Fwd: Bulkhead Construction
BK1ZX70SFL at aol.com
BK1ZX70SFL at aol.com
Fri May 3 00:05:20 EDT 1996
Walt....you're kidding, right....at less than a month away what you need I
guarantee will be at the Flea Market of the Dayton Hamvention.
Forwarded message:
From: k2wk at crystal.palace.net (Walt Kornienko)
Sender: owner-cq-contest at tgv.com
Reply-to: k2wk at crystal.palace.net (Walt Kornienko)
To: cq-contest at tgv.com (contest reflector)
Date: 96-05-02 16:01:50 EDT
I'm in the process of making my station conform to the current
National Elecrical Code (NEC). One of the requirements is to
have ALL conductors entering/exiting the equipment room (shack)
pass thru a properly grounded bulkhead panel.
I have two pieces of copper plate fabricated with 9 x 5/8" holes
for common coaxial bulkhead connectors (UG-363). I have the
neccessary bulkhead connectors but have not been able to locate
circular 8 pin connectors of similar, but not necessarily the
same, diameter for rotator or control signal applications.
Does anyone know where I can find suitable circular (or square)
bulkhead connectors for rotator or remote switch control cables.
I need several for typical 8 wire rotator cable and several 5 wire
(TIC ring, Yaesu) control cable. 8-pin mike connectors won't handle
the current for a 300' run of cable. Most rotator cables for long runs
typically have a pair of 16 ga wires, or larger, for the motor and
18-24 ga for the indicator mechanism. Any other suggestions as to
how to provide adequate lightening protection for control cables would
also be appreciated.
* *
* 73 de Walt Kornienko - K2WK (FRC) *
* *
* k2wk at crystal.palace.net or K2WK at N2ERH.NJ.NOAM *
* Snail: 52 Sunset Inn Rd Lafayette, NJ 07848 *
* 201-579-1966 (machine) or 201-579-3660 (shack) *
* *
>From Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com Thu May 2 03:03:52 1996
From: Fred Hopengarten" <k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com (Fred Hopengarten)
Date: Wed, 01 May 1996 22:03:52 EDT
Subject: DVP Boards
Message-ID: <3188180a.k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com>
On Wed, 1 May 1996 14:55:47 +-100, "Brian K. Short"
<ke7gh at PrimeNet.Com> wrote:
> I previously mentioned the availability of 2 DVP boards.
> Well I
> have forwarded mail to him and I have no idea if he closed
> a deal or not...wish I had 50 of 'em!
> For further DVP board availability information, contact:
> Ron Peters repeters at ix.netcom.com (602)271-7520w 948-4917h
K1VR: Krassi Petkov N1??? (damn, I forget his call) (a
former LZ1KDP operator, and a very smart mechanical
engineer) has bought the rights to manufacture and sell the
K1EA DVP. He'll be at Dayton selling them from a booth,
probably in the company of Matt Strelow KC1XX. If you don't
know Krassi, you haven't met a human dynamo yet. In ARRL DX
Phone at KY1H, he operated 20 meters and had the highest 20
meter score of any multi-multi.
Fred Hopengarten K1VR
Six Willarch Road * Lincoln, MA 01773-5105
home + office telephone: 617/259-0088 (FAX on demand)
internet: k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com
"Big antennas, high in the sky, are better
than small ones, low."
>From Stan Stockton <stans at taurus.oursc.k12.ar.us> Fri May 3 04:35:28 1996
From: Stan Stockton <stans at taurus.oursc.k12.ar.us> (Stan Stockton)
Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 22:35:28 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: 3/4" CATV line, and that pesky center connector
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960502221332.26064B-100000 at taurus.oursc.k12.ar.us>
I think there is a better solution for the 3/4 inch hardline connector- a
combination of the best portions of AA1K and KG4W suggestions. It
involves using a 3/4 inch to 1/2 inch copper pipe reducer (which will
thread onto the 3/4 inch hardline) and a double female connector.
One of the retaining rings from the double female (be sure to buy the good
ones which have retaining rings) is removed so the guts will come out.
The barrel is then inserted into the copper fitting and soldered using a
torch. The guts are replaced and the end of the 3/4 inch hardline is
prepared so the center conductor will go into the double female when the
fitting is threaded onto the jacket. Use some NOALOX or similar stuff on
the threads and center conductor. I've used them for 15 years with no
problems. They are VERY easy to make and look quite professional.
Stan, K5GO
>From n3rr at cais.cais.com (Bill Hider) Fri May 3 04:46:49 1996
From: n3rr at cais.cais.com (Bill Hider) (Bill Hider)
Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 23:46:49 -0400
Subject: Bulkhead Construction
Message-ID: <199605030346.XAA26186 at cais.cais.com>
I use PolyPhaser 8-conductor lightning protectors (MOVs) at a NEMA box at
the base of each tower. That takes the high voltage lightning off the
cables at the towers and then they run underground to a vertical riser to
another NEMA box at the house. From there they go directly into the shack.
You could put another MOV arrangement at the NEMA box at the house, but
that's probably not necessary.
I use this same protection scheme for the 12V control cables controlling the
relays on the Force12 80M Dipole.
I also MOV protect the early ring rotors I installed with MOVs at the
rotors themselves. Later installations I did not go this far.
See u at Dayton!
At 04:04 PM 5/2/96 -0400, Walt Kornienko wrote:
>I'm in the process of making my station conform to the current
>National Elecrical Code (NEC). One of the requirements is to
>have ALL conductors entering/exiting the equipment room (shack)
>pass thru a properly grounded bulkhead panel.
>I have two pieces of copper plate fabricated with 9 x 5/8" holes
>for common coaxial bulkhead connectors (UG-363). I have the
>neccessary bulkhead connectors but have not been able to locate
>circular 8 pin connectors of similar, but not necessarily the
>same, diameter for rotator or control signal applications.
>Does anyone know where I can find suitable circular (or square)
>bulkhead connectors for rotator or remote switch control cables.
>I need several for typical 8 wire rotator cable and several 5 wire
>(TIC ring, Yaesu) control cable. 8-pin mike connectors won't handle
>the current for a 300' run of cable. Most rotator cables for long runs
>typically have a pair of 16 ga wires, or larger, for the motor and
>18-24 ga for the indicator mechanism. Any other suggestions as to
>how to provide adequate lightening protection for control cables would
>also be appreciated.
>* *
>* 73 de Walt Kornienko - K2WK (FRC) *
>* *
>* k2wk at crystal.palace.net or K2WK at N2ERH.NJ.NOAM *
>* Snail: 52 Sunset Inn Rd Lafayette, NJ 07848 *
>* 201-579-1966 (machine) or 201-579-3660 (shack) *
>* *
>From Eugene Walsh <0004504465 at mcimail.com> Fri May 3 05:21:00 1996
From: Eugene Walsh <0004504465 at mcimail.com> (Eugene Walsh)
Date: Thu, 2 May 96 23:21 EST
Subject: Pardonez Mois, Cher Ami!
Message-ID: <01960503042110/0004504465DC4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
If I may be so bold, we do need a truth in hyperbole law.
As received earlier today:
Date: Thu May 02, 1996 10:10 pm EST
From: Fred Hopengarten
EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414
MBX: k1vr at k1vr.jjm.com
Subject: Re: DVP Boards
K1VR: Krassi Petkov N1??? (damn, I forget his call) (a
former LZ1KDP operator, and a very smart mechanical
engineer) has bought the rights to manufacture and sell the
K1EA DVP. He'll be at Dayton selling them from a booth,
probably in the company of Matt Strelow KC1XX. If you don't
*know Krassi, you haven't met a human dynamo yet. In ARRL *
* DX Phone at KY1H, he operated 20 meters and had the *
*highest 20 meter score of any multi-multi. *
Fred Hopengarten K1VR
"Big Antennas etc. etc.
W3LPL 144/63 741/100 574/ 99 1814/137 363/100 78/18 5,700,000
N2RM 126/54 590/ 95 485/ 91 1810/138 394/ 98 65/13 5,070,000
K1RX 80/46 452/ 82 329/ 86 1750/133 293/ 92 58/14 4,021,281
N3RS 76/48 366/ 81 530/ 91 1298/131 368/ 95 71/14 3,732,900
N2NT 90/50 391/ 85 343/ 80 1312/126 234/ 80 52/13 3,149,000
KY1H 67/45 289/ 78 272/ 72 1202/120 213/ 73 45/14 2,509,686
KY3N 83/48 429/ 87 272/ 74 740/113 271/ 83 41/10 2,280,840
>From Scott Detloff <ni8l at imperium.net> Fri May 3 11:58:31 1996
From: Scott Detloff <ni8l at imperium.net> (Scott Detloff)
Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 06:58:31 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Elevated cable runs
Message-ID: <199605031058.GAA23115 at rex.imperium.net>
I'm getting ready to start running cables from my two towers. They are located
170' and 310' away from the house, and the plan is to use 8' 4X4's buried
2' and spaced every 10'. A "U" shaped bracket will hold a 1/4" guy wire on each
4X4, and the the cable runs attached to the guy wire. There will be atleast
five 3/4"
CATV, and 6 control line/ rotator cables coming from each tower. Any
on your installation, or installations that you have seen would be greatly
for tips.
>From jboyd at ctobbs.com (Jerry Boyd) Thu May 2 14:56:11 1996
From: jboyd at ctobbs.com (Jerry Boyd) (Jerry Boyd)
Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 13:56:11 GMT
Subject: Contest Station Antennas
Message-ID: <96050306241437046 at ctobbs.com>
To all who responded to my query re antennas vis a vis close by
mountains, thanks. Did what I should have done in the first
place--tracked down some software to answer this and other questions.
>From mwdink at eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman) Fri May 3 14:34:42 1996
From: mwdink at eskimo.com (Michael Dinkelman) (Michael Dinkelman)
Date: Fri, 03 May 1996 06:34:42 -0700
Subject: Burying the mike
Message-ID: <199605031338.GAA03414 at mail.eskimo.com>
What's a microphone?
CW and Contests..... fooooorrrrreeeeevvvvveeeeerrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael Dinkelman
Kent, WA
mwdink at eskimo.com
>From Dale L. Martin" <kg5u at hal-pc.org Fri May 3 15:42:07 1996
From: Dale L. Martin" <kg5u at hal-pc.org (Dale L. Martin)
Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 08:42:07 -0600
Subject: Texas QSO Party County Runners
Message-ID: <199605031342.IAA08104 at hal-pc.org>
Here's the list of Texas County Runners as I know them
to date (Friday morning, May 3).
KG5U - Dale Says he will do:
N5RZ - Ralph (aka Gator) Says:
I haven't looked real close at the map, but I'm
planning on about 50 counties this weekend. All
CW 20M daytime & 40M nite. Will be going North
from Midland Sat Morn hopefully to the Top of the
panhandle & back by Sunday Afternoon.
KN5H - Steve (aka Hose) Says:
He will do some of West Texas.
K5NA - Richard (aka Richard) Says:
He will try to do some counties around San Antonio,
this weekend.
N5RP - Robert (aka Bob) Says:
He will try to do some counties around Houston,
this weekend.
KI3L, AB5TV, WB5N - Don, Madison, Dave
They will do East Texas Counties, this weekend.
Look for all of us.
Work all of us.
Many times (in different counties, of course).
Dale Martin, KG5U
Houston, Texas
>From Dale L. Martin" <kg5u at hal-pc.org Fri May 3 15:43:56 1996
From: Dale L. Martin" <kg5u at hal-pc.org (Dale L. Martin)
Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 08:43:56 -0600
Subject: Texas QSO Party Rules
Message-ID: <199605031343.IAA08233 at hal-pc.org>
(just a reminder--excuse the bandwidth useage)
Dale Martin, KG5U
Houston, Texas
>From Dale L. Martin" <kg5u at hal-pc.org Fri May 3 15:45:15 1996
From: Dale L. Martin" <kg5u at hal-pc.org (Dale L. Martin)
Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 08:45:15 -0600
Subject: Texas QSO Party Rules, part II
Message-ID: <199605031345.IAA08314 at hal-pc.org>
(One of these days, I will figure how this works. Excuse me, again)
Contest: TEXAS QSO Party
Date: May 4-5 1996
Time: 04/1400Z-05/2200Z
Single op, Multi-single and Texas Armadillo Expedition
Mixed Mode Only
Send QSO# and Texas County or State/Canadian Province
Texas stations work everyone. Others work Texas only.
Only one transmitted signal at a time. CW QSOS must be made in CW
subbands, except on 160. Work stations once per band/mode for QSO
points, work Texas Armadillo stations again on same band or mode as
they change counties for multiplier credit only. Mults count only
once regardless of band or mode.
CW - 1.805 and 40 khz up
Phone - 1.850, 3.850, 7.230, 14.250, 21.300, 28.450.
Score 2 pts/QSO on phone and 3 pts/QSO on CW. Final score is QSO
points x Texas Counties (max 254). Texas stations multiply by
states, Canadian Provinces and Texas Counties. DX counts for QSO
points only.
Texas Wine Baskets and plaques to top class finishers.
Special awards to Texas Clubs with most logs submitted.
Special awards to multi-single and Texas Armadillo Expedition with the
most Novice/Tech operators( list them with a /T or /N in your list of
operators on summary sheet).
Work 50 or more Texas Counties for Special Commemorative Cap.
Work all 254 Texas Counties for free air fare to the 1996 Houston Ham
Send logs and summary sheet via mail, disk or E-mail within 30 days.
Texas DX Society POB 540291 Houston, Texas 77254
E-mail: KB5YVT at AOL.COM
Results will be posted on the Internet Contest Reflector or sent with
a SASE or via E-mail.
Dale Martin, KG5U
Houston, Texas
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