What's happng with CT 9.26?

py2ny at SP-gw.ampr.org py2ny at SP-gw.ampr.org
Sun May 5 16:00:57 EDT 1996

Hi friends.
Two questions about CT 9.26
1.  I'm  having  problems  with  command WRITELOG. All time that is used I have
message like GENERAL PROTECTED FAILURE and after it, I'm again on DOS prompt. I
remember  for  all of you that I bought program directly from K1EA staff. I can
see  that  the  problem  occurs  when  files from the bands, like CQ96CW.10, or
IARU96.20 will be write. What's ur opinion?
2.  When  the  logs  are  ok to print, I can see with DOS editor that bands are
displayed  in  two diferents ways: two digits (40, 20, 15, 10), or MHz (21.000,
7.150, 28.000). How I can to do all similar?

Thanks for all and 73  -   PY2NY  (PW2N in contests...)    Vitor

>From hremijn <hremijn at zeelandnet.nl>  Mon May  6 09:28:53 1996
From: hremijn <hremijn at zeelandnet.nl> (hremijn)
Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 08:28:53 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: What's happng with CT 9.26?
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960506082700.5919B-100000 at pa3eob.ampr.org>

I had the same problem with the gereal protection feature when I loaded 
the comtsr's in high memory. When using low memory no problem.

Henk Remijn	PA3EOB 		System engineer at
E-mail: hremijn at zeelandnet.nl	Cargill Milling
        pa3eob at pi8goe.ampr.org	Bergen op Zoom
        Henk_Remijn at cargill.com	The Netherlands

On Sun, 5 May 1996 py2ny at sp-gw.py2bjo.ampr.org wrote:

> Hi friends.
> Two questions about CT 9.26
> 1.  I'm  having  problems  with  command WRITELOG. All time that is used I have
> message like GENERAL PROTECTED FAILURE and after it, I'm again on DOS prompt. I
> remember  for  all of you that I bought program directly from K1EA staff. I can
> see  that  the  problem  occurs  when  files from the bands, like CQ96CW.10, or
> IARU96.20 will be write. What's ur opinion?
> 2.  When  the  logs  are  ok to print, I can see with DOS editor that bands are
> displayed  in  two diferents ways: two digits (40, 20, 15, 10), or MHz (21.000,
> 7.150, 28.000). How I can to do all similar?
> Thanks for all and 73  -   PY2NY  (PW2N in contests...)    Vitor

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