hamforever at
Sun Mar 31 10:08:59 EST 1996

Did anyone retain the long summary about matching inverted L antennae on 160
meters?  I seem to have deleted it and Steve, AA3JI, is very interested.

For the record, my inverted L is about 150 ft. long with half vertical.  I
use it on both 160 and 80 meter cw.  The matching for 160 is a series coil
(about 275 picofarad) and the matching for the 80 meter band is a tapped coil
which makes the electrical length about 3/4 wave.  My radials consist of 1000
ft. of buried wire at various lengths (didn't want to disturb my neighbor's
yard) and whatever else I could attach to like eight ground rods and a cox
fence.  It is very competitive on 80 meter cw,  and good on 160 but my
receiving noise is the limitation there.

Thanks for reading this.  Hope you can help Steve, AA3JI
(aa3ji at

73 de John, WA5TWL
hamforever at

>From AD1C at (Jim Reisert AD1C)  Sun Mar 31 16:18:57 1996
From: AD1C at (Jim Reisert AD1C) (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 96 11:18:57 EST
Subject: TO5T
Message-ID: <199603311620.LAA02888 at>

TO callsigns are NEVER mainland France, they are the overseas territories. 
Unfortunately, there are no strict rules on exactly which overseas
territory.  For example, TO5M has been used both in Martinique and St.
Pierre et Miquelon (FP).

TO5T was in Martinique.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert <AD1C at>

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